When were you comfortable doing nap time at other peoples houses?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rmcobb12, May 23, 2009.

  1. rmcobb12

    rmcobb12 Well-Known Member

    We have stayed the weekend at both my parents house and my in laws house so obviously we have done naps away from home. However, we have a few family members here in town that want us to come over and basically stay the entire day with them. The boys are not the best nap takers as it is and when you through in different surroundings they really don't nap well. When we tell them that we can come over for an hour or so before nap time they seem to roll their eyes at us and think we are being stupid. Maybe we are!? When did you feel comfortable staying over at someones house for several hours at a time when it would fall during a nap time?
  2. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    We go down to my mom's a lot and usually its for a full day and a few naps falls in to our stay there. They don't really sleep very well even though my mom has playyards and I take my white noise machine and other stuff to simulate their home surroundings. I think they are just at the age where they don't sleep as well as they do in their own bed. Kind of a drag, but we sure know that when they don't nap well during the day, they don't sleep well at night so people can roll their eyes all they want but you do what you need to do to preserve a good sleep schedule for everyone involved.
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Never. My kids never slept well anywhere but home. We had to sleep train them every time we went on vacation so the first few days noone ever got enough sleep. I didn't think it was worth sleep training them over and over for other places. If these family members' homes are places that you'll spend a decent amount of time, it might be worth it to teach them to sleep there. I never had a situation like that so I gave up trying to have any of them nap a day here or there at someone else's house.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It was several months before I felt comfortable with them visiting other homes during nap time. Mine were not the best nap takers in the world, so the only place that they felt comfortable napping besides home was sometimes at my mom's house and sometimes at my best friend's house.
  5. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    lol i'm still struggling to get them to nap good at home never mind anywhere else!
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My first thought to you question was, I'm still waiting! They have never been able to nap anywhere but the car and home. When they we about 6/7 months old my MIL insisted they could sleep on the blanket in her den. Yeah RIGHT! We tried it, but after the crying began it wasn't going to stop and they were not sad to see us go home early. I say, go to your relatives house then when they get cranky try to get them to nap. If it doesn't work, just excuse yourself and let them sleep in the car on the way home.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i'm comfortable doing it - but the girls never sleep as well at other people's houses so i just keep that in mind when we go. i assume that they will likely need more soothing than at home to get to sleep & that they likely won't sleep as long or as well so i'm usually prepared to throw in an extra nap if they need it. anytime we do anything that's off schedule, i just go with the flow & watch their cues more than i do at home. i also try & spread things out so that we're not doing visits say three days in a row - then i've got babies who are way way too grumpy. having an off day once in a while is usually not a big deal though.

    all that being said, i normally really need to want to go - it's just a lot of extra work & unless i'm in need of the socializing or whatever, it's usually not worth it. at the end of the day, you know what's best for your whole family & you need to do what you're comfortable with - and :p to the eye rollers! GL. :)
  8. tigerbabysmum

    tigerbabysmum Member

    sleep time OK but waking time is different. my daughters house is twin proof. other peoples are not,
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