When will I be able to go into a room without being followed?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cjk2002, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys will be 2 next month. They follow me EVERYWHERE and are always under my feet. If I attempt to leave them say outside the laundry room door, they'll scream until I come out. Same with the bathroom. I just find it easier to let them in with me. Right now I'm trying to teach them it's not ok to try and flush the toilet, but since they see me doing it they also want to try.

    When I go into rooms, I try to let them help me, but there are certain things a girl justs wants to do by herself. :laughing: This past week Jake was nice enough to tear off a tiny piece of toilet paper and wanted to help me wipe. :blush:
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: If they stop following me everywhere, I'll let you know ;) .
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My boys are very independent but also very nosy. I have to lock them out if I don't want an audience. If I simply tell them, it's good for 1 minute at the most and then there is suddenly a compelling reason that they MUST COME IN RIGHT THIS SECOND. On the other hand, if they're leaving me alone, I have to go find out why because it means they're up to something naughty. There's just no peace with children around.
  4. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    With twins...you get followed x's 2!! My boys are now 3 and still will follow me to the bathroom and ask to sit on my lap:) It never fails, I usually always have one attached to my hip. I know a lot of people talk about the negatives of TV...but somewhere around 2 1/2... they actually get interested and sometimes it can hold their attention long enough for you to take a quick break. Hang in there....it may not go away completely...but it will get better:)
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    It depends on the day, but they started getting better about not being next to me and following me around everywhere when they turned 3ish. But there are still days I have my ducklings behind me. :wacko:
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Same here :good:
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    My 5.5 year old still follows me around, so I wouldn't hold your breath. :lol: When I want a moment of peace in the bathroom I lean a baby gate up against the doorway - they can still see me, but can't get in there and unroll the toilet paper, help me flush, help me pull up my pants, etc.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Ditto. It's not nearly as bad as it was when they were 18-24 months, but I'd say it's only about 50% better.

    The nice thing now is that if I lock the bathroom door, they may fuss a little but they don't pitch an absolute fit. However, if I forget to lock it and they barge right in, they tell me it's my own fault because I didn't lock it. :laughing:
  9. Two_more_cookies

    Two_more_cookies Well-Known Member

    Ditto on that. Its because of tv I can go to the bathroom by myself with 2.5 yos. Although I can't catch a break first thing in the morning...I think they missed me during the night. Anyway, the tv does help get a lot done during the day...however I do feel a little guilty about how much tv we watch...just a little.

    I don't know when they will stop following their parents around but it will come sooner than you think. DH says we have about 5 more years until friends become more important than us so we should enjoy ourselves.


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