When do they wipe themselves?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by a1cbrandy, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Sorry this is kind of a TMI post...but when should I expect the girls to be able to wipe themselves after they poop? All I hear is MOMMMMYYYYYY...come wipe me. All day long. They are both potty trained ...and rarely have accidents. They wipe when they pee...but not when they poop.

    Should they just start learning now..and hope they get it. So you use the wet wipes? Or just regular toliet paper??

    I know this is a weird question..but I have no older children..and have no idea when they should be able to wipe themselves. LOL

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I made sure my oldest DD knew how to wipe herself after she went poop before she went to preschool. She went to preschool at 3 years and 10 months (since she is an Oct b-day). At home I would have her wipe herself and then I would check her. But I need to know that she knew how to do it incase she had a BM at school, I don't think she ever did though. I think now is a good time for them to learn.
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I taught the boys at age 4, but I have waited longer with the girls. For one thing, they're very small for their age, so reach was an issue last year. Also, inaccurate boys just make a mess, but with girls you have to worry about the risk of infection, so since they don't have school, I figured I'd just do it for longer (and, yes, I feel like every time I sit down someone is calling me for a wipe!!).

    I am planning to teach them after the holidays, because I don't want to start in the middle of the holidays. I'm sure yours are old enough to learn, I have just been ridiculously cautious this time around. ;)

    ETA: punctuation

    Also: I use the wet wipes, but I'm worried if they use them they might clog the toilet.
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    At about 4 yrs. old we started to stop the butt wiping for my SD and reeallly encouraged her to do it herself for preschool.. but until she was 5 she went down the line with family members, at the time we lived at DH's parents house so she would call everyone. During that year she totally did it herself.
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    My girls are not old enough, BUT they do sell flushable 'wipes' (Kandoo and Clean Team) so kids can wipe well and not clog the toilet. :p

    I hope show them how to wipe as we potty train in an effort to prevent UTIs!
  6. SweetPeaTwinsx2

    SweetPeaTwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    Abby and Lilly were 4 when I let them take over. That's when they started pre-school. For a while I let them use toilet paper and then one wet flushable one...then that just phased away pretty quickly. It's silly but it's a hard thing to turn over to them...I didn’t want them getting rashy or infection issues....and I didn’t want my girls to be "that stinky girl" in school!! KWIM?! LOL :huh:

    It's funny because I'm having the opposite problem with Lauren...she wants to be a big girl like A & L so she'll disappear and all of a sudden I'll hear the potty flush and she'll tell me "I do it mommy!!" when I tell her that I need to wipe her poopoo's!! eeekkk!! LOL
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I let my guys wipe themselves when they use the potty but then they're boys so we're not risking infections if they don't do a perfect wipe (although they are wiping correctly and do a decent job). They're very much the "do it myself" type and demanded to try. We use TP or a cloth diaper wipe if it's a messy one. No flushable wipes here because we have a septic system.
  8. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    Oh...I don't know....14? LOL! Actually it was around 4 when my kids went to preschool. I still tease my oldest about "MOMMY! COME WIPE ME!" :lol:
  9. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    When my girls were 4, I started telling them they had to give themselves 2 wipes before I would help. It gives them the practice without the risk of leaving a mess behind.
    They're 5 now and still don't always do a great job when they're at preschool. I tell them now to let me know when we get home if I need to check them or if they need fresh undies. And I have actually started using A&D on them again.
  10. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Katrina started doing it herself when she was 3 (when she got potty trained) and I would have to tell her to let me know when she goes because she didn't always wipe good, but now at 5 she does a good job but still calls if it's a messy one. Kira didn't start doing it herself until after 4 and now at 5 she does a good job. We use flushable wipes and tp, they are to use the tp first and if it's a messy one try with the wipe and then call me. Unfortunetly they still don't wipe well for pee and I worry about UTI's but thankfully we haven't gotten one yet. I hope they learn the proper way since I wasn't taught the proper way and have had many UTI's.
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