When do twins start interacting with each other

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by GRTwinMom, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. GRTwinMom

    GRTwinMom Member

    Hi Everyone.

    Approximately when do twins start interacting with each other? Our girls are about 4 months and they occasionally look at each other and run into each other's hands when we're nursing but they don't yet show that they know another little person is with them all the time. They smile at us but they don't interact with each other yet. When does this interaction typically start?

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say what your girls are doing now is perfectly normal. I think when my two started to get more mobile they would interact a little more as they got older. There was a lot of side by side play until they hit 2 or so and then they really started to play together.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Once my kids could sit up, they really started to interact more, and then especially when they started crawling. I would say it was around 6 months that they actually seemed to interact more. I think what you're seeing is pretty normal for that age.
  4. lilybay

    lilybay Well-Known Member

    My guys are seven months old and right now the most interaction they have is when one accidentally hits the other on the head with a toy! :) They do notice and grab at each other a bit when laying side by side, but I can't wait for the day they actually play together!
  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My two have always slept better together - when they were 4 months old they noticed their mobile and both started laughing together. But it wasn't until they could sit up and I sat them together on the floor with toys that they really stated to play with each other. And it got even better when they could crawl ! Agree I think what you are seeing at this age is normal!
  6. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Mine started to interact around the time they learned to reach and grab, so around 4-5 months or so. It was the sweetest thing!
  7. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    My little girls are just over 9 months old and I think I just caught them smiling at each other the other day... First time.

    Other than that, Ms. L likes to grab toys out of Ms. M's hands but they don't really interact yet.

    I think it is nearer 1 year - 18 months that they start figuring out the other one is there to interact with. But it's even older that they play together. Up to a certain point - 3 years I think I read? - they play "in tandem", not really "together."
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  8. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, mine started noticing each other around 4-5 months - but wait and see when they start grabbing each other's toys and pacis and hair :)... My advise - enjoy it while they are not interacting - because not all interaction is cute :) Most interactions between mine involve someone crying in the end, but at times they do giggle and smile also - which is very cute and priceless. They are 19 months and they still grab each other's toys or pacifiers or sippycups. At one point Vanessa was going through a phase when every time Max touched her she was crying, it doesn't matter that he was trying to be nice or he touched her by accident while falling - she was still crying just because he touched her. Also Vanessa has A LOT of hair and her hair is long and Max doesn't have so much hair so he's very curious about her pigtails and hairclips - you can imagine the rest :).

    Anyway, all sarcasm aside, it's very cute when they are nice to each other and interact in a friendly way, but it's more rare than the crying kind of interaction.
  9. GRTwinMom

    GRTwinMom Member

    Thanks everyone for your input!

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