Where do you store the carseats?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by RondaJo, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    I am getting so sick of the girls' carseats. I know they will soon be out of the infant carriers. But I was wondering what everyone does with theirs. Right now ours are sitting under the window but somehow they still seem to be in the way.

    What do you do with your infant carseats when your babies aren't in them?

    *I should add. The girls' bedroom isn't really a bedroom. Their crib is right in dinning room (which we actually use as the computer room). The dinning room is attached to the living room so they are right in the living area. So putting their carseats in their "room" still puts them in the way.
  2. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I trip over them, swear at them, and then finally shove them in the basement. Then I curse because they're in the basement when I need them instead of by the door.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(RondaJo @ Jul 19 2007, 12:35 PM) [snapback]337680[/snapback]
    I am getting so sick of the girls' carseats. I know they will soon be out of the infant carriers. But I was wondering what everyone does with theirs. Right now ours are sitting under the window but somehow they still seem to be in the way.

    What do you do with your infant carseats when your babies aren't in them?

    Stacked in the front hall or the den. Its a pain because its one more thing cluttering my house, but its better than the alternative- leaving them in the car. Its hard enough strapping squirmy girls in them when the seat is on a flat floor inside the house... its nearly impossible when they are in the car!!! -Leighann
  4. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Yeah, when my girls were in the infant carriers, that was a problem too. I just kept them in the corner of the living room. I work outside the home so we used them daily and it just didn't make sense for me to try and find a proper storage place.
  5. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    I try to get out for a walk everyday so they are right by the door. It took some rearranging to make them fit and man will I be glad when they finally go (but like I'm really looking foward to the next step where I have to carry each of them down the flight of stairs to the truck individually to strap them in).

    If I go a couple days without taking them out of the house they end up on the steps to our second story kindof hidden by the coat rack (also right by the front door) and they 'catch' all the stuff I should take upstairs to the nursery :) They are great for temporary storage!!
  6. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    i set them in their room and hate it because their room is not that big. We manage though. ;)
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I left them sitting wherever... it was definitely a pain... they were always in the way, LOL
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Ronda, can you slide them under the crib?
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I always had them right near the front door. We were out almost daily when they were younger so it didn't bother me that they were an added clutter. Eventually I just recognized them as part of the decor. LOL!!
  10. stacyw

    stacyw Well-Known Member

    I stack them on top of each other in a closet.
  11. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    In the hallway to trip over or in the "junk room" when I'm "cleaning".
  12. luxlady

    luxlady Active Member

    We have an entry table right in the little hall by the door and they both fit perfectly underneat it. They are still there to look at all the time but at least they are out of the way.
  13. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    we stored ours in the living room next to the book case, but the girls had their own rooms. i also threw them in the garages sometimes. I also stacked them and put under the piano.
  14. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Ours are mostly stacked in the dining room so I don't have to look at them all the time (we rarely use it now, but once they are big enough to sit at the table we will because our kitchen table, which we just bought a new granit top for before I got preggo w/the twins, only seats four :angry: )
  15. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I stuffed mine in a space behind my couch until about a month ago. Now I just leave the carriers in my van. They really are a pain when you have twins, they take up soooo much space and are always under foot!
  16. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    Car seats, boppies, rockers, moses baskets . . . my house looks like Babies R Us threw up in it :wacko:

    We have the two car seats we use, AND the two extra ones that the hospital gives to every new mom. That's FOUR car seats . . . the ones we actually use we keep downstairs in the family room. it's close to the door and sometimes the babies just like to sit in them, even when we're not going anywhere. The other two are upstairs in the office - the babies sometimes end up in those in the middle of the night. i have no clue why, but when they are fussy, putting them in those seats calms them right down, so it's handy (though admittedly messy) to have a set on each floor of the house.
  17. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    we used to shove them in a corner of the living room...
  18. eandelander

    eandelander Well-Known Member

    We slide ours underneath one of the cribs..... I have blankets stacked underneath the other in one othe under bed rubbermade things.... great use of that space and they are out of the way
  19. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We put them on the couch in the living room. Now it's the playroom, but then it was a staging area for all of the junk that we used - playgym, exersaucers, jumperoo, etc. The seats were up high enough on the couch that it was easy to load them into and get them out of. We never used the living room anyway. I was SO glad when it came time to switch to convertible seats and we could put them in the basement!
  20. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    i leave them snapped in the car whenever possible. When I do bring them inside, i snap them into the stroller. I figure that's taking up enough space as it is, I might as well take advantage of it.
  21. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    I stack mine in front of a tv stand that I want to keep them away from. I'm not sure what we will use to block it when they out grow these seats.
  22. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Ours stayed out for the most part, because they went to daycare every day. It just wasn't worth putting them away for the night. But we put them away for the weekends (since we almost never went anywhere in the car), on the top shelf in their closet. They have a nice huge closet with deep shelves.

    When the babies were really tiny, we also liked having them out because sometimes a baby would sleep in them (if the bouncy seat wasn't doing the trick -- we would put one in the carseat and rock her with one foot).
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