When is a cerclage removed? are stretch marks permanent?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by liza11, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. liza11

    liza11 Member

    Hi , I am 33 weeks 3 days with b/g twins I've had my cerclage since 21 weeks . Both babies are almost 5 lbs each and i think I can feel things shifting like my body is gearing up to deliver soon my contractions have really picked up in intensity but are very irregular I am concerned about the cerclage tearing my cervix. if anyone has had a cerclage when did you have it removed and what happened????? Also 2 weeks ago both babies turned head down and suddenly stretch marks began to appear i grease up my belly a few times a day but it doesn't seem to help will they be permanent? any suggestions? is there anything i can do? I had no idea my body had the ability to become this big what a trip !!! : )
  2. muscaria10

    muscaria10 Well-Known Member

    I have no answer for the cerclage. As for the stretch marks, it came around 30 weeks for me, and last I heard, it can lighten after delivery into silvery lines. However, I saw my best friend's stretch marks and its still darkish!! Boy am I bothered!! I'm choosing to label those stretch marks as "trophies of twin birth"!! :rolleyes:
  3. neatfreak

    neatfreak Member

    No way to get rid of stretch marks but they will turn silvery over time.

    As for the cerclage, I think it depends on the situation, you should ask your own doctor.
  4. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    You should definitely ask your doctor about the cerclage but mine was removed at 36 weeks. (I got it at 22 weeks.) My doctor was concerned that if I started contracting that it might tear through, but I never had contractions that strong or regular.
  5. ashnclin

    ashnclin Member

    I'm 32 weeks and I have been using Bio Oil I get it at Walgreens so far I only have two small marks near my belly button. I don't know if it is the oil or my skin but I LOVE the stuff.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I think the stretch marks are permanent, but mine have faded to almost unnoticeable with time.

    I didn't make it to my cerclage removal day, I think they planned on doing it around 34 weeks for me. But I dialated with the cerclage in place, and there was no tearing. It was the only thing keeping my girls in, and it held strong. My peri said it was a very rare thing for a cerclage to cause tearing.
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also can't help with the cerclage, but with the stretch marks they do turn kinda silvery but yes, they are permanent. And you can grease up all you want, if your skin stretches good then you may not get any marks. If it doesn't, you'll get marks. It's pretty hereditary, if your mother or grandmother had lots of stretch marks you are doomed ;)

    I have from both my kids, altho this pregnancy is bringing a whole new meaning to stretch marks! lol I do use lotion several times a day to help with itching.
  8. liza11

    liza11 Member

    QUOTE(muscaria10 @ Nov 23 2008, 06:56 AM) [snapback]1082975[/snapback]
    I have no answer for the cerclage. As for the stretch marks, it came around 30 weeks for me, and last I heard, it can lighten after delivery into silvery lines. However, I saw my best friend's stretch marks and its still darkish!! Boy am I bothered!! I'm choosing to label those stretch marks as "trophies of twin birth"!! :rolleyes:

    I like that idea my trophies of twin birth................ it seems from everyones experience I will have to learn to love them.
    As for the cerclage my doctors aren't sure when to remove them and are discussing it, so for me it is good to hear other women's experience's with it!!!!! Thank you!
  9. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    I have stretch marks from adolescence that did fade over time. Now these...I plan on displaying proudly! I can't wait until I can get into bathing suit shape and am thinking about having a bikini made that says "these marks are from carrying twins" along with the statistics of how big I got! :rotflmbo:

    Other than that, my DH and I are the only ones who will see them and he thinks my belly is beautiful, marks and all, because it's carrying our little girls.
  10. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I have no experience with the cerclage, but I would definitely talk to your Dr about it. As far as the stretch marks, mine have lightened dramatically, in fact you can hardly even see them anymore (I only got them on my boobs) but they are still there. I used Mustela Stretch Mark cream and I really believe that it made a big difference. GL!
  11. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I got my stretchmarks around 33-34 weeks, and yes you can still see them if you stare hard enough :) theyve faded quite a bit and they dont bother my DH in the least! When you see how big and healthy your babies are you will think every mark was worth it.
  12. jmcnett

    jmcnett Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the Cerclage either. Stretch marks are permanent, but the only permanent one I'll have are any that remain after my tummy tuck ;)!

    So far I only have a couple on my hips from previous pregnancy (they've faded a lot), but I'm only 20 weeks and I'm almost as big as I was at term with them, so I have a feeling they are inevitable.
  13. liza11

    liza11 Member

    QUOTE(TwinsInFL @ Nov 23 2008, 07:29 PM) [snapback]1083636[/snapback]
    I have stretch marks from adolescence that did fade over time. Now these...I plan on displaying proudly! I can't wait until I can get into bathing suit shape and am thinking about having a bikini made that says "these marks are from carrying twins" along with the statistics of how big I got! :rotflmbo:

    Ha! Ha! : ) I live next to the beach ...... good idea!!!
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