When to try for another baby?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by annabell, May 27, 2007.

  1. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    Well, I’m turning 34 on Friday and I think that is why I am thinking about getting pregnant. I have been told that 3 years between the babies is ideal but my twins just turned 1 and I’m not getting any younger. I could wait another year but that puts me at a higher risk for complications, not to mention a better chance at another set. Our twins were a complete surprise so we are worried we could have twins again. Don’t get me wrong I love being a twin mom, but I want the single pregnancy experience. What do you think?
  2. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    My advice is whilst u are in the midst of diapers/sleepless nights, why not just go for it. I wish we had.

    Our girls are going to be 4 this year and I'm going to be 40 so now feeling its too late and also hard to start again.

    If ur having the thoughts, then just go for it.

    Good luck

  3. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I would also say go for it. Lifes to short and like you said your not getting any younger. I've been thinking about it lately myself. ;)
  4. TwoLittleGuys

    TwoLittleGuys Well-Known Member

    I think you should start trying now. You never know how long it will take. For me, we wanted to start trying when our little boys turned one, but my cycle didn't come back until they were 14 months old. It took us five-months of trying, but the results will be worth it! With my next pregnancy, we hope to be able to start trying again once our newest little one turns one-year old :blush:
  5. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    I don't know if there is ever a "perfect" time. I think if you want another baby, go for it. You also do not know when you will get pregnant. It could happen right away or it could take a while.
    We have been trying, well, we haven't been careful lately. :D
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    When to try? When you feel the time is right. :)

    I always thought that for my DH and me it would be ideal to have four years in between kids. And, when we got pregnant with the girls it happened very quickly (like the first month we started trying). I assumed that it would be just as easy to get pregnant again. Unfortunately, it took us about eight months to get pregnant and then I miscarried. Needless to say it took longer than I thought. I got pregnant three months after my miscarriage. In the end, there will be five years in between my girls and the baby which is fine but my point is that if you think that this is the right time try now because it could take longer than you expect it to. If you feel that this is the right time and the pros outweigh the cons then go for it! Good luck!
  7. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I would say when you feel your ready, go for it! I don't think there's a right or wrong. I had the same opinon as Amanda as that while I'm in the middle of diapers anyway, what's another? I've always wanted my kids closer together (2 years or so) that that we can go through stages kind of together. For example, I didn't want to get one off to kindergarten and then start all over again with a newborn. Or, I'd rather take the whole family to Disney when they all can enjoy it rather than dragging a 3 year old along with my 7 year olds. Did that make any sense? lol. Anyway, you also never know how long it will take. I never expected to wait 6 cycles and then be told I have low progesterone which is probably why I wasn't getting pregnant. GL is your decision!
  8. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    Whenever you are ready go for it!!
    I dont think any age difference is perfect for every family. Me and my one sis is 3 years apart we dont get along at all. But my youngest sis is 14 years younger then me and we are really close.

    As far as the twins again thing, when i found out i was having twins again (my others are 16 mnths old) my doctor told me that its really rare for that to happen. So maybe thats a little hopeful for you. Lol...the er doctor that saw me said he hasnt seen anything like it in his 50 years of being a doc and working with pregnant women. So the chances of you having twins again might not be that high?? Im not sure tho lol im going by what my docs say.

    Good luck on whatever you decide!
  9. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Just to reassure you, it isn't that as soon as you hit 35 suddenly all the risks go up. Instead the risks increase incrementally. So yes at 35 there'll be more risk than there was at 34, but only a tiny bit. Good luck!
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it totally depends on you and when you feel ready. There is 5.5 years in between my oldest and the twins and for us that is a good age difference. I like that my oldest is in school all day so I have some alone time with the twins. I did not want 2 or more in diapers at the same time and the thought of having mine 2 years apart scared me. I also didn't want to work full time so we waited a bit longer for that too. My point is everyone has a different idea of what the right age difference is, it just depends on when you feel ready. :)
  11. 2peeps4jen

    2peeps4jen Well-Known Member


    I'm 14 wks pregnant... and my twins will be just on the other side of 3 when this one is born. I'll be 32 when I have the baby. I'm not sure how to balance the age of mom/age of twins issue to be honest - but I imagine that one consideration is how much help you're likely to have when the new one comes and how your twin pregnany went.

