When do they get more laid-back?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Let me preface this by saying that my two are pretty easygoing, as 2.5-year-olds go. But increasingly, I'm finding that my Prime Directive is "Don't p*ss them off."

    I struggle to remember all the rules for how every little thing MUST be done -- which things they like to do themselves and which things they want me to do for them, whether they like red raisins (Craisins) or black ones, whether they like their snacks in cups or on plates, whether the lovey should be entirely inside the crib or slightly dangling over the edge.... Because heaven help you if you get it wrong!

    And although DH is a great dad and very hands-on, he spends slightly less time with them than I do (we both WOH, but he works longer hours). So while I try to give him some space and not micro-manage, I also find myself whispering hints to him like "Don't forget to let Sarah get down from her chair by herself" or "Amy's mad because she wanted to put her baby to sleep on the rocking chair, not the couch."

    I swore I'd never be one of those parents who lives in fear of a temper tantrum -- but while I still don't cave to my kids on things that are important, and I do require that they say "please," I also bend over backwards to try to do everything just right so they (hopefully) won't get upset in the first place. Is there some age at which they outgrow this, and it's no longer a major crisis if the spoon is on the wrong side of the plate?
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not close to three! It's the same here. DH is also less apt to cater to this stuff, and he's kind of more like "well they just have to deal with it". But yeah, it's still a big fight if you hand them their sippy cups instead of asking if they want to pick them up off the counter, or which color bowl, or do they want to flush the toilet, or taking the toothbrush out of the holder.
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I have one laid back and another 'minefield' child!

    It may have a combination of personality and age......

    I cater to some things (pick my battles) but am insistant on others as much as she may not like it. There are few things a 2/3 yr old can control so they take what they can get I think!

  4. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Clueless here....My girls are very MOODY lately. I'm not sure what's up with that...little early for PMS, I hope!

    I don't remember my son going thru just a dramatic hair trigger temper tantrum throwing stage!

    Best of luck! If you find the answer, I wanna know about it!
  5. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    My boys are over three and I'm still waiting. *sigh*
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