When should they stop using their swings?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by carir, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. carir

    carir Well-Known Member

    Is there a certain time I should pack them away or when they just get too big for them? They have a hard time napping in their cribs and the swings work great...they just turned 6 months...is it time? Thanks!
  2. carir

    carir Well-Known Member

    Is there a certain time I should pack them away or when they just get too big for them? They have a hard time napping in their cribs and the swings work great...they just turned 6 months...is it time? Thanks!
  3. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    My babies enjoyed the swing up until 9 months. Then they were trying to stop the swing by holding onto the bars and they were crawling out! I would say use it until they start grabbing for the legs/bars or until they start crawling out of it.

    Good luck!

    Bridget [​IMG]
  4. JuJu55

    JuJu55 Well-Known Member

    The swings have a weight limit so I would check into that. Mine always nap in their swings and they are large for 7 months. I have a feeling that they are going to meet the requirement any day now so I am starting to transition them into cribs at nap time. I would check and see what the requirement is for yours (most of them are about 25 lbs) Until they meet it, let them sleep where they are happy. I know some people would disagree with that but it has worked for me so far. Good luck!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think it was after 9 mos. for me. They still crawl in it sometimes. (they better not break it before I sell it [​IMG] )
  6. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    We stopped using one of them when my son could no longer fit in it. It was well before they turned one but the boy is huge. The other we stopped using when my son and daughter starting trying to turn it over. I would go with the weight limit on it but I have no idea what ours was.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We stopped when Sarah got big/heavy enough that she barely fit in it (I think this was around 8 months). Around the same time, Amy started trying to grab the bars while it was swinging.

    But by the time we packed it away, we had barely been using it for a few months. We occasionally used it when we needed to contain a crawler for a few minutes, but it lost its magic sleep-inducing properties around 6 months anyway. And once they could move around, they preferred being on the floor.
  8. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We used ours daily until about 9 months. We still have it up, and they meet the weight requirements but it's the Fisher-Proce Aquarium and DS is about to rip the mobile down!
  9. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by twinsohmy:
    We used ours daily until about 9 months. We still have it up, and they meet the weight requirements but it's the Fisher-Proce Aquarium and DS is about to rip the mobile down!

    We have the "papasan" one and DS does the same thing with the mobile, so I took it down last month. They are on to crawling and enjoy their Intellitainers much more than the swing anyway. So that's what I put them in now when I need them "contained" LOL!
  10. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    About 8 months and my boys were pretty chunky. You'll know when they are too big, the swing won't work as well and you will notice they look like they may be able to get out. My son would fling himself forward and back to swing himself so that was the end of that.
  11. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We have a swing that is more traditional with arms and it swings back and forth. About 6 weeks ago they both started grabbing the arms. That was the end of the swing.
  12. mom2reagan+two

    mom2reagan+two Well-Known Member

    We use them daily and the babies are 11 months old! We had to put it away very early on with our first daughter as she was always trying to break out of it. However the twins love to sleep and take bottles in their swings. I don't leave them alone in them--they are right in my living room. However, once they are awake I get them out so that they don't try to overturn!

  13. twinduckmom

    twinduckmom Well-Known Member

    I say use them till the weight limit. I try to keep naptime in the crib but when one is fussing in bed and I can only handle one at a time... the swing is the next best thing to my arms for getting the other one to sleep! I love them!
  14. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    We were planning on using them until the weight limit - but then the little clever buggars decided that they needed to try to turn around in their swings and pull themselves out - so we stopped that minute. About 6 mos. adjusted for us.
  15. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    We keep one in our closet which is next to our bathtub and use it at bath-time for the one who is not being bathed. (DH works swings and I do some baths by myself) They don't like to sit back and relax in them anymore - lean forward to grab bars, which makes it quit swinging! The other is in by the exercise equipment, but I don't think that one has been used in awhile! Great for keeping the mobile ones still when you need them to be!
  16. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    We used ours until the girls started grabbing the bars and stopping the swings! That is how I knew it was time to put it away.
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