When did your uterus move out of your pelvis?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mcgarry22, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. mcgarry22

    mcgarry22 Member

    I am 14 weeks pregnant with twins and feeling major pressure on what I am guessing is my bladder. No pain, no other symptoms like bleeding or UTI, just A LOT of pressure. I know that's common later in pregnancy, but thought maybe it was still too early for me to be feeling that. So... I called my midwives and asked and their response was that the uterus is still low and obviously bigger than normal, and when it 'pops up' out of the pelvis the pressure should subside. My question to all of you is: Did you experience this too, around the same time, and when did it go away?
  2. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Have you "popped" yet? Is your belly visibly pregnant yet? I just checked my Facebook album and it was around 18 weeks when I suddenly looked pregnant and that's when I got a whole lot more comfortable. I think the explanation you were given makes perfect sense- there is a whole lot crammed in a little bit of space right now!
  3. mcgarry22

    mcgarry22 Member

    I guess I look pregnant (maybe 'a little pregnant', haha). The problem I had was when doing my own Internet research (never a good idea) other women - who were only having ONE baby - said their uterus moved when they were 11, 12, 13 weeks, and I thought, "Gee, wouldn't it have happened even EARLIER with twins?!"

    Oh well, I guess it's just wait-and-see at this point... [​IMG]
  4. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    i am 13 weeks and mine has already "popped" although im overweight so the only one that can tell is me lol. I can't fit in any of my clothes and am already wearing maternity clothes. But I have to pee all the time anyway. My doctor was surprised that my uterus was already out of my pelvis. But its different with every woman.
  5. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Generally with a single pregnancy they say that the uterus begins to pop out from behind the bone around 12 weeks. I'm really short, at 12 weeks you almost could have measured a fundal height on me! I was at least an inch above my pubic bone.

    Don't forget you also have a ton of extra fluid in your body which as it adjusts could be feeling pressure.
  6. Ashley9603

    Ashley9603 Member

    I have a lot of pressure too,I am starting to show...I look like Im 5 months instead of almost 4 lol.I am worried a little because everywhere I look or ask they make me think its a bad thing(pressure)I never experienced this with my daughter(maybe its a twin thing?LOL)Im currently 15.5 weeks.
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