When did your twins consistently STTN?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JoannaD, May 20, 2011.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    When did your twins consistently STTN? Like only waking up once/twice a week if that? Right now, my twins can STTN, but only do that about once a week. And when they're up at night, its turning into a 2 hour production before they go back to sleep. When can I reasonably expect that they'll consistently STTN?
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    My boys slept through the night at about 9.5 months after we finally gave in and did CIO. However, it still gets wacky even now if they are teething, have a cold, etc. Often the first sign I notice of those things is a horrible night and sleep, and then I see the other symptoms (runny nose for the start of a cold, drooling and chewing for teething, etc.). If I have to get up with them, it is a long ordeal, just like you describe. The last week has been horrible since they have a cold.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Six months when we did CIO with the boys. Annabella, was more on her own, and that was around 11/12 months. Luckily for us, teething, colds, etc never interfered with their sleeping habits at night. Annabella it has, but the boys it never really has.

    If it's a 2 hour production, you may need to do CIO, or whatever you are most comfortable with. At their age, they *know* you are coming in to get them or whatever. And you do. And then they wrap you around their finger for the next two hours! Smart little characters! And you know that they *can* STTN. So it's not like they can't. What do you do in those two hours? Put them down? They cry you get them? Repeat? Or is something else happening? I'd be a zombie in the morning!

    :hug: I hope you are all on your way to more sleep filled nights!
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Mine sttn at 3.5 months on their own. But they didn't when they were teething and sick. It depends on kids. I know it sucks. Even now, some nights mine still wake up and cry When hey have night mare. Some night, one of them wakes up plays for 1 hr ten back to sleep on their own. I don't care and leave them alone. Gl
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At 11 months I would also do CIO. Mine slept through at 2 months! Then they ripped it all away from us at about 5-6 months when teething started. We finally did CIO after many miserable nights at about 9-10 months and I wish I had done it sooner. They totally had our number and just wanted to be with us all night. If it was a single baby I probably would have just co-slept, but my wiggly squirmy twins just couldn't do that. So, we CIO'ed and got good sleepers and our sanity back. Good luck.. I think probably the worst part of FY is all the sleep you lose. Hopefully that ends soon!
  6. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    we did CIO to our DD1 at 7 months. Took 3 nights and she STTN consistently ever since....12 hours....I found that it would slide a bit when she'd get sick etc but you kinda do have to stay firm with the CIO and try to let them settle on their own, even when they're teething...otherwise it all slides and you have to re-do the sleep training!
  7. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Mine did at 5months..if they didn't I would have done CIO at 6 months
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The boys 7-8 weeks on their own and Hannah 9.5 weeks on her own:) The twins have been awesome sleepers and very rarely does anything interfere with their sleep. Hannah slid back a little bit around 4-6 months for teeth but has since been a great sleeper! She even had a fever on Monday and no naps at daycare and crashed at 5:50pm and I thought I would be up with her at *least* once....nope...poor pumpkin slept until 6:45am!!!!

    Your twins are only a day older than Hannah and she has been what I like to call "fussing it out" for a couple weeks now. She goes down fine in her bed and we tell her good night and then as soon as her door clicks shut she turns on the "tears". We have a video monitor and we noticed when we walk by her door she quiets and looks at the door waiting for us...smart little cookie huh!? ;) So she never really cries but she fusses for a good 15-20 mins before she finally gives up and lays back down to sleep. I would see what they are really wanting from you and barring any sickness/hunger (which shouldn't be an issue at this age) let them CIO if you are comfortable with it!
  9. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    mine started at 3 months. then stopped at 6 when they started teething. We did CIO at 8.5 and now consistantly sleep 8-7. (knocking on wood, crossing fingers, saying a prayer that I didnt just jinx us.)
  10. twinmomlg

    twinmomlg Member

    Is everyone saying STTN is 11 or 12 hours straight? Ours are 10 months and sleep a good 9 hours straight (7:30-4:30) but then wake up. DS usually can take a full bottle and go back to bed until 7 am. DD just started fussing around 3 am and if we bring her to bed, she sleeps until 8. But, we don't want to encourage that!

    When you all did CIO, did you do it with both in the same room? Ours are starting to scream and scare the other one and wake them up!
  11. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    STTN is actually considered to be done at 5/6 hours.

    I forgot to look at your ticker, but I don't know how old your twins are. We fed ours until six months throughout the night. Then it became more of a habit for them to wake up than a need. So we did CIO with them at that time. And we did it with them both in the same room. They will eventually learn to sleep through each other's cries. My boys are now 3 1/2 and sleep through each other's cries.
  12. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they're waking up hungry then I'd still feed them at night, but eventually you'll probably notice that they either start to skip the night feed or wake out of habit and don't take much fluid. At that point I'd cut the night feeding out and let them sleep straight through.

