Where have my sweet sleepers gone?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kellytwinmom, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    I recently switched the girls to whole milk. I saw that they were crabby 24/7, had horrible smelling diapers that were whitish/with diarrhea and not their usual selves and switched them to Lactaid. So far we have seen a lot of improvement.


    My girls USE to go down for naps perfectly. They would go down for the night around 630 and wait for us in the morning until 615 (no crying just talking). Now, they are not going down for the morning nap. Also, one will cry and cry for her naps. I went in and rocked her a little, she fell right asleep and then wakes up the second I put her in her crib (I have never rocked to sleep so this is all new to her). Now, at 530 in the morning she is screaming her head off ready for the day. Where have my sweet babies gone?

    They are eating great, drinking lots of milk out of their sippy so I can't figure out what the heck is going on.

    If this is how it is going to be I would rather have my bottle/ff babies back. Or does this have nothing to do with that and they are trying to drop the morning nap??
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls had sleep disruption around the same age. I was convinced they needed to go to one nap and gave it a shot. It was horrible. We were experiencing the same early wakenings, and horrible naps. But, I stuck with their schedule and things fell back into place.

    I have set times that I go in their room. If I normally get them at 6:30 and they are waking at 6, I leave them in there until 6:30. Right now it's 7:00. So on the rare occasion they are up before that time, I wait until then to get them. Unless, of course, they are completely flipping out. But I started this a very long time ago and they got used to entertaining themselves.
  3. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Experiencing the same thing here! Nothing has changed diet wise but naps are becoming a battle. I do rock mine and it only takes 5 mins or so and they go down very well. But not now - they are fighting and crying and naps are all over the place! We are moving house on Sat so have decided to wait until we are settled a bit and then basically if it hasn't improved just cio - which I was going to do anyway to get rid of the rocking. So by the sounds of it it could be an age thing! I took them a walk this morning for their first nap after 15 mins of battling and they fell asleep beautifully! So I am going to keep to the routine as there is no way they are ready to drop to one nap yet. f
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Yep! That's when the crap hit the fan over here.

    Mine were doing 6:00 pm to 6:30 or 7:00 am and BAM.. done w/ that!

    Ended up moving bedtime back to 7pm and they are STILL getting up at like 5:30 am!

    We DID move to one nap which is fine and they sleep for like 2 or 3 hours. I swear, it's like at one yr of age they know they WANT less sleep!

    I seriously went through the same thing!

    I put mine on one nap at that age and put them down at like 10:30 am to begin with and have been SLOWLY pushing it back.

    Also, for the milk: you can try rice milk and almond milk. Those are pretty good!! And soy, of course:)
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I have been dealing with the same problem. I also thought it was a milk problem, but for me, I was wrong. We dropped to one nap at 1 year. They would wake at 7:00 and I would put them down at 10:00 & 2:30. The a.m. nap, Josh would talk the entire time, then the reverse would happen in the afternoon. I now put them down at 11:30 and they sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours.

    Josh has been driving me crazy with the early rising. It's gotten better this past week, but he was waking at 5:00 crying. I tried letting him cio, but that did not work. It took almost two months for him to get back to sleeping until 6:30. I was putting them to bed at 6:00 when they went to one nap; before it was 7:00. Just last night I moved it back to 6:30 and he woke today at 6:45. :woohoo:

    I don't know how your girls are milestone wise. Josh just started to crawl on his 1st birthday. I think for him, the early rising had a lot to do with him learning to crawl and stand. When I would go in there in the morning, he'd be trying to crawl and he would get frustrated. Now he's mastered how to pull himself up in the crib and put himself down.

    When I first tried the one nap, I kept them up until 11:00 instead of 10:00. They both went right to sleep. Josh did not have a problem, but for Jake, it took him about 2 weeks to adjust. By 4:00 he was VERY crabby. Also with the drop of the afternoon nap, I pushed their bedtime up by an hour, but like I said earlier, I just started to push it back again.

    The average 1 year old needs 14 hours of sleep per day.
  6. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    I just don't see how they can go to one nap.

    J woke up at 530 again but we let her CIO (it wasn't screaming, just an annoying off and on again cry).

    I put them down at 830 and A slept until 11 (and I woke her up!) and J slept until 10. I'll take it 1.5 hour nap. BUT by 12 she was crabby,rubbing her eyes. I put them down at 1230ish and although we had a some guys come and install a new stove top (which they JUST had to come and talk louder then anything) they went down without crying but the guys woke them up.

    The weird thing is I think I have to wait in the morning until they start to rub their eyes even if that means its 5 or 10 minutes past what their normal nap time is as opposed to just putting them down at a certain time everyday. Also I think J is in a "give me an inch Im going to take 2" stage right now really pushing the limits with what she can get away with.

    So, I think I have a couple of problems here.

    1. A is taking too long of a morning nap.
    2. J is nuts
    3. I like my sleep
    4. J could care less about that extra 45 sweet sweet sleeping moments in the morning.
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