When do you consider a child PT'ed?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Oneplus2more, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Natalie has ben in panties with no accidents for 4 days. Hannah 3 days with a few accidents, but several were on the way to the potty and one way in the day care room at my gym. She was even playing with one of the childcare workers, who in response to Hannah holding herself asked her if she was itchy. Who asks a 2 yr old if they are itchy instead of rushing them to the potty? GRRR okay, now I feel better[​IMG] And, I was so proud of Hannah today, when on the way to the pool - in a swim diaper - she asked if there was a potty at the pool because she had to pee. She waited for several minutes until I could I pull in to McD's and she went potty[​IMG]

    But...they have both worn panties for 4-5 days straight a few weeks ago and then both insisted on wearing pull-ups/diapers again. Hannah especially does seem to be doing better this go-round. But any tips to prevent another regression? How long did you carry extra clothing around? Rachel wasn't pt until much older but then it happened in a few days and it was over with and I never needed extra clothes for her.
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It took me a few months I think to feel like they were FULLY trained! But they had the hang of it in about a week or so.... they wore pull ups at night for a long time!
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I don't think I'm the norm...but I will share anyway. After day 5 of training, we've only had 2 accidents and I know each one was because they got busy and didn't think about it. If I notice it's been about 2 hours and they are busy, I will tell them to go.

    As for regression, I played mean mommy. :blush: Mine would on occasion ask for a diaper or pullup but I would refuse and then redirect their attention. Sometimes they would get upset, BUT, I know with one of mine it's a huge control thing and I was not going to go backwards with her.

    I carried extra clothes around for a good month. Even now, I still have an extra set of undies in the car, as well as one of those small bjorn potties, some paper towels, and baggies just in case. Recently one of mine had to go and there was no bathroom in sight, so I was thankful I had the Bjorn in the car.

    It sounds like they are doing very well with it!! Keep going!! :clapping:
  4. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I, too, just removed the diapers and didn't let them be an option. Mine were older (3 and 3.5), but this was the only way it was going to work for us.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Abby pretty much asked for panties one day - said she was done with diapers and that was it! Nights too....with the exception of one or 2 night accidents she's completely potty trained...Ian is completely pee trained and at night also but we're 50/50 on the pooping...so I consider him "trained" but if I don't get him to the potty around 6 pm he'll poop his pants without fail...
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I STILL carry extra clothes, even extra shoes, as I've learned the hard way that their shoes get wet too. I also have the potty in car, but that's more because the playgrounds/parks around here either don't have bathrooms, or the bathrooms are locked (grrr!). I would say after two weeks of underwear with little-to-no accidents, I would probably declare a child potty trained. When Bea trained, they still took naps, and I put her in a pull-up at nap for a good while too. That was probably a couple months. They are still in night time pull-ups, I have no idea when they will night train. Good luck!!
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I consider them trained when they poop and pee on the potty everytime with very rare accidents. Mine have an accident maybe twice a month. We do pull ups at night still, although we really don't need to. They wake up dry every morning. But I did underwear for a while and they each had an overnight accident and were distraught, so I thought I'd stick with pull ups just a bit longer to avoid the hysterics in case another night time accident happens. I have 2 sleeves of pull ups left, I use them for 2 nights, so when those run out we'll go to underwear at night.
  8. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    Me too! I always have at least 2 outfits in the car for "accidents" which could be potty, food, dirt, water...I only take the porta potty on longer car trips now, but for about 1 year it stayed in the van.

    I consider them to be trained when they can use the potty (or tell me before) and do it with very infrequent accidents. CJ trained about 2 months ago and we have had maybe 4 pee accidents.
  9. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    A little update on our PT adventure. [​IMG] They've had 4 more days of no accidents at all for Natalie (some wiping issues) and Hannah only having 1 accident - trying to hold out for Snow White to be over, she literally just had 1 minute to go.

    Thanks to all for your input. I've put the diapers and wipes out of reach/sight and just bring 2 out as needed. And great point about extra shoes[​IMG]

    Another question - any thoughts on pull-ups vs diapers? They are only wearing them during naps & bedtime. A friend of mine swears pull-ups are causing setbacks on PT. We're using diapers because that is what we have. I have thought when those run out it might be good to switch to pull-ups so they could put them on themselves like they do their panties.
  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    After mine were trained, pull ups were fine. They did not regress. I did have to make one of mine go pull up free for 4 full days to get her to train, but once she got it the pull up was not an issue. They had to wear pull ups to school when first trained.

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