When should I get my hospital bag ready?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kaylies mama, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. kaylies mama

    kaylies mama Well-Known Member

    Im only 28 weeks and I have people asking me " have you got your hospital bag ready yet??" Im like "NO" im not even that close yet!! Plus I have the baby shower on the 28th of this month- I'm kinda waiting for that cause I did not buy a single thing yet for the babies. Well, just couple outfits, blankets..little things. No crib, swing, etc. I wanna buy everything once the bay showers done. By that time Ill be 32 weeks or so.

    But I guess now that Im in my 3rd trimester I should be getting the Hosp. Bag ready huh? Cause you never know what's going to happen. 28 week visit went GOOD. But just in case huh??

    What do you all think?? advice pls???

    Thanks everyone!!!! ;)
  2. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I had the babies' stuff ready as soon as I got it and washed it, but I actually didn't finish getting my stuff together until my water broke. I called the dr, she said to take my time, so I finished getting everything ready before I left :blush: Probably better to do it early, though...I was lucky to make it to 37 weeks. I would try to at least put your basic things together in a bag and then add to it as you get the baby stuff. Then at least if you have an emergency it will mostly be ready. GL!
  3. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    I am 29 weeks and I have somethings packed but not all like my robe and nightgown thats under the christmas tree lol i guess im going to have to wait to pack that
  4. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    Umm well I am 37 weeks and 4 days and my c-section is on Thursday and I dont have one. I dont even have the bag!
    I dont even have a diaper bag.....lol
    Tomorrow I plan to take care of that stuff :rolleyes:
  5. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I waited till the last minute to get my bag together, but wished I would have done it sooner!!
    I ended up in L&D a few times before the girls arrived & was worried I was going to have to leave my bag up to DH to pack!!
    Not sure what I would have ended up with!
    Luckily I made it to my scheduled c-section date & was able to pack my own bag :good:
  6. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    I say go ahead a have a bag ready. I delivered at 33.4 wks and did not have a thing packed. I had to make a list for my H and it was still hard for him to get everything together. Also, just mo, I would go ahead and start getting the nursery done...u can go ahead and get the crib or two and atleast have that. I was paranoid about not having things ready. I had the nursery complete by 25 wks. I did wait on clothes, got all newborn at my shower. Didn't get most of the things I needed, people didn't pay attention to my registry before the shower...I had to go and buy everything else, swings, carseats, strollers, mobiles, bedding, wipe warmer etc. All the little things u need. I would go ahead and prepare. I never though I would deliver early and I am glad I had everything washed and ready. Although my twinkies are still in the NICU, for now I am able to rest knowing things are done.
  7. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would pack a 'quick bag' (clothes, disposable camera, snacks, socks, etc) just in case and then add a list of things for DH/signifigant other to grab in case they need to. Then 'repack' it when you are closer to term.

    I was in/out of the hospital from 21 + weeks...then went in the day AFTER my shower at 30 weeks and never made it home. I delivered at 31w6d. I packed after my 1st hospital stay at 21 weeks and added/ adjusted as I went along.

    As PP said- you wont get your registry completely (many people ignore it)and most of it you dont need for your hospital bag anyway.

    Think if something happened RIGHT now would someone else get all the 'stuff' you wanted??
  8. travellingmum

    travellingmum Well-Known Member

    I packed mine early, around 27 weeks and I'm glad I did. I ended up being admitted to the hospital at 29 weeks with 24 hours to prepare and have been here ever since.
  9. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    I think that your doing a good thing waiting until after the shower. That way you aren't making double trips to the store to exchange/return something that you already brought. But as for you a personal bag...if there is something that you know that you are going to want/need at the hosp, get it together now....maybe not in a bag sitting by the door, but know where the items are so that you can tell someone if they should have to put your bag together. If you only have a few items for the babies that sounds cool...friends & family will probably come through for you quicker now that you're having 2! good luck!
  10. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I would pack now--better safe then sorry, and Id do the nursery or wherever they are going to be sleeping and have "the essentials" done now too. You are only going to get bigger and MORE uncomfortable. Its not going to get any easier...if they should happen to come early it will be even harder because you will be in no shape to be doing "things" good luck mama :)
  11. ElisabethCogdill

    ElisabethCogdill Well-Known Member

    I would get your bag ready and not the babies. I never packed one and i had to send my husband home to get things the next day. It could be any day (not to scare you) so you would rather be safe then sorry!
  12. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I packed mine early (around 30 weeks :blush: ) because I knew worst case, it'd sit there for a while. I needed to be prepared just in case. :good: Though I did switch out their coming home clothes a few times, but the rest remained the same. No harm in doing it when you have time, even if it's early.
  13. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Im just about 33 wks and have not packed yet! I think mostly cause Im down to so few things I can wear that if I did pack a bag I would have nothing to wear at all! I should probably get on it though. If I left it up to Jim to pack something While I was in the hospital he would probably just grab something and my luck would be it wont fit. And I should get out 2 outfits per baby, a couple of blankets, and get them ready. I already had the car seats installed and to me that was the big deal.
  14. Carefulove

    Carefulove Well-Known Member

    Sometime after 30 wks

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