Where do you put them outside?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TeeandGee, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Now that the nice weather is here I want to do some stuff outside (i.e. raking, chilling on the deck etc). Where do you put your little ones? Yesterday afternoon we lugged both bouncy chairs out and put them in those but that is a pain if I am on my own. My neighbour suggested the exersaucers but that is even more of a pain in the neck. I imagine when it gets much warmer I will lay them out on a blanket but when they start crawling I won't be able to get any work done (or won't be able to relax)! ;)

    Any ideas on some outdoor equipment that keeps them buckled in, out of harms way AND entertained?

    Thanks! :)
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Today I brought their packnplay outside. I thought it might be too big to get through the door but it fit easily. I through a bunch of toys in there. So nice to be outside!!!! B)
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Mine were content in the stroller until they started to crawl. Now we have to lug the big playyard out and put a blanket underneath to avoid the "grazing" that they like to do!
  4. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    We have a Pack-n-Play Sport. It is octagon-shaped and it also has a cover and soft bottom. We got it at Big Lots for pretty cheap.
  5. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    Good question I am wondering the same thing. Sorry no suggestion here!
  6. jennjenn770

    jennjenn770 Well-Known Member

    What about a Superyard? It is a plastic gate that has six panels that form a hexagon shape. You can also buy extensions to add to it to make it bigger. They sell them at Walmart and Babies-r-Us.
  7. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    I used the playpen until they got too big for it. Now we use the Superyard with foam mats underneath (unfortunately they are on cement right now as we are putting in grass) but once the grass is in I think a blanket will do just as well.
  8. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    We have a swing set for my older daughter. I just bought this double swing. The kids sit facing each other. It kind of looks like a plastic boat with holes in the bottom for feet. I just give them a push every now and then. They love it and one even falls asleep in it.

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