where can I order pretty dresses from?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by axpan, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    I'm getting ready for my girls baptism in June. I will post a long vent about that any day now but for now I'm hoping to get over one of the hurdles with your help.
    I looked in some stores but couldn't find anything i liked. Also, everything I saw was terribly expensive.
    Could anyone suggest an online site where you have bought pretty dresses?
    From what I saw the christening outfits are all for little little babies and are white. Here we do baptisms when babies are nearer to 1 years old and they can wear something other than white. I guess they would look more like what a baby would wear to a wedding or as a flower girl in the usa.
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Did you try a website that offers flower girl dresses? When I was doing my research for my girls I noticed tons of sites out there that offered flower girl dresses in all kinds of sizes. I apologize that I can't give you any of the web addresses as it was back in November and I deleted them all. Beware though. I did order dresses from one place because their prices couldn't be beat and although everyone at the company was super nice, the dress was more like a fancy nightgown, that sort of material. I was disappointed and lost my shipping costs plus a 15% restocking fee.
  3. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Target has a good selection of pretty dresses, and I imagine they would be a good price. Strathmore Children is also a place to look. Lots of beautiful things but pricey.
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Are you handy at all? Or are any of your relatives? Cauz my mom and I had the Christianing gowns for our babies and it wasn't that hard with some curtain like fabric (that had embrodiery on it already) and one of her sewing patterns you can buy online. We just used our regular sewing machine. If you need any more info on how to make them, PT me. I would be happy to share that info with you :D
  5. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    I love the prices (and selection) at the Children's Wear Outlet. I haven't ordered from them yet, so I don't know about their customer service. But they have really pretty dresses (under "Specialty Girls") and outfits from $10 - $23. They even have traditional Christening gowns for $14.
  6. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your answers.
    I did a search on the web and found a couple of sites like Boutique4Kids that I thought were good. I looked at the target site and saw some great dresses! The prices were very good as well- you can't believe what they're asking for here i can't find anything for less than 200 euros!
    The thing is i'm afraid to order since I would hate it not to be good after all like Michelle's order was. IT would be great if someone who has bought something and was happy with it would tell me where from.
    It would have to be an online order since I live in Greece.
    I wish I was handy Sarah! i envy people who are but neither I nor any of my relatives have such skills.
    Thanks for your help ladies
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I can't believe dresses are that expensive there - yikes! Just check on their return policy, esp. since you are overseas. Good luck I'm sure you'll find something beautiful! :D
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