When to call the pedi?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Erykah, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    DD has been running a low grade fever for the second day (around 100 - 101.) She's laying next to me or on me pretty consistently. She says her "nose" hurts... I ask her where does it hurt and she says nose and scrunches her nose up. Could that be sinus infection? Her ears look pretty clear and she does not mind if I clean them (usually an indication of an ear infection for us.)

    I hate bringing them into the doctor! She's never had an ear infection and both twinks have had a lingering cough from February!
    WWYD? Oh yeah and DH is gone away on business for the week, so its me and all the kids!
  2. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    My boys have just been through bouts of fever in the past week that lasted 3 days for each of them. At one point, Sammy's fever was 103.7F for about half a day and that was with Motrin in his system! He was lethargic, limp and wimpering. I was really worried, so we called the pedi and he basically said to give him Motrin every 5.5 hours and put a cold cloth on his head - that was about it.

    In our case, it developed into cold symptoms after the fever broke. If she's lethargic, I would give Tylenol or Motrin. My pedi has said to give it during fevers if they are acting sick and uncomfortable. If they have a fever and are running around happily, it's not really necessary, I guess.

    I'm not sure you need to bring her in to the pedi unless you suspect ear infection or strep or something bacterial. I'd probably give her Motrin and see how she responds.

  3. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    Try the cool clothes to cool her down and maybe alternating Tylenol and Motril. I had a lethargic 10 month old due to fever and ear infection, and the cool cloth helped for immediate fever releif and the motrin really did the trick.
  4. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    Ours are also just getting over a cold and DS temp went up to 103. we took them to the dr. and they said motrin and warm baths.
    but ours were still very active and eating. the dr said he would rather see higher temp and acting normal than a lower temp and just laying around.
    I would try the motrin and bath and if nothing changes i would at least call and ask to speek to the dr.
    Good Luck
  5. jfelix

    jfelix Well-Known Member

    My daughter was running a high fever and was lethargic. I had taken her on Saturday to urgent care. They did a strep test and told me it was just a virus. I took her to our pedi on Tuesday....she has mono. Poor little bugger!
  6. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Yikes, I'm giving it another day... the fever is definitely much lower if at all but she is just so clingy and needy! I hope its not mono.
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