    I'll say, though, my twin pregnancy was *much* tougher than this one - AND I'm so far I'm LOVING the single pregnancy experience.

    Good luck w/your decision!! :)
  12. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    I agree with the "when you are ready thoughts". My oldest & twins are almost 25 months apart. If I could have predicted the future, I may have waited another year. Things are going great now, but it was tough at the beginning with 3 in diapers. If we have another, I'm hoping to wait until I'm 34 (currently 32).
    Good luck. There's so much to think about.
  13. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I say if you are ready now, go for it.

    I was ready when my guys were 1, but it took me this long to get pregnant. I wasn't on BC or anything.
  14. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    If you think you can do it, go for it! We've been ready for a while now, but have agreed to wait until I finishing my nursing degree next summer.
  15. Br00klineBabe

    Br00klineBabe Well-Known Member

    I think that is great to have kids close in age.

    I am due in a month and my twins are still young, 15 months. The hardest thing is the pregncany. There really is not time to relax, at least for me.

    Good Luck.
  16. sara marunde

    sara marunde Member

    I say do it now. Why not? My brother and I are 3 years apart and even though we are close now and were when we were young kids, I always wanted to have my kids closer. All my kids are in diapers and were are having another one so I guess I accomplished that! Well hopefully just one! We don't have that much room! Like you said, I love being a mom of twins but my singleton pregnancy was so boring and normal and the twins really made me appreciate that since the birth of my twins was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. Luckily now they are healthy and happy. Ultimately whatever we have it will be great and meant to be. Go for it! Children are blessings. And you will be glad they will be close. Good Luck!
  17. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    Id say do it babe. ;)

    Babies are wonderful and if you want more now, then do it now...there is no better time than right now. (Van Halen Says it right....Right now, its you tomorrow, right now is everything...catch that magic moment, do it right here and now...)
  18. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    Our twins will be 2.5 years old when the new baby arrives. I am happy with that age difference but it will still be alot of work.
    My girlfriend is due anyday and her twins are 3.5 years old. Its nice for her b/c hers are potty trained, sleep in beds and go to preschool.

    For our next baby - I think we are going to try to make it closer to 3 - 4 years apart...but I am only 30 right now so I am not so concerned with maternal age...
  19. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I'm struggling with this as well...ideally I NEED another 3 years before I begin thinking about having another one - DH is pretty set against it but hasn't said no...however in another 3 years I'll be 36 and DH will be 41 and I don't know if I'll even want to start over....

    I also don't want to chance it - I had a GREAT pregnancy with the twins...my luck I'd have the singleton pregnancy from he!!
  20. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    I could have written your post. I am 34 and DH is 42. I would love another child because I'd like a larger family...however, I do not like the newborn stage! I don't know if we will have another, but if we do, I don't want to start trying until the twins are 2. I've heard from other Mom's in my twins club who have 3 under 3 that they wish they would have had the singleton 3 years apart from the twins.
  21. bethanne

    bethanne Well-Known Member

    I found out that I was preg w/our youngest ds when the twins were only 4.5 months old. I was very concerned and honestly a little dismayed at first (after 3 yrs of infert. and treatments to get the twins, this little guy was quite unexpected). The more I thought about it and saw how excited dh was, the more excited I got. Now, I can't imagine anything better. They are close in age and love each other so much already. My singleton preg. was MUCH harder than the twin one was, so I would have rather have had their preg any day. It's definetly hard taking care of twins while preg., but if your dh is a good helo, you'll be fine. Goodl luck!
  22. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Just do it when you are ready and don't worry about what the "experts" say. Whenever that baby comes will be the right time. :D
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