Where Can I Find Trusted Investment Residency Programs?

Discussion in 'General' started by Konndond, Sep 13, 2024 at 7:24 AM.

  1. Konndond

    Konndond Well-Known Member

    I’ve been considering Citizenship and Residency by Investment as a way to make retirement more flexible. Being able to live in a different country during certain seasons really appeals to me, but I’m not sure where to begin with the process. Does anyone have suggestions on reliable programs or where to get started? Your advice would be much appreciated!
  2. aragornio

    aragornio Well-Known Member

    I was casually chatting with a colleague about investing in property abroad when they mentioned Turkey's real estate market. That got me curious, so I did some digging and came across the Turkey citizenship by investment program at https://migronis.com/citizenship/turkey. What caught my attention was how accessible it is—by purchasing property for as little as $400,000, you can secure Turkish citizenship relatively quickly. For someone like me, who has always loved Turkey's culture and location, this seemed like a great option. Plus, having Turkish citizenship offers additional travel freedom, especially for those who frequently move between Europe and Asia like I do.
  3. helgoka2

    helgoka2 Well-Known Member

    It’s amazing how a casual conversation can lead to such valuable insights. I hadn’t thought much about Turkey’s real estate market until now, but your experience really highlights how feasible it is to get citizenship through property investment. The accessibility and travel benefits are definitely appealing, especially for someone who loves the region. Your tip makes it seem like a smart move and gives me a lot to consider. I’m grateful for the heads-up—it’s exactly the kind of information I needed.

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