when did your babies stop eating baby food?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Mine like both finger food and baby (pureed) food, I would like to get them more onto finger foods and less on pureed stuff over the next month. Usually we give them pureed food first then some finger foods and then if they are still hungry more pureed food. My DD will fuss if she is still hungry, even if there are finger foods in front of her (she eats them a bit), but continues to fuss until we bring out more pureed food.
    Just wondering when yours stopped eating pureed food, and how you went about making the change to all finger foods?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As soon as my two had top teeth and bottom teeth (8-9 months), I switched to finger foods. Puffs, canned fruit, Cheerios, overcooked pasta, frozen veggies, shredded cheese, the infamous goldfish crackers. I never went back to pureed foods. Just started putting more stuff on their trays as they started eating more and more. Yours are still at the age where they should still be getting most of their nutrients from the formula, so IMO, if they have teeth, just start cutting back the pureed stuff and giving them more of the finger foods that they like.

    And instead of doing the pureed foods first, try giving them the finger foods first.

    One small note, my two do *not* know what a fork/spoon is except for "mommie giving them yogurt as a bedtime snack". My new years resolution is to teach them to eat with silverware. (I'm not necessarily the best example either.)
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    For the twins, they stopped getting pureed food (other than their morning oatmeal that I spoon fed them) by about 10 months. In your case, I would start out with finger foods so they are more hungry and will probably eat more of them. Then top off with only a small amout of pureed. After a week or so of that, replace the pureed with regular table food but you spoon feed them some. Then you can slowly transition to them doing most of the feeding themselves. I spoon fed certain things to the twins until they were about two...things like yogurt, oatmeal, etc. I was SO glad to not buy baby food anymore!
  4. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I do not remember the age, but my two just started "telling" us that they were ready. THey would push the spoon away and refuse to be fed. They were obviously ready to start feeding themselves and since (at that age) using a spoon to self feed was not an option, the only option left was finger food. They really enjoyed it and off we went! I do remember that we only used the pureed foods for a VERY short while - maybe two months or so. I know they switched before a year so it may have been around 10 months or so.
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Mine are just a little older than your's - and it seems like we've slowly made the transition to more table food and less pureed food over the past week or two. I didn't really "make" it happen - I just noticed that they started really preferring the table foods and would get fussy if there was not any food for them to pick up on their trays. So now it seems like they eat mostly table food and I supplement it with the pureed foods. For example, instead of eating pureed green beans they now much prefer actual green beans, instead of pureed bananas they prefer bananas in tiny pieces, etc. I have continued to give them iron-fortified cereal (they eat the Barley kind mixed with applesauce) and I still give them purees (especially fruits).

    I would suggest giving them table foods first and then follow up with purees/baby food. Since they'll be hungrier when you first get ready to feed them they might be more likely to eat the baby food better. Good luck! :)
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We were on all table foods by 10 months. Mine were not huge baby food fans, they much preferred table foods. So except for Yo Baby yogurt and applesauce, they had table foods by 10 months.
  7. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Mine were done w/ baby food around 1 yr. . . they transitioned me! LOL!
    They were refusing the baby food.
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