when to have everything ready?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by chatongris, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

    When should I plan on having carseats (and a van), and all that jazz for the twins? With my singletons I didn't have everything ready until 36wks....
  2. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I would say have it done by 32 weeks. Even if you deliver that early they won't come straight home....but you would be busy and maybe want to have it done. I had all done by then.
  3. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    I just recently packed my stuff and made a list of what else I need to throw in the suitcase but havent washed or packed anything for the twins yet. I figure they have to be *at least 34 weeks* gestation to have any chance of coming home with me so why bother until that point. I have their car seats but theres no need to install those yet either. Im gonna wash all their stuff and pack at 34 weeks.
  4. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I will be 34 weeks on Monday and I had my shower at 28 weeks. The weekend after the shower is when we put the cribs together and got their room ready. We still have a couple odds and ends we need, but I have both car seats installed in the SUV and my hospital bag is packed except for a few last minute things we'll need to add. But I have a list waiting on top of it for DH so he knows EXACTLY what else I'll need. :)
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I'd say early! I waited and ended up not being ready (delivered at 35 weeks), other than having their room all ready, but I had no bags packed, nothing. I had to pack that morning while I was laboring. It was not fun!
  6. kerina313

    kerina313 Well-Known Member

    My 40 weeks is technically June 1st. My c/s is scheduled at 38 weeks. I'm 34 weeks now and know that it's going to be soon. I decided to have everything bought by mid-to-late march. I figured if I got to 28 weeks - it was good to know I had things in place. Now that doesn't mean everything is ready - I just this week got the crib actually set up. We still have to wash/sterilize things. But I'm not worried as long as I have at least one outfit for each and their bed/carseats everything else can be done for me when we get home.

    Good luck!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd say the earlier you get it all the done, the better. You just never know what can happen with a twin pregnancy (even if your previous pregnancies went well) and things can sometimes change quickly.
  8. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    I agree the earlier the better just in case. You should have the basics ready that is... I was intent on having carseats, a crib, newborn diapers and basic clothing, blankets and stuff all ready by my 3rd trimester. Just the basics in order to bring them home and survive for a week or two I guess. Oh and don't forget your hospital bag and the babies' too!
  9. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone! I don't forsee us getting the van before august, but i am going to try to have everything else ready by 34wks!
  10. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I am just now getting things ready. I had my shower this past Sunday and got so much stuff!! The nursery is pretty much done now and the cribs are put together (although we put one together in our bedroom since they will stay with us for the first few months). I will put the bouncy chairs and wash their clothes when I get to about 34wks I think. At that point, I will feel confident that they will be able to come home soon after. The swing and the pack and play is already put together in our living room. Good luck!!
  11. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP to do it sooner rather than later. I know once I hit 26-28 weeks I was so uncomfortable. Plus I was put on modified bedrest at 23 weeks. I was able to relax more when I had everything pretty much done.
  12. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I plan on having everything done by 26 weeks. I know that may sound early, but I am only 16 weeks and starting to feel huge and I cannot imagine how I will feel in another 10 weeks (let alone another 20 weeks! YIKES). Plus, if I have to go on bedrest, I wanna have most everything done:) Plus, I had my DD at 29 weeks and thankfully had everything done by then and it was such a relief!
  13. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    I'm 29 weeks and starting to freak out about how much I have left to do. I feel so huge, and I'm so tired. I say the earlier the better!
  14. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    I'm 32 weeks and mostly done. I went on modified bed rest at 29, so suddenly I had the time and energy to do stuff, like wash the clothes and blenkets and set up the nursery. I feel like I get bigger by the minute, so the sooner the better.

    We still have to build the second crib (for our room) and have the carseats checked, but otherwise we are pretty well set up.
  15. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I am 24wks tomorrow and am starting to get things together. I would like to be done by 28-30wks. I might put off sterlizing bottles and pacis until closer to 35wks but everything else I want done early.
  16. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    Get as much done as you can because you might not feel like it later. I didn't have my carseats when I went into labor but I had a chance since the boys were in the NICU for a few days. You'll need them for the carseat tolerance test though.
  17. MsTasha

    MsTasha Well-Known Member

    I would get it done earlier. I am 29 weeks and my cervix started to shrink at 27 weeks so I can't go shopping or really be involved in nursery stuff, luckily we had it done super early. We actually bought the cribs at 15 weeks because they were just having an incredible sale, DH didn't put them together for a few more months, but everything was complete by 26 weeks and it was a huge relief when I gound out no more shopping at 27 weeks :)
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