When to switch from 2 naps a day to one pls?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Heena, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Heena

    Heena Well-Known Member


    My girls are 11 months and they still have 2 (10 and 2:45)naps a day but recntly I've noticed they are refusing to sleep in the afternoon and bedtime has become a nightmare!! refusing to sleep (8/8:30). Does ithis mean they are ready for one nap?? Shall I cut out the morning one?? Here's my sched at the mo:

    8:00 wake & bottle
    9:00 breakfast
    10:00 bottle & nap
    12:00 wake & water
    1:30 lunch
    2:30/2:45 bottle & nap
    4:00 wake & snack
    6:00/6:30 dinner
    8:00 bath, bottle & bed

    What shall I cut out?? Pls suggest.

    thanks in advance
  2. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think 11 months is too early to go to one nap...
    Our boys went to one nap at 17 months. They have always been good nappers and sleepers. With two naps they were taking between 1 1/2 and 3 hours
    for each nap- now they take one 3 hour nap (give or take a bit)
    They used to be on this schedule:
    7 - wake up and bottle
    8 breakfast
    1030 nap
    130 lunch
    330 nap
    530 dinner
    8 bed

    Now,(from 17 months to now)
    630 wake up and bottle
    8 breakfast
    10 nap
    1 or 130 lunch
    5 dinner
    7 bed

    They went to one nap by accident- it coincided with the time change and a trip to Monterey- where we had a rough night
    in a hotel and they wanted their cribs!! Now, we do have a little snack most days in between lunch and dinner.

    I hope you get some ideas on how to make things better for right now- maybe they are cutting teeth or growing or need something
    to tire them out more for their bedtime???
    take care-
  3. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    We're just trying to switch to one nap now at 16 months.

    Up at 6:30, nap at 11:30 (after lunch) bed at 6:30 - 7:00.

    They have an extra little snack in the morning when they get fussy at their "used to be nap time", but we've been at this about a week, and it seems to be working better overall. Or will once we all get adjusted.

    I'm not sure what to work for you - 11 months would have been too early for us, but I know of some who made the switch about that time. Do you think it might be because of or did they get off schedule during the holidays? Mine did, and it was crazy until we got pretty much back on track. Good luck!
  4. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    We switched around 11 months. It went fine. One of my girls insisted and the other just went along with the new schedule. The key for us was to get out inbetween nap times and to make sure we were giving snacks between meals. It made life much easier for me so I think it was well worth the switch. Every now and then they will take 2 naps, maybe 2x a month or so. Go ahead and try it and if it doesn't work then you can always give up and try later.
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