When did your kids go from one nap to two?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2peasNApod, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    My kids still nap from 10:45-12 and from 3:30 to 4:30-5...but I have noticed this week each baby will refuse either the morning or the afternoon nap. Although they play, they aren't crying or anything...they aren't sleeping. Would you move the nap to just one? If so, do you move it to 12 or 1 to whenever? Just curious what everyone else is doing/has done. TIA!
  2. Cath76

    Cath76 Active Member

    My babies have only ever had 1 nap and that is a morning one.

    They wake around 6.30 and then go back to bed around 9.00am for about 2 hours usually, sometimes more. Then they go to bed at 5.00pm for the night.

    My older girls did this too.

    My son used to nap 2 times a day though. He would have about an hour in the morning and then an hour around 2.00pm. He stopped the afternoon nap when he started Nursery at the age of 3.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are working on going down to just one nap now, and mine are 17 months.

    I think each baby is different. My oldest went to one nap around 18 months. But with school starting for my older DD at the end of Aug. I've got to get Emilie and Trevor to one nap by that time.
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We were about 16/17 months when we switched to 1 nap.
  5. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 2 next weekend and we're STILL doing two naps a day. They really don't seem to be in any hurry to drop one of them and on days like Sundays when they only get one after lunch, the evenings are horrible! Now that they will be going to daycare in the next month or so, we've got to try to drop one of the naps.
  6. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    I tried at 15 mo with no luck and at 18 mo tried again and it worked
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine did 2 naps up until 22-23 months.
  8. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, I will just hold off for a little while then! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't "behind" on the nap dropping.
  9. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We are in that struggle, too. They still do well with 2 naps...super cranky with one. I am guessing in the next couple months we will try to make it officially 1/day.
  10. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    We switched early at 13-14 months. My dd could have had two naps for longer but I just wasn't willing to have them on two different schedules and she did adjust well. It was just a long slow transition taking atleast a month to really get consistant.
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We've just made the transition. Been at one nap consistently for about a week. It starts early (11:30-11:45am), but we're working on pushing that back with the ideal start time of 12:30pm.
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