When you take them for regular dr checks-ups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I am a little overdue for our 2yr check-up, but I am just dreading going, because everytime i go it takes at least 2-3hrs. The dr (who is really great), is always running late, even if I get the first appt in the morning, because he also takes drop-ins so inivitably I am there for hours when I do go. So, as a result I would love to take both at the same time, but I am also crazy about germs at the dr's office, and when I go on my own I can't keep a good enough eye on both of them. Last time I was there, I took one a time, and I kept them in the stroller, because half of the kids were wiping there eyes (because of eye infections) and then were running around playing and had their hands on the water cooler!

    So, I am guess I am just venting, because I know I have to do it, but I also know that this will take a full day of sitting at the dr's office! ugh!
  2. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    Could you make the first apt of the day and get there before the office opens? Or is it they take the most "urgent" regardless of apt schedule? At that age I still kept them in the stroller if I had to do it by myself and brought our books or a toy or the writing tablets. Good luck. I would love to make seperate apts for them, it does seem that they get rushed/pushed together when we do it at the same time, but our schedule just does not work with only taking one at time.
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I don't worry about germs so I'm good there. I let them do whatever and they're good listeners and arent' afraid of the doctors office.

    I take them together and have never/would never take them seperately that would be WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much work for ME!

    Also, if you make the first appt in the morning, or 2nd, they will not be running late. It's because they get behind during the day that they run late. The sooner that you get in in the day- the less likely they will be behind. just a tip!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    2-3 HOURS? :faint: I would be looking for another doctor. Seriously, I have no patience to wait like that especially when kids are involved. :nea:

    If it were me, and I had the help to do so, I would take them separately.

    I always take mine together, but we are never there for more than 30-45 min. or so for both checkups.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah, I would not have the patience to wait 2-3 hours either, especially with my kids, who are pretty patient but even that would test their limits.
    I would try to get the first appointment of the day but failing that, if you can get someone to watch one child, I would take them separately.
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    If it were me, I would find a new pedi. There is no way my boys would sit for 2-3 hours. There are only so many snacks and toys I can give them before they start getting restless.

    Could you speak to the nurse or someone else in the office and let them know how difficult it is for you with two 2 year olds? Maybe if you mention you may have to find a new pedi, they'll be able to get them in sooner. If that does not work, see if they can give you a referrel to a new pedi.

    It does not make sense to me to have the first Dr's appointment and then he will see a walk in before you unless it was a major emergency.
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    That's just what I was thinking. I've never waited more than 5 minutes in our pedi's waiting room and never been there longer than 40 minutes total for both girls. We never go first appointment of the day either, we mostly do well visits at night because I work FT and DH usually wants to go too. But I have taken them solo with no trouble. I think your biggest issue is that wait time. That's crazy!
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would probably switch doctors. The only time that I have waited more than 30 minutes is when we are there for a sick visit (my pedi office usually has one doc assigned for the sick patients). They also have a separate waiting room for the sick patients.

    I have always brought the twins together. When they were babies, I usually brought my mom along. As they have gotten older, I have just gone myself.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We go to a teaching university pedi office, so we are usually there about 2 hours too. Thats because the residents see the girls first and then the resident and our doctor. I love our doctor so I will put up with the office (and I also believe in the model of training new doctors).

    That said, DH and I always go together and take both girls. I've actually only taken them both alone one time and that was because my sitter was sick and couldn't go with me. It was for their second FluMist and we weren't there that long (and they were older- 2 1/2+ so they listened well for me).

    What do we do to occupy them for all that time? I let them play on the scale. I know there is a HUGE sign that says "Don't let children play on the scale," but if you stick all 4 of us in this little room with nothing to do, yeah go ahead play on the scale kids! DH usually brings his iPod touch so if things get really hairy, the girls can watch a video. And I bring books and a few toys too.

  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Does your doctor not have a well-patient room? Both my doc and pedi have a well-patient side for those people who aren't sick. Even if they didn't, I would just take hand sanitizer and take them both together...but that is just me.
  11. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I always take them by myself (ours does not have evening hours). We dont have split waiting rooms so I use a lot of germ gel.

    It usually takes 1-2 hours total. We can wait awhile at times, but I LOVE our Pedi and he is really good.


    get earliest you can

    bring a bag of goodies (crayon, stickers, books, etc) My girl love to draw on the exam table paper with crayons and stickers.

    bring snacks

    if you can bring a friend/relative to help
  12. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Also if you can't do earliest in the morning, the first one after lunch is when they're usually done playing catch from all of the walk in patients.

    I don't care about germs either. :lol: Guess that's why we're only at the doctor's office for well visits, nothing really hits them hard enough to make them go in for a sick visit.

    Your doctor works for you. You are their employer. You don't have to keep them as a doctor if you're unhappy with them. So I would suggest to figure out whether your hassles with them are worth your time and money. In my case, a consistent 2-3 hour wait wouldn't be. I would find another office.
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Ditto. I would wait no more than 20 min in the waiting room and another 20 in the exam room. This is not only rude on the doctors part but unprofessional. He either needs to cut back on his patient load or hire more help. I don't even wait this long at the ob and you know how they are
  14. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Me too! I would not have the patience for that...especially if it happened every time I went. UGH!

    I take mine at the same time. It bothers me a bit to late them play with the toys, but I know if I stopped them it would be more of a punishment for myself. :pardon: I just hand sanitize afterwards and try to not let them put their hands in their mouth or on their face or eyes.
  15. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I really like the idea of crayons and stickers to decorate the sheet of paper on the exam table! I will try that.
    I also would LOVE to switch drs, unfortunately I live in the middle east, and the ped I take the kids to is the BEST in the city (and the only qualified ped that I can find, as several gp's here call themselves ped when they are not). So, hence why the wait is so long. They also do not have a well and sick room - which BTW I think is a great idea! And, they only have a tv on and a bunch of chairs (no toys), which I think is there effort to try and cut down on spreading germs...ugh

    I have made the appt for this friday and I am going to try and take the kids together, I have made the first appt of the day, so hopefully it goes ok. Unfortunately the medical system here is quite weird, so I have to do the check-up, then go to the pharmacy and buy the vaccination, then bring it back and have the nurses do it - so although I may only wait 1 hour for the dr appt, beteween waiting at pharmacy and then waiting for the nurses, the entire process takes 2-3 hrs.
  16. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I always take them both together. But I am not terribly concerned about germs (they're exposed to everything at daycare anyway -- plus the doctor's office has separate waiting areas). And our doctor is usually on time, give or take 15-20 minutes if it's toward the end of the day. (They reserve a certain number of slots for same-day appointments-- which means you have to book well-child visits several weeks in advance, but also means you rarely have to wait.) I would be probably switch doctors if I were you.

    ETA: Whoops, sorry, I just read your reply. Well, it sounds like you are stuck then. I would bring toys and books, and a DVD player if they're into that, and lots of hand sanitizer!
  17. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    Yup. That is what I do if I need to see a doc.

    Do you need the well visit? I have my own vax schedule so I only take my kids in when they are "due" for a vax. Otherwise I just skip well visits. My 2.5 year olds have had exactly 2 well visits in their lives. One when they were about a week old to meet the doc and to have him check them over for my sanity's sake. (My little twin was only 7 pounds and I was so sure she was a frail little thing who was going to die on me. I needed some reassurance, even though I had had other kids! :rolleyes: ) The other when I needed a vax shortly after they turned two. Our growth charts are a little jumpy. :laughing: I would say that if you have no concerns, skip it. At least until spring/summer if you think things are less germy then.
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