When did yours start talking?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Vandiyan, May 30, 2007.

  1. Vandiyan

    Vandiyan Well-Known Member

    At what age did your twins start talking? I am talking about things other then dada, mama, and the like. I know everyone says that twins normally develope their speaking skills a little later then sigletons but don't know how much truth there is to this. I do know that my girls do seem to have their own language and they seem to understand what the other is saying. They try to come up and talk to us with their "twin speak" but I usually have no idea what they are saying. They can understand us really well so that doesn't seem to be an issue. Just wanted to get everyones thoughts. Thanks.
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    How old are your twins?

    Amy began really talking (as in, she knew a few words and used them consistently) around 15 months -- now at 18 months she has about 50 words, and is coming out with new words every day, though most of them wouldn't be understandable to anyone who didn't spend a lot of time around her.

    At 18 months, Sarah is at about the point that Amy was at 3 months ago.
  3. Vandiyan

    Vandiyan Well-Known Member

    My girls are 15 almost 16 months. I think part of the problem with them not talking is due to "binky dependency."
  4. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    mine are not talking that much either and they don't take a "binky" i am starting to get worried about my boys, so I am really intrested in the answers to this question.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine just say mama and dada consistently, but they jibber all the time with hand gestures too. So I know they know they have to talk to communicate. I am not too worried at this point.
  6. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    My DD has two words she says all the time, "Elk" and "Apple". My DS is still working very hard at "Dog". He has decided our dog is his most favorite thing in the world. :D
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine started really talking in accordance to things at 13 months and at 16 months were talking in at least 2 word groups and now they won't stop talk. We didn't even really work to get them to talk
  8. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    My girls (22m this week) have been talking for quite a while now but was kinda babyish and hard for others to understand. This past month they have started talking so clearly and putting things together really well, they also ask me what things are a lot. I am really amazed as it came so suddenly.
  9. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls were saying mama, dada and hi by the time they were 12 months. Now they're 15 months and both of them have about 6-8 words. Josie says hi, dada, mama, bye, sissy, duck, ball, cup and "what's that." Bella says hi, dada, mama, sissy, juice and "what's that." Over the last few weeks they've started trying to repeat a lot of what I say to them. Like this morning, Josie held up a toy duck and asked "what's that?" I said "it's a duck," and she said the phrase right back to me. I think a lot of kids don't really start saying much until 18 months, so I wouldn't be concerned yet.
  10. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 13 mo and they have two words we know they use reliably, "Dada" and "bu" for book, and other than that, occaisionally they will mimic me in the moment with words like duck or dog, but mostly won't use those consistenly. By the way, the delay in speech is rather typical for twins, and now you have a speech therapist's word for it. "Twinspeak" is a real phenomenon and VERY common, though my girls don't seem to have a language they communicate together with. If your ever worried, though, please see a speech therapist- You can usually get an early intervention evaluation through your local school system if you want to be sure, and I think it's usually free, though I don't work for the schools, so I'm not sure. Mostly, I like to see at least 1-2 consistently used words by 15 mo. or so, but it depends on the individual circumstances.
  11. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Although mine clearly understood me, and could even point to colors or letters when asked, they did not talk--at all--until 25 and 27 months. But BOY, can they talk now! They progressed very rapidly, within 2 months catching up to age level, and then surpassing it. As long as they are understanding simple instructions, I wouldn't worry.
  12. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    Mine are definately on the earlier side of talking. They had at least 40 words by 15 months and and at 17 months were talking in simple sentences, 2-3 words put together. What's really crazy is that they say "I" for themselves. Last night Ethan was saying "I dropped ninny" (ninny is what they call their paci). All kids develop at such different ranges that it's hard to compare.
  13. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    Our boys are 19 mos and other than their own chatting, between the two of them, they barely say anything I can understand. They both say "gaaaaah". I think it's ball, and car. Everything that is circular is a gaaaaah. One says hi. One says dog...I can't think of how he says it at the moment but I know what he means.
    I am worried but as the weeks progress, I see them communicating with each other so that eases my concern. We are waiting to get in to see a speech therapist though. I just want a professional opinion and don't want to wait until our 2 yr ped appt. Neither of my kids really wave, hi/bye or say mom/dad. They do the mama/ dada sounds but not really relating it to a person.
    Good question to post!
    I often try not to worry about when they start things, walking, talking, etc because I know it will come, but sometimes there is that internal thing that makes me wonder...
    Good luck.

