When do Bottles become history?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by atinar, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member


    When did your LOs started drinking milk from sippy cups instead of bottles? And was there any transition period and how much it lasted?

    I now only give my boys water during the day in their sippy cups.

    Many thanks
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We pretty much went cold-turkey with the sippies when the boys hit 1 year old. We did give Jack a night-time bottle until he was about 13 months old (he weaned early and I was still nursing Nate at night), but we changed over to a warmed sippy at our ped's suggestion.

    There was no real transition; 1 day they had bottles, the next day they had sippies! :lol: They did pretty well; Jack got it right away, but it took Nate about a week of me tipping the sippy back for him until he was comfortable drinking that way.
  3. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My ped meant to get rid of *bottles* ASAP; he didn't really give any advice about what was in them! He's very old school; he said if we "didn't get rid of the bottle in the next 9 days we'd be stuck with them forever". :rolleyes: He was being facetious, but I know he's really firm on getting off of bottles at 1 year. So we figured we might as well give it a try and at 13 months Jack moved from a night time bottle to a sippy with no problems whatsoever. :pardon:

    Sorry for the confusion! :blush:
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Their pedi has signs in her office that says to get rid of bottles no later than a year. She told us at 6 months to start introducing sippies and I had them using sippies 100% by 11 months.

    But what REALLY annoyed me was that after I got them on sippies, I was then told to only use straw type sippies. :headbang:

    Apparently the spout on sippies is about the same size as a bottle and "could" effect their speech.

    After being told that, I then had to train them to use the straw. That took a little longer because they were so used to tipping their bottles and sippies up to drink.
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    When the twins turned 1 I got rid of the bottles (cold turkey) and never put milk in the bottles. We went straight from formula in bottles to milk in sippies and it worked.
    We did the same for our youngest but he had a harder time taking to the sippy, but after a week or so he got it and thankfully he was a really good solids eater so I wasn't worried about the amount of milk, GL!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My pedi wanted us to start sippies at 6 months, which we did. We had our two off of bottles between 15-16 months. At the time they were on 3 bottles a day, so I dropped a bottle a week and replaced with a sippy. They did well with the transition :good: I started with the bottle they would miss the least (2pm), then the second one (morning one) and lastly the bedtime one. Good luck with the transition!
  8. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    10 mos of age, i introduced sippy cups, they still got both, slowly transitioned to sippy cups, and by 1 yr of age they were no longer on bottles, I started them on straw sippy cups about 14 mos of age, it also helps with their speach development the straw sippy's according to my EI speach therapist.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We switched to all sippies all milk by 12.5 months. I had transitioned by giving them cold formula in sippies and dropping bottles.
  10. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We switched to whole milk first, still warmed up in their bottles. When we took the bottles away around 12.5 months I first substituted their afternoon bottle with a sippy cup. Then we did morning and the nighttime bottle was around 13 months or so. It took about 2 weeks before they started drinking enough milk out of their sippy's, they didn't like it cold, but now they are champs and drain 2 10oz cups a day, sometimes a bit more!
  11. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I am so glad I read this post. It never occured to me to start transitioning my boys to sippies now. My last baby would never take a bottle so it's been a very long time since I've had to wean a baby off bottles. I'm excited to start with the sippies because to be quite honest I am so sick of lugging bottles around.
  12. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    :thanks: all very much. WOW! Didn't have any idea that drinking from bottles, sippy cup or straw cups might affect their speech learning :woah: !!! I'll go straight by them straw cups NOW! :escape:

    By the way, what if they drink from cups, would it be ok? I give them water during lunch in small cup.

    Thanks again.
  13. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    the sooner the better is always the answer! IF you havnt introduced them to cups, drop the bottle and do it...now!! lol but seriously, its easier for them to transition the earlier they are. good luck!
  14. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    It is always so fascinating to hear about every Pedi's advice. Mine is not worried at all about bottles and said we'd put a plan in motion at the 15 month depending on how many bottles they were taking, but mine are tiny and they want that formula in them - yes, still doing formula. We are on 4 sippies a day now though and I just switched 2 days ago. They had not had a spout sippy since a couple tries at 7 mos old for fun because we were always BFing, and after that they would just take sips out of a regular cup of water after meals. I thought I would go cold turkey and just like that we transitioned...so weird, but delightfully so...LOL...so it is possible. Not having bottles is weird suddenly. They had been using straw sippies since about 11 months old and we still use them for water. They like straws. I use the sippies for the formula so they can associate a completely different kind of cup for that. When I tried to give formula a month or so ago at lunch in a straw cup - they absolutely refused because it wasn't their favorite drink...water! LOL! Man, are each of these kiddos just a big puzzle to constantly work on or what! :)
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