Where do boys learn these disgusting things?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rheamay, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Anthony will be 4 next week. Here is a conversation we just had:

    Ant: "mommy, mommy, smell my hand!"

    me: *sniffing because I'm gullible like that*

    Ant: *giggling* "does it smell bad?"

    me: "yeah...."

    Ant: *laughing hysterically* "I farted on my hand!!!!" LOLOLOLOL

    :rotflmbo: :rolleyes: :huh:

    I mean, really. I didn't teach him that! Are they just born with the gross gene built in?? What's it gonna be like with 3 teenage boys??!!
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Yep!! Typical boy. :D My son and his dad have a language all their own, especially when referring to their private parts. I constantly remind my son that there are certain things boys don't say in front of a girl. Not that he uses bad language (because he doesn't), it's just crude stuff that men teach their boys--I don't understand it.
  3. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Utopia122 @ Sep 20 2008, 12:43 PM) [snapback]989261[/snapback]
    Yep!! Typical boy. :D My son and his dad have a language all their own, especially when referring to their private parts. I constantly remind my son that there are certain things boys don't say in front of a girl. Not that he uses bad language (because he doesn't), it's just crude stuff that men teach their boys--I don't understand it.

    heehee! Actually, my DH is pretty "proper" and not real gross about "boy stuff" so I know he didn't teach him that. Actually, DH is pretty dull like that and I am way more crude than he is! But I suppose that is for another post on another day....LOL

    But I did tell him that he shouldn't do gross things like that to mommies!
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :huh: :bad: :rofl: OMG! And he's only four!!!!! :laughing: Where do they get this stuff from? :umm:
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Ewww gross. :bad: and yes they are born with that gene. :laughing: :rofl:
  6. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Better watch out, next thing you know he'll be setting his farts on fire! :lol:
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    :rofl: Oh.My.Gosh.

    God blessed me with girls for a reason. :bad: :laughing:
  8. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    :lol: thats so funny!
  9. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    that has me laughing out loud. i can't wait to tell my DH about that one!! we are BOTH suckers for gross stuff like that LOL we STILL crack up every time one of the babies farts....

    gotta luv the gross gene!
  10. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Ryan ate a bug yesterday (I found the leg hanging out of his mouth) and DH said, "It's good for him". I'm really scared for when the boys are older! They already laugh at each others burps. UGH.
  11. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

  12. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I guess my 3 y.o. DD should've been a boy. She is just as gross as her older brother. They will sit at the dinner table and say nasty stuff back and forth, until I cant take it anymore. I guess its stuff they learn in preschool or something. No one at our house talks like that.. until now. They just say things like "I'm gonna lick your foot/butt/face... poop anything! Its like the word poop goes with anything gross you can think of.. I dont know how to make them stop, other than using time out when I ask them to stop and they dont listen.
  13. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    We are sooo where you are now. They are all about farts and burps and they think it's hysterical when the other one does it. :rolleyes: And being in public when it happens is the worst. Two four year olds is likely going to be the death of me. I'll either die of a stroke or heart attack or I'll die of embarrassment. Either way, I'm a goner.
  14. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    ^I'm w/ you Misty! LOL!

    I can barely bear the thought of going out in public w/ both of mine at the same time!
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