When to talk about body differences?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by r-twins, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    The other day DH was changing Connor's diaper before we all went out. Heather looked down at Connor (he was diaper-less at that moment) and said "Look, Connor has a tail!"

    We thought we would die laughing! But on a serious note, when did you or will you start talking about differences in their bodies? They take a bath together and see each other all the time, but this is really the first time she has said anything about it.
  2. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    I would be honest and name the part using the correct term. To them it is just another part. I would have said No, that's his *****. Boys have a ***** and girls have a ******. I would end it there.
  3. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    It is funny when they notice! I agree with the pp. I did pretty much as she described above as soon as mine noticed, which happened to be in the tub a little before they were 2. Of course, then we went through the phase of H trying to pull it when they were in the tub, that was fun, lol. We just told her that those are private parts and nobody touches except Mom, Dad & self. They caught on pretty fast.
  4. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    We've been having this discussion a lot recently. The kids noticed the differences awhile ago but hadn't made too much of it. Recently in the bath though DS asked DD essentially "Hey, where's yours?". DD was looking really hard so I said "Billy, that's your p***s. Katie is a girl and girls have vaginas instead of a p***s". The discussion went on for quite awhile about the differences between boys and girls and included who we knew who had a v****a and who had a p***s. Later that night when we were having dinner DD pipes up to Daddy, "Daddy, I have a v****a and Billy has a p***s ...". And then she went off on this long monologue about the differences between girls and boys. The look on DH's face was pretty priceless. I had to leave the room so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

    I do think it's important to use the right terms and just be matter of fact about it. Yes, girls and boys are built a little differently. Any time the kids have brought it up I've always just said, yes that is your p***s ..

    (Hard to type when the "proper words" get blanked out automatically!)
  5. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    Just want to add that after we told them this, they did use those words as much as humanly possible (no matter where we were, lol) for a while, but it was just a stage and eventually I didn't have to run & hide in the grocery store after one pointed to another person and loudly stated, "they are a man/woman so they have a p**nis/va**na :blush:
  6. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tara~JnH @ Apr 17 2007, 10:32 AM) [snapback]223695[/snapback]
    Just want to add that after we told them this, they did use those words as much as humanly possible (no matter where we were, lol) for a while, but it was just a stage and eventually I didn't have to run & hide in the grocery store after one pointed to another person and loudly stated, "they are a man/woman so they have a p**nis/va**na :blush:

    That's what I'm worried about! I just never imagined I'd have to talk about their bodies this young, KWIM? Well thanks for the advice and sharing your experiences. Now I feel like I can handle it. :D
  7. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to check on the words ***** and ****** getting blanked out automatically . . . nothing seems to be happening when I type them, I'll see how they post.

    Ours have definitely noticed, but don't pay too much attention so far.


    p.s. - yep, they really do get blanked out. Why is this? Perpetuating the myth that these are dirty words? Wonder if I can type some other fun words . . . masturbate, intercourse, breast, sex, anus . . . let's see if those get blanked out too. . .
  8. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    I find it strange that p**** and v***** are blanked out... they are proper biological terms. I wonder if that's a glitch with the new site because I kind of remember being able to use those terms on the old site.

    In any case, this happened with us a few weeks ago. I took Natalie out of the bath first, dried her and dressed her. When I took Gabe out and put him on the floor, Natalie grabbed at his p**** and laughed. I quickly removed her hand and told her that that was Gabe's p****. She repeated the word and I had to really try my best not to laugh out loud. She tried to grab it again and I repeated that it was Gabe's and she should not touch it. She just kept pointing to it and yelling "p****." I'm quite sure that DH would have died laughing if he had been there. DH and I have made a decision to use proper terminology of body parts and though I'm glad I handled it the way I did, DH and I had a good laugh about it later.

  9. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tara~JnH @ Apr 17 2007, 10:32 AM) [snapback]223695[/snapback]
    Just want to add that after we told them this, they did use those words as much as humanly possible (no matter where we were, lol) for a while, but it was just a stage and eventually I didn't have to run & hide in the grocery store after one pointed to another person and loudly stated, "they are a man/woman so they have a p**nis/va**na :blush:

    This is what we're right in the middle of right now! We explained the difference to our DD months ago, but it apparently just "clicked" in her head. Every time we go somewhere she feels the need to point out who has what anatomy :blush:
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I would definitely explain it... as PP mentions.

    Good luck.
  11. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    Well I had the opportunity today! I was changing C again and H said "look at his tail" again. So I told her what it was, and what she has, and I very matter-of-fact about it. She said the words a few times then went along playing. A few more times of this and I'm sure she'll be pointing everyone's out! LOL

  12. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    but it was just a stage and eventually I didn't have to run & hide in the grocery store after one pointed to another person and loudly stated, "they are a man/woman so they have a p**nis/va**na

    Thats where we are right now. About 2 months ago it was really bad. In their not so quiet voice, shopping with my mom Irelynd points and says to the man next to them " Look Nanna he is a boy and has a *****" Oh man the look on my moms face. My mom was going to correct her and say something else but I explained that we have taught them the proper names, yes its embarrasing but its a phase. Its not like they where saying the F word or something. we still get the occasional anatomy lesson from them but they arent as often as they where before.
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