    We did CIO in the same room because for some reason they never woke each other. If they're bothering each other at night try putting a pack'n'play or moving one crib into another room just until you get the sleep routine under control. Personally, I'd try CIO in whatever their permanent sleeping arrangement is going to be though to avoid more disruptions down the road. I think you'd be surprised at how fast it works!
  13. twinmomlg

    twinmomlg Member

    Sorry! Our twins are 10 months. They usually sleep through each other's cries. One can be screaming and the other will just snooze away. But, about the last week, they are bothering each other. We've done a bit of CIO in the past and it's gotten them to sleep like they do now which is pretty good. But, I'm wondering if we should skip the bottle at 4 am and try And push DS. He's done it before so i know he can.
  14. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    How do you know if they are waking out of habit or really hungry. Mine are almost 6 months and will still wake at night. They are not consistently STTN. I want to do CIO to get them sleeping but would feel so guilty if they were hungry and I just made them cry them selves to sleep hungry.
  15. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Wow. If STTN is 5 or 6 hours, mine were doing that from day one. :) I always considered it 12 hours. Good to know!!
  16. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I am a zombie! It's been awful! What makes it worse is that my DH works 6pm-6am and I'm a teacher, so there's been plenty of nights that I've only slept 2-3 hours and then had to go to work the next day.

    I usually let them cry for a few minutes to see if they'll put themselves back to sleep. We had a bad stretch with C having an ear infection and E teething, so now I think they're used to waking up and us coming to get them. If they don't seem like they're going to put themselves to back to sleep, I take the crying baby and bring him to bed to co-sleep. That used to work, but not anymore. E refuses to co-sleep and C sleeps terribly, so he wakes up every 1-2 hours when we co-sleep and its a bit of a battle to get him back to sleep. I've tried putting them back down, putting on their soothers, loveys, rubbing C's back, bottles (sometimes water, sometimes formula), etc. E has been taking the whole bottle (4oz) when I give it to him, so maybe he is hungry? Then again, he's my eater and will eat/drink whatever I give him whenever I give it to him. I think it is a habit at this point after all the night wakings from being sick and teething, so I should just bite the bullet and do CIO.

    Thursday night, I was up from 1:30-5:30 and had to work. Last night, I was up at 11:30, coslept until 1:30, up from 4-5:30, co-slept until 6:30. That's been pretty normal since the beginning of May. I'm exhausted!

    I knew when they started refusing the bottle when they woke up and wanted to play instead. It was around 7-7.5 months for us.
  17. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    My boys were sleeping about 9 hours straight at 4 months. I feel like we were lucky. They don't always nap well, but they always sleep through the night. They occasionally wake and cry out but are easily soothed right back to sleep. We've only done CIO once for Leo. He didn't cry loud and went back to sleep within an hour.
  18. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Ours STTN at 12.5 months. I kept waiting for them to do it on their own since it seemed to happen for everyone else. We gave up and used the ferber method, and after a few days we did full CIO. It was unpleasant, but we were about to crack up from the lack of sleep. I wish we would have done it sooner.
  19. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That sounds like the exact pattern that we were in for so long, and I was absolutely desperate for sleep. My husband and I were fighting all the time and the kids were miserable during the day not getting enough sleep.. it was AWFUL. So yes, bite the bullet and let them CIO. They just wanted to be with us, but when they're in bed with us they're squirmy and want to explore. I'd bet that within a night or two you have some very different kids on your hands! And hopefully you'll get the sleep you need. :)
  20. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I finally bit the bullet on Sunday night. I was planning on doing CIO this weekend when DH would be home with me at night and it was a weekend, so if we didn't get much sleep, we'd be able to take it easy on Saturday and Sunday. But on Sunday night, I was just so exhausted that I decided to try it that night. C woke up 3 times, one time cried for 20 minutes I think, but managed to put himself back to sleep. Last night, E woke up at midnight, cried a few minutes, put himself back to sleep, and then I didn't hear from them again until 6:15. So much better! Hopefully, they STTN tonight. I do think C has been a bit sleep deprived lately. He just always seems tired during the day. Hopefully, getting him to sleep the whole night in his crib will help him get more rest versus the waking every 1-2 hours when he co-sleeps.

    So kids really sleep 12 hours and don't cry in the middle of the night?? That will really be in my future?? :lol:
  21. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes! I swear it's true!
  22. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    With the last set by 6 month they rarely woke at night. that said they did (and still do) go through phases where for a couple of weeks they wake up every night for something. (drinks, bathroom, nightmares, leg aches, want to sleep with me...) If I were you I would CIO. I couldn't deal with being awake for 2 hrs in the middle of the night.

    Even now my babies are going 10 hrs at night. It is great and will go back down for another 2 to 2 1/2 after that. I love it.
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