  14. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    My twins just turned 16 months and are now jst really starting to talk. They try to repeat a lot of words. Kate will say momma, dadda, bubby, doggie, you're welcome, tickle tickle tickle, all done, baby, bad bad bad, no no no, door, and a couple others I can't think of. Charlie says mostly the same things except for you're welcome and tickle tickle tickle. It is so cute when she says it b/c she tries to tickle her stomach or feet when she says tickle, tickle, tickle.
  15. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    my twins don't say words, but they certainly talk up a storm! :D I think they even understand what each other are saying.
  16. lancetara

    lancetara Member

    My boy/girl twins each said their first word at 12 months and it was a long time after until they said more. Around 18 to 20 months they hit a groove and it has been no turning back!
  17. NIS+1

    NIS+1 Well-Known Member

    My girls have just started in the last month putting two words together. They started saying about 50 words at about 20 months.
  18. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Neither of my twins said much of anything at 15mos. Erick started really saying things about 19mos. Kayci still hasn't said a real word. We are starting with EI to help but I really think just doesn't have anything to say! There are enough other people talking in the house!
  19. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yikes! I guess I am starting to get worried here! Mine are 22 months and say a word here and there. Clayton has his 'B's' down (bath, bye bye, ball & happy (sounds like bye bye)) and AUdrey will repeat some but her favorite word is 'hi.' Going shopping is a hoot! They do comprehend things very well it seems though.
  20. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    My boys started on the late side also, Ollie at maybe 16 months and Alex 18 with just words here and there and of course Mooooooooooomyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy constantly.
    Then Ollie advanced really fast, and by 24 months he was speaking like a perfect little gentleman, he also doesn say what, but "Pardon me" is he doesn't understand something and "excuse me" if he needs something and started doing this at about 2 years old. He could use I and me in the right context as well. His sentences sounded normal and people could understand him at that age.
    My little Alex is a different story, he did not feel the need to communicate much, and then when at 2 he did want to do it he was not very good at structured talking. He would learn words fairly quickly but repeat them in random orders (having therefore 15-word sentences that sounded like this: "Alex want dino have Alex alex alex have dino mommy want want want alex have dino") I can tell you it was a nervewrecking phase, because he needed such a long time to make clear what he wanted.
    Now both talk fine and they are easy to understand.

    My brother's son did not talk at all til he was past 2 and then suddenly started talking in complete sentences. He is a little perfectionist and until he had the whole code cracked he refused to try.
    And my other brother's son is only 2 and a half but apart from ball, goal, dog and mama he doesn't really say much. However my brother's wife is not very bothered and she says he will eventually catch up. I hope he does because he is large for his age and looks really silly when he sits there looking like a 3 and a half year old but only babbles.
  21. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My boys are 23 months. Jackson had about 30-40 words/animal sounds until this past Thursday. Now he has over 200 words/animal sounds and is saying 2 and 3 words sentences. Just in a matter of a few days. I know people have talked about speech explosion but it is neat when it finally happens to you. It is crazy and really fun. Ethan only has a couple of words but he is making more sounds and trying to say more words in the last couple of days. I think he will be talking more in a couple of weeks.

  22. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My girls said their first word at about 16 months old. It was "uh oh" and their language just exploded from there. They had about 50 words and 35 signs by 18 months, were doing 2 word phrases by 20 months, and full sentences by 2 years old. They just babbled until they had that language breakthrough. The "normal" age for a first word is all the way up to 18 months old so I wasn't worried and they spoke in their own time. :)

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