Where have my sweet, happy babies gone?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2 for Lola, May 18, 2007.

  1. 2 for Lola

    2 for Lola Well-Known Member

    We just got through a few days of battling the flu...so I chalk a lot of the fussiness up to that, but oh my gosh! They are better now (appetites are back, no more vomiting/diarrhea) but in the place of my very content and happy one year olds are these miserable, cranky babies that there's no making happy. It's not the same as the occasional "off" day or teething fussiness. It's been this insane day in and day out of crankiness. We're at our wits end really. Nothing we do makes them happy. Could this be some sort of phase? I feel so bad for them because they normally are so happy go lucky. Anyone experience this before?
  2. 2 for Lola

    2 for Lola Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2 for Lola @ May 19 2007, 05:51 AM) [snapback]261232[/snapback]
    We just got through a few days of battling the flu...so I chalk a lot of the fussiness up to that, but oh my gosh! They are better now (appetites are back, no more vomiting/diarrhea) but in the place of my very content and happy one year olds are these miserable, cranky babies that there's no making happy. It's not the same as the occasional "off" day or teething fussiness. It's been this insane day in and day out of crankiness. We're at our wits end really. Nothing we do makes them happy. Could this be some sort of phase? I feel so bad for them because they normally are so happy go lucky. Anyone experience this before?

    Mods can you move this to the 1-5 board... I accidently posted in the wrong place! :blush:
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I remember with my older kids, going through a phase right after they turned one, lots of whining! Hope it gets better for you!
  4. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I have to say that we do have those very off days. I'm sure who is more off, me or them. but by mid-day everyone is out of sorts. if it starts at the beginning of the day, it helps to sit down with them and say something like this:
    "No more crabbies. When you sound like this, *nanananwahwahwah* it makes mommy sad and crabby. Mommy wants to be happy. Please try to find a happy heart and put on a happy face." Then when one of them whines, they get a chance to re-phrase their request in a happy voice. Otherwise, it's time out. We do alot of practicing on how to sound happy.

    Now, my observation of the causes of excessive whiney-ness. Sometimes they just need more direction on what to play with, or they need more mommy time - like cuddling while watching an educational video. Or we need to do chores together. Or they are hungry and need a snack that we normally would not have at that time. Or they need a change of scenery -- been at home for too long -- they need to go to town. Or we need to do a craft, etc.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my son has been like this today - he's inconsolable - he's eaten, pooped, had tylenol and orajel and NOTHING is working...he's working on either allergies or a cold (runny nose but no congestion) and I'm out of my mind...DH and I are taking turns taking him out! I've been to Sam's Club already and DH has him out for a walk now!
  6. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    I also want my happy babies back. They have been taking turns being extremely cranky almost every day. I know how sweet they can be and want them to be that way again. I try to keep them entertained, change the scenery, feed them, doctor them, etc., but nothing seems to work. I am hoping it is a phase that they will outgrow quickly. I love my baby girls and want them to be happy. It breaks my heart when I am not able to calm them, no matter what.
  7. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We were hit with the same issue just before the boys hit 14 months. They are actually perfectly fine if we are out and about...so I know they aren't sick. They scream/whine/cry the whole time we're at home unless they are eating, sleeping, or watching a Signing Time DVD.

    I don't know if it's:
    teething (6 at once),
    new milestones (walking),
    seperation anxiety (they scream any time they're set down),
    or sheer boredom of the same 4 walls (and the same old toys)

    We started going on a morning jog b/c I just couldn't take it....it solves the problem momentarily, and gives me 30 minutes to decompress
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