When did your twins sit, crawl, walk and talk?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My twins were born 32 weeks. They are 2 months old now. I am wondering when they can sit, crawl. Another question: do premature babies' eyes can see as well as fullterm babies' eyes at birth?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on your twins! You have some time to enjoy the lack of mobility!!! :laughing: Enjoy it!!! That said....

    My boys rolled at 3/4 months, as did Annabella.
    The boys sat up well by six months, same with Annabella.
    Nicholas crawled four days before he turned 9 months old, Anthony ten days after nine months old, and Annabella was nineteen days after nine months old.

    As for walking.... Nicholas officially walked exactly two weeks before his first birthday(it was his actual party), Anthony walked on December 24, so 14 months and six days. And Annabella is four days from her first birthday, and no walking yet. She REALLY wants to-but not quite!

    As for eyesight-I'm no help in that department. I do know most babies-and kids-have some form of farsightedness. But don't ask me-both of my boys wear glasses!
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls were born at 35 weeks and did not sit up on their own until 7 months, they crawled at around 8 months, and were walking at 11 months. They didn't talk until almost 18 months (at least not to me :) )
  4. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My girls were born at 36 weeks 5 days. They sat up at 4.5 months, crawled at 6, C started walking at 9 months and K just started walking this week at 10 months. I wouldn't have minded waiting longer for these milestones. They are very busy babies and exhaust me! Good luck with your new little ones :)
  5. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    The boys were born 38 weeks. They sat up by 6.5 months, they do not crawl or walk yet. But my daughter was sitting by 5 months, never crawled, pulled herself up and started to cruise by 9 months, and walked independently 3 days after her first birthday.
  6. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    Every baby is different. Mine were 35 weekers, one of my boys started sitting at 5-6 months while the other took a bit longer. They both started to crawl at 7 months and started standing at 8 months and now at 10 months we are getting close to walking.

    Can't answer the eye question though.
  7. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    My twins were born at 34 weeks 5 days.

    sitting up unassisted 7 months.

    they are 8 months on the 18th, and I can tell thinking about crawling, legs under bodies, a bit of scooting backwards.

    No idea on the rest, since we aren't there yet, but hope this helps!
  8. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    my boys were born at 33 1/2 weeks, and we had to use their adjusted age for all of their FY milestones. they started sitting around 8 months (6 1/2 adjusted), crawling at 10 1/2 months (9 months adjusted), and walking at 15 months (13 1/2 months adjusted).

    once they started walking it was like the adjusted age thing just disappeared. there was a rapid spurt of development between 15 and 17 months so by the time we went to their 18 month well baby visit they were all caught up and even trending a little ahead on their cognitive and physical milestones.

    edit: they started talking close to their first birthday. mostly just mama and dada and then bye bye. their language acquisition went into high gear around the same time as the physical development, between 15 and 17 months. now they're stringing two words together and saying big words like "umbrella" and "opposites."
  9. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    My boys were born at 37w6d.
    They both started rolling at 4m.
    They started sitting unassisted at 7.5m.
    Will started army-crawling around 8m; Alex at 9m.
    Will started crawling on all fours at 10m; Alex the week before turning 1.
    Will started taking a few steps here and there around 12m and started full-on walking at 14m; Alex started standing unassisted at 14m and walking at almost 16m.
    They both started talking the week before they turned 15m. They started late, but now Alex has 12 words and Will has almost 30 so they've made up for lost time!
  10. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh this makes me feel SO much better! Tanner does everything later than Jace and though I never let on, it really worries me. They both crawl now and JUST started sitting up unassisted (but I have to remind myself that my girls never really sat up either) They were born at 37w2d and are 11mo today! Both already "talk" they say mama, dada, HI and clap.
  11. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    My girls were/are miles apart in development!

    rolled 4-5 months?
    Sat up--8 months
    Crawled--10 months
    walked--13 months
    Talked--15-18 months and is up to 50+ words, short 3 word sentances, knows all her ABC's, sign language, reads one word "cat", etc

    rolled--last month! She never rolled as a baby
    Sat up--8 months
    Crawled--Never crawled just scooted around 12 months
    walked--18 months
    Talked--18 months and is upto 10 words maybe? One sign but not sure she knows how to use it :rolleyes:

    They are starting pre-school soon where I hear kids all tend to catch up. Kids are all very different!
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It depends on the milestones but my kids (they were born 38 weeks)
    Both of them sat between 6-7 months
    DD started crawling around 8 months, walking around 10.5-11 months and said her first word Dada between 9-11 months -I can't remember when exactly. She picked up words faster then my DS and her language skills took off after she turned a year old and just steadily improved.
    DS did not crawl until he was 10.5 months old, he took his first steps after turning a year and was a confident walker by 14 months. He said his first word (also Dada) around the same time as DD but his language really picked up and took off after 18 months. Now you can't get him to be quiet!
    As for the eyesight, I'm not sure.
  13. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    first set of twins born at 28 wks, now 8yrs:

    April rolled at 4mo (1mo adj), sat at 7mo (4mo adj), crawled at 8mo (5mo adj), walked at 14mo (11mo adj). She was determined to be like older sibs, and not let her brother beat her.. Said first true words at 13 mo, hasnt been quiet since

    Eric rolled at 5mo (2mo adj), sat at 9mo (6mo adj), crawled at 10mo (6mo adj), walked at 13mo (10mo adj). He was more laid back than his sis, but caught on to walking faster. Said first words (true words) at 15 mo, still has speech problems.

    To note the first set of twins were involved in EI from age 13 weeks because of their prematurity. This was probably the reason they reached milestones earlier than expected.

    A and E are both normal active 3rd graders and you would never know that they were 3 months premature.

    second set of twins born at 32 wks, now almost 16 mo:

    Degataga rolled at 4mo (2mo adj), sat at 7mo (5mo adj), crawled at 9mo (7mo adj), walked at 12mo (10mo adj). Had EI from age 5mo to age 10mo due to low muscle tone, Helped him get enough strength to do the things he couldn't.

    Dekanawida rolled at 4mo (2mo adj), sat at 8mo (6mo adj), crawled at 10.5mo (8.5mo adj), walked starting about 2 weeks ago 15mo (13mo adj). Did not get EI so that probably made the difference in milestones.

    The boys have early language skills emerging ie)mama, dada, wawa (water). True words are also beginning to begin as well over the last 2 weeks or so. Teaching basic signs now, but the boys havent really picked up on any, save one wich is the sign for more. Trying to teach the more, milk, juice, eat, sleep.
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