Where do they get this stuff?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Leighann, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Its been awhile since we had one of these threads :)

    Over the weekend the girls started saying something and DH and I have NO idea where they got it. We were at Target and they were in separate carts. DH walked away with A for a moment and then came back and M said to her "Hey my love!" And A said it back to her! And they've been saying it to us whenever we come into a room ever since. And what cracks us up is they say it with a slightly british accent!!!

    So what are your kiddos saying that has you stumped?
  2. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    The other day dd decided she wanted to pray for more snow.......and I about fell over when she said, "Um, Hey You! Can I have some more snow please??"
  3. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    I know right where they got my current favorite, but it still cracks me up. My mom babysat last week and taught the boys a little rhyme about Santa (which apparently I learned in preschool). It goes Santa clause is big and fat - he wears black boots and a bright red hat - his nose is red just like a rose - and he ho ho ho's from his head to his toes.

    So now anytime they come across anything with Santa, they point and say big and FAT!! Then they do the rest of the rhyme, exclaiming HO HO HO! I find it adorable, and frankly am impressed that they remember the entire thing. But my fear is that they'll be in some public place and see a picture of Santa and exclaim "FAT HO!" (since those are by far their favorite words in the rhyme and said with the most gusto).
  4. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Thanksgiving Day my son walked up to my 81 year old grandmother (who thankfully is hard of hearing) and exclaimed "Nani - I have boobs!! :laughing:
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Leah was complaining about the boys this morning so I told her we could just sell them. She said, "I only want to sell Tyler." :eek:
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My girls say: ewwwww... double ewwww!!!! anytime they see anything gross!!
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We were in the hall outside of a bathroom putting on jackets to head outside when Santa came by to visit the restroom. The boys watched him go through the door and then started asking if Santa was going pee-pee or poo-poo. I told them I didn't know but that everyone goes potty including Santa. They told a number of people that day that they saw Santa going potty and it made me giggle every time. Thankfully, they've stopped.
  8. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Last night Melissa wanted something and when I refused her she said, "You are NOT cool."
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: Funny!!

    I can think of only one thing right now, and I do know the origin. I was helping Lauren into the house this afternoon and once in she stopped and looked up at me and said "Thank you so much mommy". :wub: :wub: :wub: Not just a thanks mom, but the whole sentence. I melted.
  10. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    These are cute! OK. So-this isn't my child, as my boys can't talk yet... BUT...It's my nephew-and it was pretty funny!

    We had Thanksgiving at my house. My niece and nephew were here as well(she is 3, he is 5). My nephew said to my granmother, "GG(great grandma), are you 1,000 years old?"

    To which my grandmother responded.... "WHAT?" She can't hear...

    Then leave it to my niece to say nice and LOUD-and made sure she annunciated it all properly..."HE SAID...ARE...YOU...1,000...YEARS...OLD?"

    I think my grandmother kinda roller her eyes at that remark! The rest of us-were dying from laughter!
  11. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Mine are learning Jingle Bells for their christmas program on Friday... Over the weekend, we stayed with family, and while she was in bed each night decided to practice before going to sleep. This is what was heard coming from the air mattress:

    "Jingle.......all the way. Jingle........all the way HEY!"

    It was ADORABLE listening to her! :) LOL I can't wait to get a video clip of her on Friday.
  12. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    lol..this is my new favorite thread!

    Owen's a bit older now, but he is starting to get the the lovely pre-teen, "Oh my GOD, MOTHER!" sort of attitude. Yesterday he and Steffen were Christmas shopping, and the salesgirl at the local froofy bath stuff store was young, tattooed, and braless. And it was cold. And apparently Owen said to Steffen "That child needs to put some clothes on!!!" Then he said, "She was really pretty though. Oh God, don't tell Mom I said that!".

  13. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Ok, I know I'm a bit late to join this post, but am going to anyway! The other night my 4 year old DD asked if she could do something. When I told her she couldn't, her response was a loud and indignant, "That is NOT an acceptable answer, Mommy!"

    I had to turn my face because I about lost it. My DH came into the room and was laughing his a$$ off.
  14. Schanman1

    Schanman1 New Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Dec 16 2008, 09:57 AM) [snapback]1112456[/snapback]
    Its been awhile since we had one of these threads :)

    Over the weekend the girls started saying something and DH and I have NO idea where they got it. We were at Target and they were in separate carts. DH walked away with A for a moment and then came back and M said to her "Hey my love!" And A said it back to her! And they've been saying it to us whenever we come into a room ever since. And what cracks us up is they say it with a slightly british accent!!!

    So what are your kiddos saying that has you stumped?

    Hi! I'm a new member with 3 1/2 yr fraternal twin girls. They are the youngest of my four with two older brothers :D We were Christmas shopping the other day with my mom. They call her Nana. We got seperated and they started calling(loudly) for her. Finally Caitlyn told Allyson.."I think she's in the kitchen." So many other shoppers began to laugh! I just replied..." I don't think so honey." But it still makes me giggle to think about it! :ibiggrin:
  15. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    "BUBBLES, BUBBLES, BUBBLES, BUBBLES, BUBBLES," over and over and over again. If I hear "BUBBLES!" one more time I may jump out of my window.

    This is not cute or funny or even bareable at this point but I thought I would add it anyway as this obsession seems to have just come out of the blue.
  16. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    One day we were driving in the car, and I hear my 4 yr old say very seriously "Bite Me"! I turned around to tell him not to talk like that, that kind of behavior is not ok and where on earth did he learn that from anyway. Well, there he was, sticking his finger in his brother's mouth, telling him to bite him!
  17. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Mine are still early in the talking stages, but Piper has learned to say "I want" and now tells us exactly what she wants. Today after we came back from the park I tried to get her to eat lunch but she looked me right in the eye and said "I want nap. No cheese. Nap". And then she proceeded to head to the stairs to go up for her nap.

