When did your Belly really "POP" I'm 18 weeks and still at times not looking preggo?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kitkat72783, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    Mainly in the morning I wake up and my stomach is still pretty flat, I've gained 20 pounds so its not like I'm not getting bigger just not looking really pregnant yet. When did your belly pop out?
  2. caba

    caba Banned

    Hmmm ... this is a hard one. My twins were my first pregnancy, so I think just from that I showed later. Plus, through my whole pregnancy I only gained 17 lbs ... so people were always commenting on how small I was for twins ... and trust me, that didn't make me feel good! Always made me feel like something was wrong with me and the babes!

    I would say somewhere around 22-24 weeks for me I really started feeling like a pregnancy person ... but I think it's so different for everyone ... and everyone carries differently. I am also 5'9'', so I feel like I would have looked bigger if I was a smaller person ...
  3. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    with my first pregnancy I was showing by week 18-20
    but this time with twins I started very overweighted and start showing already at week 12. and I think now at 16 I look like 20 with singelton.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(caba @ Feb 5 2009, 02:20 PM) [snapback]1177542[/snapback]
    people were always commenting on how small I was for twins ... and trust me, that didn't make me feel good! Always made me feel like something was wrong with me and the babes!

    <_< I really disliked that comment as well. Up until I had them I was getting the "you are too small for twins" comment. And my two were big babies. :pardon:

    Anyway, I "popped" around 20ish weeks but it wasn't until 24/25 weeks that it was REALLY visible to others or at least that's when they felt comfortable enough to say something, whereas before I could have just had a big belly. You'll pop soon. :hug:
  5. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: I popped at ummmm....9-10 weeks! :rotflmbo:

    It may have something to do with it being my fifth pregnancy AND having just had just given birth 6mths prior to becoming pregnant again.

    I am probably as big right now at 17wk as I was with my last singleton at 25wk, maybe a little bigger. Needless to say I don't get the "your too small for twins" comment. With me it is more like, I tell ppl my due date and they stare speechless while looking at my belly. To which I quickly add....there are two in there!
  6. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    I was definetly showing by 12 weeks. I really got huge the last two weeks or so. I am about the size I was when I deliverd my son. I am 5'7" and slender and have put on about 30lbs so far.
  7. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    I was showing with clothes on by week 23. I get the same comment about being small. In one way I am grateful, but in others, no-so-much.

  8. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    with my 2 previous pregnancies, i didn't show until at least 5 and a half, 6 months and was always quite small until the end.
    This time around, people asked me when i was due from 12 weeks on, and i am now the same size as i was full term with the boys. :D
  9. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    These are my only two comparison pictures I have. The first one is me with my 3rd child at 21 weeks...I think it's funny that I felt the need to wear maternity clothes. The second picture is me with the twins (my 5th pregnancy) at 22 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I was just out of high school, and the "other family" who wasn't involved started saying I couldn't possibly be pregnant when I was actually 8 months pregnant. It was my 9th month that I started wearing maternity clothes with that pregnancy. Anyways, I definitely was showing with the twins around 10-12 weeks, but with my babies born before them not until 6 months or more. I think it would be wonderful to still not be popping at 18 weeks...you'll get there soon enough :)


  10. BabyMoPlusThree

    BabyMoPlusThree Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(pamallhoney @ Feb 5 2009, 04:21 PM) [snapback]1177721[/snapback]
    These are my only two comparison pictures I have. The first one is me with my 3rd child at 21 weeks...I think it's funny that I felt the need to wear maternity clothes. The second picture is me with the twins (my 5th pregnancy) at 22 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I was just out of high school, and the "other family" who wasn't involved started saying I couldn't possibly be pregnant when I was actually 8 months pregnant. It was my 9th month that I started wearing maternity clothes with that pregnancy. Anyways, I definitely was showing with the twins around 10-12 weeks, but with my babies born before them not until 6 months or more. I think it would be wonderful to still not be popping at 18 weeks...you'll get there soon enough :)


    I am definitely showing now. I had my u/s on Tuesday when we found we were having twins, and then I took ODD to Gymbo class. A couple of the ladies have been watching my belly and telling me that I looked bigger that week than the previous. Yesterday, they told me that I popped. I told them that there were two in there. There was lots of shrieking involved.

    I look as pregnant as my friend down the street does as she is five weeks ahead of me.
  11. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    Hmmm.. I kept thinking I was showing around 18 weeks. I kept popping my belly out and telling everyone "LOOK, I'M SHOWING!" They kind of just looked at me like I was crazy. I think I really started noticing around 24 weeks. GL!
  12. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I started to get a little belly around 14-15 weeks (this is my first pregnancy, so that sounds early!). It was still something I could hide with larger clothing. Now at 21 weeks, there's no denying it! I have long since moved out of my regular pants and people are giving up seats on the bus :lol:

    13 weeks: http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i301/rol.../Bellies003.jpg

    15 weeks: http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i301/rol.../Bellies042.jpg

    20 weeks: http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i301/rol.../20Weeks009.jpg
  13. doublej's

    doublej's Well-Known Member

    It was very noticeable at about 12 weeks with us and after 25 weeks I am just huge!! It's coming!!
  14. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    The twins were my 5th pg. I started showing around 8-10 weeks. I had to go into maternity wear at 8 weeks. (I had lost 2 pg earlier on in the year. My body was through a lot. I think that contributed to my quick growth.)
  15. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    I was short of showing from around 15 or 16 weeks, but I really 'popped' and started looking pregnant when I was about 20-21 weeks
  16. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    about 14 weeks was when I started showing...I'm running out of options don't know what I am going to do when I'm 30 weeks...
  17. esbuckell

    esbuckell Well-Known Member

    Now I wish I'd taken some belly photos! I really popped out in the past few weeks. It was noticeable before that, but now at 28 weeks it's really, really noticeable. I find myself standing like a pregnant lady more, too. Sitting down and getting up have gotten interesting. Best of luck to you through your pregnancy !
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