When/Where do you dress your kids in the AM/PM

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by K*D*B, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Just curious. We do it usually after all the boys are up and had breakfast in the AM downstairs. In the evening we do it downstairs then have a little snack, brush teeth, and then to bed. My problem is all the clothes that are on the stairs to go up to the laundry. I need a change. But what?

  2. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    our hous eis all one level so after breakfast we go back into their room and change for the day.
  3. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We've always done it in the living room. It's just easier that way. Then I send the girls to put their dirty clothes in the hamper. Your boys are a little young to go up the stairs but you could teach them to put their clothes in a basket at the bottom of the stairs.

    I've also seen baskets that fit on a stair step that might work well for your situation and look nice too. I think I saw one in the Miles Kimball catalog?
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We have a split level and our bedrooms, kitchen, and a main living area are on the upper level, so we basically live upstairs with the boys.

    I hate having a split level, but thanks for reminding me of the few PITA items I don't have to deal with. ;)
  5. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Feb 6 2008, 10:50 PM) [snapback]610179[/snapback]
    We have a split level and our bedrooms, kitchen, and a main living area are on the upper level, so we basically live upstairs with the boys.

    I hate having a split level, but thanks for reminding me of the few PITA items I don't have to deal with. ;)

    Glad I can help. It is hard enough to get all 3 kids up the stairs no less stupid laundry. Like tonight I had to grab one of the boys to bring him up and I forgot about the clothes. Now they will be there overnight because the laundry room is right across from the boys room. I HATE LAUNDRY.
  6. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Getting dressed is the first thing I do in the morning. Then we go downstairs (used to be upstairs in our duplex down) for breakfast. That way I don't have to go back up again. And especially since I have to drop my oldest of at preschool in the morning 4 days a week, that's just quicker and easier. There are more toys downstairs anyway.
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I usually dress the girls in the living room after breakfast, jammies are done in their room just before bed. We have a hamper in their room and the washer/dryer downstairs. I usually just toss the jammies down the basement stairs once they are changed in the a.m.
  8. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    They get dressed upstairs, after breakfast. At night, upstairs right at bedtime.

    One of my almost 4 year olds jobs is to bring the dirty laundry from the upstairs bin down to the laundry room. She takes a trip for almost every piece of clothing, but she has fun, and knows it's part of her way to help out the family.
  9. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I dress them after their breakfast downstairs. At night time we dress them upstairs in their bedroom. I just throw their dirty jammies in the washing machine in the morning x
  10. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    To save myself from doing piles of laundry. I let them wear their jammies for most part of the day and usually wear their clothes when need to go to do some errands, gym class, DR's appt, grocery store, and etc. The only time I change their outfit if they get dirty. I know I should have them in their clothes but it is so easier to zip them up after a few diapers changes between AM and PM. We do give them bath every other night and they always wearing fresh jammies. Also they're comfortable when playing with toys and staying warm in our house. We haven't been able to go anywhere for the last 2 weeks due to weather condition. I know I am not the only one keep them in their jammies! <wink>

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  11. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are in a ranch, so all one level. We have a changing table in the hall outside of the bathroom with a hamper next to it, that is where we do all their changes.
  12. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We get them dressed first thing in the morning, in their room, and pajamas are in their room too.

    ETA- I used to keep them in their jammies for breakfast, but since I have to change their diapers first thing, I felt like I may as well change them into their clothes. That's how that thing started. I always got them in their pajamas in their room because the bathroom is across the hall from their room, so they take a bath (on bath night) and then dry off and get in jammies in their room.
  13. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I usually dress them in their rooms in the morning and at night. Occasionally I will dress them downstairs.
  14. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    They always get dressed downstairs (actually after their AM nap :blush: ) but I have a changing table and hamper set up in the living room (looks oh so sophisticated!, lol!).

    Until I got the hamper it was a PITA to deal with the dirty clothes, but now with the hamper I just grab that whenever I'm going to do laundry.
  15. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    During the week, we get the girls out of their cribs and lay them on the floor in their room to change diapers and put on their "day" clothes. At night, we usually bring the PJs into the living room and change them there. Before getting into their PJs they have usually already stripped down out of their clothes due to having a bath, sitting on the potty, brushing their teeth, and/or changing their diapers. They love taking their dirty clothes to their hamper in their room.

    On the weekends, since we don't go to work and daycare, they usually stay in their PJs until after breakfast. I had rather them get food all over their PJs than the clothes I am planning on them wearing all day!
  16. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We are in a three story so we get dressed straight away then down stairs for breakfast. At night dh brings one up at a time and does teeth and gets them dressed while I nurse the other and then we switch.
  17. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Mine get dressed/undressed in their room, where their laundry basket is. :)
  18. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    We have a 2 story but only the bedrooms are upstairs (no bath). So in the morning before I get them out of their cribs, I pick out their outfits, then we go downstairs. I change their clothes at the same time I change their morning diapers (no sense in changing them 2x). Then we eat breakfast. That works best for us. I have a basket in a downstairs room to put their clothes in. That way I can do a load when it fills up and I don't have to go in their room to get their dirty clothes.
    At night, I go upstairs get their clothes and change them downstairs with their night diaper. We watch Baby Genius (for a wind down) or sometimes read a book and then up to bed. Dirty clothes in the same hamper and is usually ready for a wash every 2 days.
  19. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    In the living room always. My bathroom is very small and the door does not lock, now they run all over my second floor so it's easier to just bring them downstairs where one can run while I dress the other avoiding any accidents.
  20. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Our place is only one level and small! So we generally dress them in the living room. There is just more space there.
  21. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    I like to keep my messy little monkeys in their jammies until after breakfast - now that they like to feed themselves messy stuff like oatmeal, I would just have to change their clothes again after breakfast if I didn't do that. On mornings that we have to go somewhere early in the morning, I bring their clothes down to the living room and change them, but on days we're staying home I bring them upstairs around 9:30 and let them run around in the hall and their room while I get them changed. It helps break up our day, and is a treat for them since we don't spend much playtime up there. I don't have the whole upstiars babyproofed, so I just close the doors for the rooms I don't want them in, and keep the stair gate closed as well. Now that we're introducing the potty, this is when they sit on the potty as well.

    They get a bath every night, so we always change them into their jammies upstairs, in their bedroom.
  22. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Our house is only one floor, so it's easier. We do most dressing on the couch, but we keep the clothes on a bookcase in our office (where the changing table is, although we don't use it anymore because they're too big!). We change them on a towel on their bedroom floor, they go potty if they want to, then we pick out some clothes (sometimes as a joint project, sometimes the parent just does it if we can get away with it) and take them to the living room to be put on. The dirty clothes go straight to the hamper which is also in the living room.

    I never thought I'd have a bookcase full of clothes in my office or a hamper in my living room, but it works -- for now at least!

    They also wear PJs for breakfast. We don't do diapers (unless poopy or leaky) until after breakfast either.
  23. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I love posts like this. I always wonder how other people do random little things like this. Everything with twinfants/twoddlers is such a logistical challenge that I wonder if I could do better.

    If we're not going anywhere that day, I just let them hang out in jammies until after their nap and get them dressed in their room (or not at all! Jammie Day!) If we're going out really early, I get them dressed in their room before breakfast. If we've got plans shortly after naptime I'll get them dressed downstairs (I'll run up and grab stuff) after breakfast so they are ready to rumble after the nap.
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