When to introduce plates and forks/spoons?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by aimeemorgan1218, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. aimeemorgan1218

    aimeemorgan1218 Well-Known Member

    I know its different with each child, but hopefully someone can give me an idea. My twins are 19 months and to be honest.... I dread the (even larger) messes!
  2. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    We started a long time ago. Probably around 11 months. As far as I knew and from what our pedi told us they should know how to use utensils by now. Once they get the hang of it the mess isn't that bad. We put a piece of plastic mat under the table so it makes for easy clean up if they get anything on the floor. Good luck!
  3. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    my girls are 17 months old and we just started with utensils maybe a month ago. they have an idea how to use them but they still don't/can't use them anywhere close to correctly. they actually make less of a mess with the forks than without, but I think that is because they are still a novelty item. meals take more time and they are much more entertained. plates we have tried on and off of for some months now and sometimes they are ok, but most of the time the plate gets thrown across the room. right now i dont care if they use plates because our kitchen table is not made for them to be able to sit at and eat. so they are still in booster seats with trays and probably will be for a while. good luck! and you may be suprised with how they react to the silverwear.
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I gave mine forks and a short demonstration of how to poke their food at 18 months. They "got it" immediately and loved getting to stab their food. Spoons took longer to master but thicker foods like oatmeal, yogurt, and cottage cheese are great for practice. If you have any leftover baby cereal, thicken foods like applesauce with it and that makes it easier for them. Plates are definitely overrated. Introduce them when your kids are able to control their impulses a bit -- this varies greatly but you won't really know unless you try. I don't believe that a toddler should be starved into submission so I went slowly and non-pushy with the introductions and they were still eating like little adults before kindergarten. So, don't stress but expect a lecture from the pedi if you don't introduce utensils before their 2-year.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I gave my guys toddler forks (the Take and Toss type just after my guys turned 1. They mainly played with them, but I would help them stab a piece of food and they learned to put them in their mouths. They didn't start "forking" their own foods until closer to 18 months. Spoon are tougher, so we only really started giving them free reign with spoons after 18 months. They still make a mess with the spoons now (at just over 2 years old), but are pretty good with forks.

    We only introduced plates after they turned 2. They weren't ready before then and just used them as food catapults. <_<

    If you're afraid of a huge mess, just start with forks. They can practice on bits of bread and meat; stuff that's easy to sweep up. :)
  6. aimeemorgan1218

    aimeemorgan1218 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! Guess its time! I will try forks at lunch! :))
  7. aimeemorgan1218

    aimeemorgan1218 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! Guess its time! I will try forks at lunch! :))
  8. HoneyBear23

    HoneyBear23 Well-Known Member

    I felt guilty or like I was a bad mommy for not giving my two plates/bowls with utensils. I kept dreading it as I knew eating would take longer and be messier. I finally took the plunge at I think about 20 months (they're now 22 months) and they pretty much got it right away and feed themselves very well. I thought they'd be 'stunted' or something since I felt I started them late. LOL Guess not. I like the bowls with suction cup on the bottom to help keep them on the table.

    I think it's a perfect time to introduce them at 19 months! You'll be amazed how quick they pick things up.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    On a whim, at about 15 months, I handed them each a fork to see what happened. I was totally SHOCKED when they figured it out immediately! :faint: They are now very proficient with both forks and spoons, they can eat applesauce, yogurt, pudding, soup, salad...etc with their spoons and they love their forks for meats, potatoes, macaroni's..etc. I also introduced plates at the same time, and while they do sometimes still dump their plates on the table, for the most part they are much better with them now :)
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I started around 12 months old. My two got the concept of forks a lot faster then spoons. I just offered them at every meal, showed the kids how to use them and let them practice. Good luck!
  11. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    I think I started mine at maybe 9mos. They were eating table food cut into very small pieces. Now, they didn't get the hang of the forks and spoons till later but I introduced them at 9mos. They are 20 1/2 mos and do great with both spoon and fork!
  12. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    We started offering food on plates at around 12 months as we do not have trays with our highchairs and eating directly off the table was too messy once they started eating a good variety of finger foods. They do great with the plates and if they fall it really is an accident now; I do watch closely and ask them to give me the plates when they are done before they start playing and throwing.
    We started with spoons around the same time and they are doing well although I do have to hold the bowls to keep them from falling and we do have days when I have to wipe down the chairs and the table and the floor and change the children after a meal because yoghurt, applesauce or cereal is everywhere.
    We are slowly starting with forks now with one parent holding and guiding at the fork's end. We are very careful with the forks at the moment because the children love sharing their food and feeing oneaother and the potential for harm is much bigger than if they stab their hands or a spoon in the other baby's face.
    GL, the mess ends fairly quickly!
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