When to keep them home from daycare?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    What are the rules for most daycares? When do you send them or keep them home?

    Like i know if they have a fever, i keep them home. What about runny nose, cough, etc?

    our daycare provider gave us a list, but in my chaotic house, i can't find it. we have to pay no matter what. and i know they got this from daycare anyway (they just started so i know we'll have alot of viruses). what should i do?

    they have runny noses and maybe a cough starting.....
  2. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    Mine isn't too picky about runny noses, there always seems to be a runny nose or two in the room! Depends on what type of cough though. If it is just a cough from nasal drainage, whcih sounds like it way be the case with your little ones, then I don't think that would call for keeping them out. But if they end up with a nasty sounding chest cough, one that interferes with sleeping and usually leads to a cranky baby, then I would keep them out, and the daycare would probably call me to pick them up as well. Fever and ongoing diarrhea (like from a stomach bug) keep the kids out as well.

    I hope they are feeling better soon! Get ready though, cold season is right around the corner. This will be the twins' second cold season in daycare, so I am hoping they have built up somewhat of an immunity! Good luck!
  3. duranjt

    duranjt Well-Known Member

    The rules here tend to run as such (both in daycare and public schools):
    Temp over 100.0, out immediately and no return until 24 hours fever free without medicine
    Runny nose okay, unless it's green, then they "suggest" it be looked at by a doctor
    Cough okay unless it is affecting the child's ability to participate in daily routine (i.e. coughing until they throw up, not being able to stop, etc.)
    Diahrrea more than twice in a day is a send home
    Red throat is a call to mom and dad to get a strep check (this may be specific to my day care providers who have always been a little paranoid about strep ... )
    Other than that, it does also tend to be based on how the kiddos are acting...if they don't have any of the above mentioned symptoms, but are obviously not feeling well, they'll call, too.
    Hope this helps...and I hope the girlies aren't getting sick!!! :hug99:
    :) Nicole
  4. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    My daycare says that if the runny nose involves green gook they stay home (anything green indicates infection) same with eye goop. Coughs- there is no set policy, it depends on other symptoms. They ask that if the child has had a fever that comes back after a dose of Tylenol/Motrin that we keep them out until they are fever free for 24 hours. Rashes need checked by a doctor unless there is an obvious reason (like J&Z both have extremely sensative skin and exzema (sp?) and I have documentation from the doctor- but if it were to be postules I would have to take them to get checked)
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