When do they stop putting everything in their mouths?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tulip1981, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    I know babies who are younger than my boys and aren't doing this. My boys have to put everything in their mouths - and I mean everything, except of course their food, which they tear up and drop on the floor.


    When does this end?? Please please please tell me it does LOL
  2. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I still catch one or the other shove stuff in their mouths - and we're less than a month from 3!

    My dd never did this though. Just for the "normal" time frame, while teething.

    One of the boys is delayed, and he's our biggest problem, since he'll eat paper, baby wipes, kleenex, toilet paper, then throw it all up [​IMG] rather annoying! LOL
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine still tend to mouth things, but it did get somewhat better around 15 months. At least now they rarely eat the wood chips on the playground. It helped a lot when they started walking -- they're less interested in picking up whatever's on the ground. But nearly every toy still makes it into the mouth at some point.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Great question, I've been wondering this too. I asked my mom the other day and she said when they are done teething. So we have a ways to go if that is the case - Lily only has 2 teeth.
  5. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    Ours still do quite often, but it is starting to slow down. It's not EVERYTHING anymore. Mostly just crayons. Oh, and DS does like to grab a soft ball with his teeth and walk around with it like a dog! LOL I know it will end someday. [​IMG]
  6. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    Mine are getting slightly better at not putting everythinginto their mouths. Alina isn't quite as good as Madison on this. I do agree that it got a little better when they started walking. I think I opened all of their birthday presents pretty much because every piece of tissue or wrapping paper went straight in their mouth!

    Right now the biggest problem we're having is that Alina eats all of their books, so I have to end up taking them away from her. They're only trying to eat the dog food about 20% of the time though, so that's a step in the right direction. [​IMG]

  7. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering this same thing - as it seems that is their favorite way of playing w/everything!!! Thanks for asking!
  8. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    My boys put EVERYTHING in their mouths. cat fur/lint/fuzz is apparently the favorite. Lovely. I have no idea when it will stop, but apparently it should have been by now? It's so gross. I can handle a block or something..but the lint/fuzz/fur is getting ridiculous.
  9. Jen Mac

    Jen Mac Well-Known Member

    Mine had a real problem with putting allsorts in their mouths!! I would say they did it till about 3, but even now they do it on occasion!!!!!
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