When did your twins go to one nap a day?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by minnieinafrica, Aug 25, 2007.


When did Twin A go to one nap?

  1. 12 months

    0 vote(s)
  2. 13 months

    0 vote(s)
  3. 14 months

    0 vote(s)
  4. 15 months

    0 vote(s)
  5. 16 months

    0 vote(s)
  6. 17 months

    0 vote(s)
  7. 18 months

    0 vote(s)
  8. 19+ months

    0 vote(s)
  9. Other/Don't remember

    0 vote(s)
  1. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    Mia is ready to go to one nap I think. I tried it today and it all went well. I am not sure about Jacob. He still falls asleep really easily with both of his naps. This means though that there is pretty much a baby up all times. Did this happen to anyone? I am thinking of trying one nap with him tomorrow just to see how it goes. I was wondering when everyone else's twins transitioned to one nap. TIA
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We switched to one nap at 14 months. I think that they could both take 2 shorter ones, but one is great for our crazy school schedule. Their nap is about 2 hours and they go down around 11-1130. I would put them both on the same napping schedule...for your sanity!
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Mine started at 17 months. It was when I went back to work, and they started going to the sitters. I guess there was so much going on they didn't want to sleep so much, ;)
  4. LaRae81

    LaRae81 Well-Known Member

    Mine used to take one around 10 until 12 and then one around 2 until 4. Now they sleep in a little. They go to bed at 8 pm, and then wake between 8:30 - 9:15 am. Then they take a nap from 12 until 2 (sometimes as late as 3:30). It just kinda happened one day they were awake and not fussing so I waited to put them down and now it's stuck. This started right around 12 months if not a little sooner.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I got both of mine down to one nap at 17 months. I always have them nap at the same time so was not going to have one take 2 naps and one take 1 nap, we would never be able to go anywhere if that happened. Mine needed to be down to one nap by next week due to my older DD starting school again.
  6. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Both at 19 months about a week before we went on Vaca in the beginning of August which worked out great since they nap/play 10am-11:30/12noon and we have the rest of the day free, their bedtime is 7pm-7am. They do get cranky around 3-4pm which around the time they used to go to second nap, but before you know it, it's dinner/bathtime.
  7. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    MIne are just transitioning now at 20 months. I agree that I would definately keep them on the same schedule so you get a break too.
  8. navywf757

    navywf757 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(swiertel @ Aug 25 2007, 07:35 PM) [snapback]380175[/snapback]
    MIne are just transitioning now at 20 months. I agree that I would definately keep them on the same schedule so you get a break too.

    I was getting ready to come and post this question so thanks. It seems most babies transition late. I would love one nap after lunch but they still take 2. DD seems like she could do just one but ds still seems to need his. She will sleep but I notice hers are getting shorter for that morning nap. Our schedule looks like yours too. Ds will sometime take a shorter nap and she wakes him frequently lately when waking up than before so I guess he is not sleeping as deep. My problems is dd always wakes up crying and dss hardly ever unless something is really wrong like sick or teething. Any ideas why that might be??
  9. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(navywf757 @ Aug 26 2007, 12:44 AM) [snapback]380180[/snapback]
    My problems is dd always wakes up crying and dss hardly ever unless something is really wrong like sick or teething. Any ideas why that might be??

    I am not sure what might be the reason. My DD sometimes does and sometimes doesn't wake up crying. Maybe she just wants you know that she is up and she wants out.

    Well, today I thought I might try to keep Jacob up and try only one nap with him. It wasn't even going to happen! He was so cranky well before his 9 a.m. nap that I knew there was no way he'd make it to 11 a.m. I put him down and then played with Mia. When she yawned about a half hour later I thought "well, I should try to keep themn on the same schedule." I put her down and she just fussed and cried for about 1/2 and that's when I decided, I really think that she only needs one nap. What is happening is that she would do that for both her naps. Fuss and play and cry sometimes almost up to an hour until she finally fell asleep. Then I would have to wake her so that she didn't sleep too long and mess up the 2nd nap or bedtime. I think by her taking one nap, she'll be more refreshed because she can sleep all she wants and wake up when she is ready. Both yesterday and today she has gone right to sleep. I think it is going to be a tough transition having two different schedules but I don't think I can do it another way. THOUghtS?
  10. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(navywf757 @ Aug 26 2007, 12:44 AM) [snapback]380180[/snapback]
    My problems is dd always wakes up crying and dss hardly ever unless something is really wrong like sick or teething. Any ideas why that might be??

    I am not sure what might be the reason. My DD sometimes does and sometimes doesn't wake up crying. Maybe she just wants you know that she is up and she wants out.

    Well, today I thought I might try to keep Jacob up and try only one nap with him. It wasn't even going to happen! He was so cranky well before his 9 a.m. nap that I knew there was no way he'd make it to 11 a.m. I put him down and then played with Mia. When she yawned about a half hour later I thought "well, I should try to keep themn on the same schedule." I put her down and she just fussed and cried for about 1/2 and that's when I decided, I really think that she only needs one nap. What is happening is that she would do that for both her naps. Fuss and play and cry sometimes almost up to an hour until she finally fell asleep. Then I would have to wake her so that she didn't sleep too long and mess up the 2nd nap or bedtime. I think by her taking one nap, she'll be more refreshed because she can sleep all she wants and wake up when she is ready. Both yesterday and today she has gone right to sleep. I think it is going to be a tough transition having two different schedules but I don't think I can do it another way. THOUghtS?
  11. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I think both mine are ready to go down to one nap a day too. They usually go down around 10/ 10.30 am and wake around 11.30/12 and that can be them for the rest of they day unless they are really tired. I am trying to push their naps back so they will go down around 11.30 after their lunch x
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine were forced to one nap at day at daycare at 13 months. It worked there (because all the other kids were doing the same thing), but at home, they kept having two naps until 16 months. I did switch them at the same time, more or less. However, they had always done the morning nap in the stroller (unless the weather was really bad), so it was sort of a gradual process. Sometimes one of them would fall asleep, sometimes the other would, sometimes both or neither. We didn't consider them "switched" to one nap until we could actually take them out someplace (not in the stroller) and they would stay awake until after lunch without much trouble -- that happened around 16 months. But for the transition, it was helpful to have a situation in which they could sleep or not, as they wanted.

    Unless one of your twins is way ahead of the other in terms of being ready to give up the nap, I'd compromise and keep them together. Try to push Jacob just a bit longer than he really wants to go, and then put Mia down a little earlier than she is really ready. They will synchronize eventually.
  13. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine did not got to one nap until 22 months and both did it at the same time. Prior to that say from 18-22 months, some days they would take 1 nap and somedays 2. I went with it and let them sort of make the call.
  14. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i kept both girls on the same schedule. they were vacillating between needing 1 nap somedays and 2 naps other days. i wanted the consistency so I forced 1 nap at about 14 months. it took about a month for them to fall into the new schedule.
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