    I'm not sure if that's funny for anyone else, but I couldn't stop giggling.
  18. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    The other night I was in the kitchen holding my 2 yr old DS, (b/c everyone else was asleep early) and I was on the phone with an old friend (a rarity) and I forgot what happened or what my son saw but he said "Oh my GOSH" but in a very quiet inside voice with the enunciation on Gosh.. I know he got it from me, but it was sooo cute how he said it. . I just wish I remembered why he said it.

    My almost 5 yr old has been saying a lot of new stuff lately too, but I cannot seem to think of any of his.. My 2yr old DD talks like a grown up ALL the time, and its hilarious! Maybe I'll think of some other funny things later.
  19. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Natalie's newest phrases are "That is rude!" and "You're being rude!" You tell her to go in Time Out, "You're being Rude!" You tell her to quit being naughty and put on her shoes, "That's RUDE!" She also learned hate at preschool from another kid. While in time out, "I hate the corner!" or "I hate purple walls!" (Their bedroom walls are a pale lilac that she picked out.)

    Annika is much more agreeable if you enjoy hearing the same verses of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer a few hundred times in a row. She sings, at the top of her lungs, "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, A very shiney shiney NOSE!" She repeats this at least ten times in a row. If I'm lucky she might add, "Na Na Na Na Na GLOWS!"
  20. jewels707

    jewels707 Well-Known Member

    This story is of a friend of a friends seven yr. old son. She walked by the bathroom one day and heard him in there using all the cuss words in the book. She knocked on the door and told him, "excuse me but we don't talk like that in this household." He came out and told her matter of factly, "mom, I never get to say these words and I'm in here saying them in private." It was hard to argue with that logic! :lol:
  21. caba

    caba Banned

    Hmmmm ... Hailey points at my belly and says "Hi Chrissy Baby" since I'm being a surrogate for my sister Chrissy. That's just too cute for words.

    Leighann, it made me laugh what you wrote, because Jake has started saying "Hello" in a british accent ... he yells it and says "'Allo!"

    But the funniest was the other day. We were at my sisters giving the twins a bath in her tub. It was me and DH, my sis and her DH. So they were sitting in the tub and I said "Where's Jake's peeps?" That's what I call penis ... and Jake pointed and laughed. And I said "Where's Hailey's peeps?" and at the same time they look at each other, and at me, and between Hailey's legs and went "Oh NO!!!!" really dramatically. We all lost it!
  22. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: These are too funny!

    Some good ones here:

    Their latest phrase is "So awesome!", said with GREAT enthusiasm. As in "Baby Hayden [next door neighbor] SO AWESOME!" "Keywawa [=quinoa] SO AWESOME!" "Fire chief SO AWESOME!"

    Their latest "wtf???" thing is "Yummy baby." They keep saying it, and I have no clue what they're talking about. Cannibalism???

    Then there's reasoning: if we don't see the moon, Ivy insists that we can't see it because it's too dark.

    And then there's being precocious. I'll finally have them all ready to go to the park, shoes and jackets and hats and mittens, and THEN they'll get all happy inside and run around like crazy instead of coming to the door. "Don't you want to go to the park?" "Busy walking!" "Are you sure? Let's go to the park." "Change mind!" :rolleyes:
  23. -Jenny-

    -Jenny- Member

    QUOTE(jewels707 @ Dec 17 2008, 08:30 PM) [snapback]1114185[/snapback]
    This story is of a friend of a friends seven yr. old son. She walked by the bathroom one day and heard him in there using all the cuss words in the book. She knocked on the door and told him, "excuse me but we don't talk like that in this household." He came out and told her matter of factly, "mom, I never get to say these words and I'm in here saying them in private." It was hard to argue with that logic! :lol:


    A friend's son was a little younger when she walked by his room to hear him sweetly singing: "F**K is a bad word! F**K is a bad word!"
  24. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Dec 17 2008, 08:32 PM) [snapback]1114588[/snapback]
    Their latest phrase is "So awesome!", said with GREAT enthusiasm. As in "Baby Hayden [next door neighbor] SO AWESOME!" "Keywawa [=quinoa] SO AWESOME!" "Fire chief SO AWESOME!"

    DH taught the girls awesome last week! Yesterday we were in the car listening to a NPR story about Obama, and from the back seat I hear chanting from both of them "OBAMA AWESOME!" My lil liberals :)
  25. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    OK, I have no idea where this one came from, but Bea says she wants "pretend poop" for Christmas. :huh: Weirdo.
    They call each other "honey", like DH and I. One time Ainsley was being silly and shouting "I love Mommy! I love Daddy! I love Bea!" then started with "I don't love Mommy!" (she was clearly joking, she likes doing opposites). and then she said "I don't love myself!". It's probably a you-had-to-be-there, but it cracked me up! The self-loathing starts already!
  26. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    ok, mine aren't verbal yet and aren't quite 1yr old, but I thought I would play anyway. They have just learned to shake their heads, and apparently I must shake my head when I say "no", because I was saying no to DS the other day because he was trying to stick his fingers in the electrical outlet - and he stopped, looked at me, smiled and shook his head! It was so cute and I had to fight to hide the laughter!
  27. alliandre

    alliandre Well-Known Member

    DH's nephew's name is Brekken Joseph and that's what they call him when he gets in trouble. Not too long ago DH's BIL did something to make Brekken mad and he said, "Daddy Joseph, you are gonna be in so much trouble!" It was so funny.
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