Where do I start?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PurpleNurple, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Ok, I have b/g twins and only my dd has shown any "signs" of being ready - my ds will sometimes "copy" her by sitting fully dressed on the potty chair - to read a book. LOL.
    Zayne started showing interest in the potty around 2 weeks before they turned 2. She peed once on the potty and was asking to sit on it almost every day.
    We then got 2 potty chairs, that she could get on herself, and it made it easier for us to see that she peed. This was a big hit and for a while she was peeing once a day, on her own. She was rewarded with 3 or 4 small chocolate chips. That was really big for her and she would tell me everyday that if she peed, she'd get chocolate!
    That last about a month.

    I have always taken the approach of letting her decide that she wanted to sit on the potty. Sometimes I would ask her and she would say "Ya, I go pee on the potty". She takes all her clothes off by herself, including her shirt, for some reason, and her diaper (unless it's stuck, she will let me help, but she gets mad if I try to help her with it when she can do it). So she is capable. Sometimes she will sit and do nothing but play and ask me for kleenex to shred. <_<

    The past 2 or 3 weeks she has been on a potty strike and when I ask her if she wants to go pee pee on the potty she says "No, I don't go on the potty anymore."
    Today I printed off a Dora Explorer Potty chart and I put it up on the Fridge. She was pretty excited about - and so was my ds, who thought it was a book and tried to climb the fridge to get it down. :p

    I told my dd that if she pees on the potty, we will put a sticker on her chart and if she gets 7 stickers in a row she will get a treat.
    She told me she wanted French Fries...so that is her treat now. I told her that if she pees on the potty 7 times, we will take her to McDonalds. Well, she was excited about that! She right away went to het potty, pulled down her pants, took off her diaper and sat down!


    I asked her later if she wanted to try again - NO.

    Now, this wouldn't be such a big deal to me, if it were not for a couple things:

    1) a girl from their church nursery who is 2 weeks older than the twins is now totally trained (with Pull Ups and Panties) and has had dry diapers at night for a few months now. My kids are NEVER dry over night.

    2) A frind of mine, with a 4 yo dd and a 1yo dd and I were at a BBQ last week. Her 1yo dd was walking around and suddenly said to her mom "I gotta pee!" so her mom wisked her away to sit on the big potty. She said she has been doing it for a few weeks now!!!

    3) I was at a local store last month that had a big sale on Pampers for $9.99 (and I had $2 off coupons!). All they had left were 6's, which was ok, because my ds is wearing size 6. A bunch of us mom's were just standing around, talking about diapers when another lady came over - looked at the pile of size 6 diapers and said "OH MY GOSH! WHAT KID IS 35 POUNDS & STILL WEARING DIAPERS!!!??!! THAT IS REDICULOUS!!!!!! THAT KID HAS PROBLEMS!!" Obviously, that woman is very ignorant because I know a 9 month old who was close to 30lbs. And she had a big mouth....but talk about a great way to discourage a mother who is trying to PT.

    4) We are at the play ground playing on the jungle gyms and slides when a girl who is like 4 yo comes over and asks how old my dd is. "2 years old". She says "Really?? 2 Year olds don't wear DIAPERS!!!" This has happened again since - someone making a comment about how they were still wearing diapers. :angry:

    So where do I start (again). One mom has recommended pull up's or those thick training pants. One issue that I think might be effecting us is that we don't change diapers just for the sake of changing them - I mean - we change them maybe 4 times a day, max. So, they are used to having wet diapers.

    Any tip would be greatly appreciated!
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    The best thing that happened with us so far is when they started daycare because the other kids are going and getting praised so they want to too. Maybe preschool/mother's day out would help them learn. We let the girls lead during the day. They sit on the potty first thing when they get up(Jessy is dry at nigth unless she has a rough night and will pee on the potty then, Jazz has been on occasion) and at bathtime(occasionaly they pee). Then we take them when they ask.
  3. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    LOL First, I have to laugh about the comment made about kids in size 6 diapers. That would have been me until my friends and sister started having kids. My girls are all small (my 4yo is 36 pounds, my 2 1/2yo is probably 25 lbs, my 18mo is 18 lbs) so I knew no different and had no idea (I am serious here) why they made size 6 diapers. Then everyone's kids were all twice the size of mine and I realized they are the anomally! But I would never make a comment like that in public!

    It took my 4yo over a year to PT without accidents and she still is not dry at night; she wears pull-ups. She started so well at just over 2yrs. She would change her own pull-up when she was wet. So when we were staying with my parents before the babies were born and for the 2 weeks after, my mom almost had her PT. But then we went home....and had a number of stressful things going on for the whole next year. I know none of that helped. So from about age 2 1/2 until age 4 Annie would poop in the toilet, but have accidents all the time. Basically she was too busy having fun to stop and pee. Finally she got to where she would change her own clothes if she had an accident. This went on, I swear until months after she turned 4. But now at 4 1/2 she's done, except at night.

    Joey is a few weeks older than your twins and show no interest at all in PT. She used to tell me when she pooped, but that has stopped. My niece and my friend's son, both born Dec 2004, have no interest in PT either. I for one am not pushing Joey. I'd rather have her wait until she's 3 1/2 and do it in 2 weeks than go through what we did with Annie.

    I had the potty out, but Ellie (18mo) was playing with it and since Joey isn't interested I put it away. I'll take it out again when she appears more ready!

    Good luck!
  4. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Well thanks for making me feel "normal"! LOL!! I don't want to try to make her feel like I am "punishing" her for not doing something that she really has never don't before (like telling me when she has to pee, holding it and not going in her diaper). My husband would like to me kindda "enforce" it, but I don't think it's something I can enforce. I mean, if she were 4 years old and was totally potty trained but suddenly started removing her clothes and peeing in the living room - THAT would be a different story!! LOL!

    She has sat on the potty a few times this weekend but done nothing. Sat for a few seconds and then was off. She has been wanting to sit on the big potty - without a seat, so I that requires me to sit on the floor to keep her balanced. She used to pee right away, but now she whines and crys and then does nothing.

    I am hoping that soon she will develop the sense of knowing when she is going to pee and then associating that with the potty and telling me. We haven't got there yet. And she is VERY verbal.
  5. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I honestly just don't think she is ready. And I don't think she is too old for diapers. I would ignore those people who are making comments. I'm sure their kids aren't ahead in everything and if you started that game of what they do/did at what age, they would get very quiet quickly. Once she gets closer to three, I would push it more, but for right now, I would just ask and let her be. When we decided to train Danielle, she understood the sensation of needing to go and so she didn't just sit there on the potty. That was the deciding factor for me. Rachel, on the other hand, really wants to do it, but doesn't really understand when she truly has to go. So, we held off on training her. She is starting to get it, but only some of the time so I'm guessing it will be another couple of months for her to be truly ready. We got the girls a DVD called Potty Power which they loved and helped get them in the mood as well. I don't know if your son would really like it as much, but it has catchy songs that they love to sing. Good luck and don't force it on them...that's when it backfires the most.
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