When did your twins start talking?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmommee, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. twinzmommee

    twinzmommee Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I am making something out of nothing or if I really have a legitimate concern but my 34 month old girls are not really talking yet. They say words and my "older" twin says short sentences but neither one are really talking. My dh and I are concerned because we wonder if they have some sort of language/speech delay.

    Now, I have to be honest here...ulp...they still have their pacifiers and use them all the time. I realize that is one major hinderance in their developing speech. Also, we allow them to watch entirely too much tv...which I also know can be another hitch in their developement. However, dh and I both spend plenty of time with both of them talking to them, reading to them, pointing out pictures and using complete sentences to describe what they are seeing, etc.

    I just feel like mine are so far behind and that I have failed them somehow by not keeping up a constant working schedule with teaching them. When I see other kids talking in complete sentences it makes me panic. Of course, I should add, that I'm comparing kids that are singletons and are most likely don't have any age adjustments for being a preemie.

    Should I consider calling someone to come in and evaluate them? If they do, will they do a hearing test on them and go from there? What could I expect?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! BTW, I don't get on here very much but will check back frequently. Please don't think that I am ignoring anyone's responses! Just a heads up!
  2. twinzmommee

    twinzmommee Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I am making something out of nothing or if I really have a legitimate concern but my 34 month old girls are not really talking yet. They say words and my "older" twin says short sentences but neither one are really talking. My dh and I are concerned because we wonder if they have some sort of language/speech delay.

    Now, I have to be honest here...ulp...they still have their pacifiers and use them all the time. I realize that is one major hinderance in their developing speech. Also, we allow them to watch entirely too much tv...which I also know can be another hitch in their developement. However, dh and I both spend plenty of time with both of them talking to them, reading to them, pointing out pictures and using complete sentences to describe what they are seeing, etc.

    I just feel like mine are so far behind and that I have failed them somehow by not keeping up a constant working schedule with teaching them. When I see other kids talking in complete sentences it makes me panic. Of course, I should add, that I'm comparing kids that are singletons and are most likely don't have any age adjustments for being a preemie.

    Should I consider calling someone to come in and evaluate them? If they do, will they do a hearing test on them and go from there? What could I expect?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! BTW, I don't get on here very much but will check back frequently. Please don't think that I am ignoring anyone's responses! Just a heads up!
  3. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    It looks like your girls are about 2 1/2 months older than mine and I really have no advice but I know that all kids develop different skills at different ages and it is hard to compare. My kids were born at 37 weeks. I can tell you that S & L are not talking in complete sentences, per se, but certainly communicating very well. Not just needs and wants but specific questions like, "mommy, what you buy at store for dinner?" and "mommy, when is your birthday?" Are those complete sentences? [​IMG] Granted it comes out sounding a bit more muffled and I often have to translate to others what they are saying. We never did pacis but we do watch DVDs!

    If I were you, I'd talk to your Pedi about your concerns.

  4. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I think if you are concerned- talk to you pedi and get an eval!! My girls are not as old as your twins- so I don't know exactly where they should be. I know there are a few moms on here that have 2 1/2 yr olds that have their kiddos in speech. If you type in speech in the find box above- I wonder if you would come up with anything else? Also- I'm bumping this up for you!! I don't want it to get lost!!
  5. twinzmommee

    twinzmommee Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the replies! I plan on talking to my Pedi about this soon. Like I said, perhaps I'm just jumping the gun here b/c both girls do well to communicate when they need something. Sometimes, they say things clear as day and other times, it is garbled or they won't say anything.

    One more question....does being in daycare and around other children make a difference? Mine have been home since day one and they only communicate with each other so that may have a bearing on their development too.

    Anyway, thanks!
  6. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    My kids vocabulary and communication skills exploded when they got into a daycare situation when they just turned 2. It could have been the age but things really took off!
  7. stephsbabies

    stephsbabies Well-Known Member

    Hello. I would recommend having them evaluated by your pediatrician (as you said that you would).

    I have two sets of twins and both sets have different situations. My 3 year old twins have spoken in sentences for a long time. Can't recall when this started but I feel like they speak quite well. My younger twins 21 months (2 1/2 months early) have been on a different path. One of my younger twins entered speech therapy at 16 months because her speech skills were at a 6-8 month olds. She didn't say anything and didn't babble much. She screamed and cried all the time. All kids had their pacifiers taken away at 13(older girls) and 20(my screamer) months. It was recommended by the speech therapist that we take away my youngest pacifier to encourage her speaking. Over the past two weeks, her vocabulary has increased and she is now putting two words together. Her sister has had a number of health issues since she was born and received a lot more intensive care (reading, one on one play/therapy) and she can speak in sentences. Not all the time but some of the time. Personally, I think this is remarkable for her age (and situation).

    I wanted to share where my children where at,but more importantly, wanted to say that all children develop differently. I don't think that it makes a difference that they aren't in daycare. They have their whole lives to interact with other children. Good luck with your situation.

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