When do you start regular cups?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridget nanette, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    We went for our 18 month visit...but late...19 months, and the Dr. said that the twins need to be drinking from regular cups. I was kind of shocked as it seems we haven't been on sippy cups for too long. When did you all start the twins with regular cups?

  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Mine have used a regular cup for a few months now, but we do not use them all the time. They get a small mug of milk at dinner time and that is in an open cup.

    And then they get a dixie cup of water (or two) each night when brushing their teeth. That is really how we started learning how to drink from an open cup. That might be something to consider!
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    We too started with the dixie cup of water in the bathroom with teeth brushing, they were about a year. I figured it was just water and since we were in the bathroom there was always a towel nearby, just make sure changing into jammies happens after teeth brushing. I don't think we used all open cups until around 3 although we stopped using 'sippy' cups and went to straw cups only at age 2.
  4. ohiomom

    ohiomom Well-Known Member

    EEK! Mine are 2 and don't use big cups, they really don't know how but that's bc I've never given them the chance to learn.
  5. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We have been usig open cups exlusively for about a month now. For us there was no transition or learning; it literally happened overnight. We really didn't do a lot of practice beforehand either. Occasionally when the girls would ask for a drink of water, we'd let them sit on the kitchen counter next to the sink and we'd help them hold a real glass. Then, I dunno exactly how it happened, the asked for their straw cups when they were getting a drink of water, and then refused to let us put the lids on, so we helped them drink them with the lids off, and then at the next meal time they insisted we take the lids off the milk sippies and well, it's been all open cups since then. I think they still use sippies at daycare, though honestly I'm not sure.
  6. logansmommy7

    logansmommy7 Well-Known Member

    WE started not too long ago (several months ago). It is messy, but in the end will probably be worth it?? haha. We just do open cups at meals with milk, and then sippy cups for juice/water throughout the day.
  7. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    We still do sippies and our Dr. has not mentioned anything about it . . .

    We do occasionally let them have regular cups with water, but only when it's hot out and they're out in the yard (usually scantily clad or entirely naked) so it doesn't make a mess. They love the cups, and they can drink from them with no problem. But they don't really pay attention to how they hold them and tend to spill a lot that way.

  8. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    When the boys started preschool a few months after they turned two, the school told us that they do not use sippy cups in the 2yo class (this really shocked me). We did a quick transition and left the preschool cleaning up the mess. It took a while but the boys did just fine with the cups after a few months. At home, we still use a mix of open cups, sippies, or straw cups.
  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine started practicing at our Mommy and Me class (during snack time) when they were 18 months old. Almost a year later and I still really only give open cups to them at lunch and dinner times and when we are outside. Honestly I have not been super consistent about it.
  10. admomom

    admomom Well-Known Member

    Have you tried "Reusable" juice boxes from Rubbermaid? We just started using these as sippy cup replacement. The boys - almost 2 1/2 - seem to really like them. One likes to use the straw top and the other likes to use as open cup. (They are always complete opposites.) They are less messy than regular juice boxes/open cups and easier to maintain than those Playtex straw sipper cups. Found them at the local CVS.

    They've been getting open cups for outdoors/bathroom use since about 15 months. But they still throw liquid from open cups around every chance they get. We just try to keep the amount small and encourage them when they don't spill.
  11. Renea

    Renea Well-Known Member

    My older two have just started using open cups... not that they couldnt... but they couldnt seem to keep them out of the reach of the babies so I wouldnt allow them too unless we were at the table. Hannah and Owen CAN use them... I just dont let them very often.

    My DR said the same thing around a year or so... I laughed at him and went on lol
  12. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bridget nanette @ Jul 2 2007, 02:41 AM) [snapback]314182[/snapback]
    We went for our 18 month visit...but late...19 months, and the Dr. said that the twins need to be drinking from regular cups. I was kind of shocked as it seems we haven't been on sippy cups for too long. When did you all start the twins with regular cups?


    those doctors... mine was nagging me about the open cup at less than 1 yr. I'm like, when I don't have to worry about them spilling it everywhere then I will start letting them use open cups. they get water in an open cup when we are outside on the deck. or on the day I am going to mop anyways. they love open cups b/c they can get water from the dispenser on the freezer door. lovely. now let's dump it into sissy's cup and oops let's spill it all over the floor and myself. wah mommy I'm wet. change clothes change clothes. ... :umm: um NO , not going to do open cups here. they will be able to handle the open cups by the time they are in kindergarten. YA.
    strawcups for milk, sippies for juice and water. valves are in at all times.
  13. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I started when they were about 18 months, with a tiny bit of milk, so when they spilled it, it was no big deal. They are very good with them now, however, they usually knock them over once a day. Or worst yet, like to pour them on the floor!
  14. BasketCase

    BasketCase Member

    I still use sippy cups, but we also give them cups with straws. They get to drink out of regular cups, sometimes; like if I am in a mood to clean up a mess. :rolleyes:
  15. Ilovemybabies

    Ilovemybabies Well-Known Member

    Mine still use sippies most of the time. They do drink out of a cup a couple times a day. I really need to eliminate the sippies. Their doctor hasn't said anything about it.
  16. WeGot3

    WeGot3 Well-Known Member

    Our Dr. hasn't said anything about it either. For the most part we still use sippies/cups with staws b/c they LOVE to pour liquids. They can drink out of open cups, though. I will pour a little bit of water (and will refill as needed) for them at meal times but that's the only time.
  17. TwinsItIs

    TwinsItIs Well-Known Member

    Oh my! I didn't realize how early Moshe was when he started with regular cups. He has been drinking from a regular cup since he's under a year. He never did bottles, and used sippies. But has been using a big cup ever since I can remember.
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