When do you buy your nursery furniture?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by PaytonJane, May 3, 2010.

  1. PaytonJane

    PaytonJane Member

    Thanks everyone for the patience with all of my questions. :)

    When will you/did you buy your nursery furniture?

    With our recent ultrasounds (great heartbeats, growth, placentas, and uterine position) my RE told us we can be 95% confident that the pregnancy is going to be healthy and succesful.

    I have found a set of furniture that I really like and it's on sale. I am not a procrastinator and would LOVE to get started on the nursery (though I won't know colors/themes until we know the genders). We've had a long struggle with infertility and I have been dreaming of this for years, so I'm dying to get started, but of course don't want to jump the gun.

    Just curious as to when you all feel comfortable with starting to decorate your nurseries.
  2. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I say go ahead and do it girl!! I started very early with my first baby (IVF baby, and we were soooo excited). This go around, we had almost everything but needed an extra crib, so we bought that a couple days ago when we found out genders at 16 weeks. Have fun!!
  3. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    I kept waiting and waiting. Then at 28 weeks suddenly woooosh I had to do everything! Whenever you feel it, go for it!
  4. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I had my nursery furniture by 20wks once I knew the for sure Genders and then bought the bedding by 22wks. I also like to get things done early!! It's been nice now that I am so uncomfortable and just don't want to climb the stairs, that their room is pretty much done. Anyways, they will be staying in our room for the first 3 months or so, so one of their cribs is set up in our room!! ;-)
  5. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I am just getting started, although I'd like to have everything pretty much set up within the next 6 weeks or so. I'm worried that I won't have the energy to be able to do as much the further along I get in my pregnancy. My husband will be a huge help though and can handle a lot of it on his own.
  6. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    As soon as we find what we are looking for its on!
  7. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    Definitely go ahead and get started! We're still working on organizing the nursery now and I wish we had done it much sooner. I'm so uncomfortable now and its hard to move around, so I have to rely on DH to do most of the organizing. He's doing great, but I wish I could help more. I'm getting anxious to get it done and he has so much going on with work and family stuff that its taking forever.
  8. HettyA

    HettyA Well-Known Member

    I started to get the nursery ready around 16 weeks. The sooner and more mobile you are the better. If you wait too long you may be unable to help as much with it as you'd like. I know around 20+ weeks I started to feel the weight and was told by my doc not to lift more than 10-15lbs.
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