When did you take away the pacis?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AimeeThomp, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am not ready to take them away yet, but I'm wondering what age is too old for pacis? Is the pedi going to tell me to take them away at some point? How old were your kids when you took them away? I was thinking right now I might start keeping the pacis in their cribs so they only use them to go to sleep but not during the day, I'm tired of the girls always having a paci clipped to their clothes but it soothes them when they get fussy in public.

    TIA for your responses
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    By 15 months my DD only had it in her bed for nap and bedtime. And it's still that way today, I really need to get rid of it completely. That's our January goal, I think we'll go to Build a Bear and put a paci in an animal for her to have.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls don't have pacis, but Ana sucks her thumb when she holds onto her hankie (bandana lovey). At 16 months we started having her leave it in her crib and told her she can have it only for naps and bedtime. Consequently she only sucks her thumb at naps and bedtime too. It was way easier to do than I imagined. We made a big deal out of her leaving it in the crib, clapping and cheering and saying bye bye to hankie when she woke up for the first few days. (I do keep one in the diaper bag in the car though in case she is sleepy and we are out... but only if I want her to nap in the car or stroller). GL!
  4. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    It varies widely. . If the pedi knows they use them after a certain age, Im sure they will say something.

    My DD kept hers the longest. She still had it almost until her 2nd birthday. Honestly she might still have it if my mother didnt take it away. She is my 'baby' even though she is technically a minute older than her brother! She is just so small and petite and cuddly and babyish. lol. But my mother is the one who got rid of the twins sippy cups and her paci.. And Im so very greatful. I felt like it was going to be a big long drawn out process and for some reason, she did really well. . I did start limiting it to bed/nap times though... and then my mother would watch them on weekends and she wouldnt have it at all with her, even at nap time, so it was easier for her to be the one to tell her it was all gone.

    If they arent too attached to it, I would say get rid of it asap... My first son stopped taking one at 4 months..I took my first DD away around 18 months. . DS2 stopped taking it around a year. . or shortly after.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    DD's went away at 18 mos when she had a cold and couldn't breathe with it in - and I just never gave it back...she fussed for a few days and then was ok with it - she never cried for it...
  6. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    I just did the transition. My kids are past 3.5 yrs. Yes, it's a long time. But, in my defense, we've been fighting DD's health for a long time, and the paci was helpful to stop the coughing at night so we could all get some sleep. I really didn't care what the doc or the dentist said. I waited until it was right for us. They did go to nap and bedtimes only around 18 mos, maybe? So, I wasn't tied up over it. Their preschools have had heartburn over it, but when I explained that DD needed it for health reasons, I was allowed to let them have it. That said, she had her tonsils and adenoids out this summer, and things have gotten a lot better. So we started talking about giving it up, and we did it this weekend, and traded them for presents from the Paci Fairy. Twilight Ladybug and Turtle (awesome night time toys, the kids love them!). If I'd put 2 & 2 together and remembered that DH was going to be gone for 3 days this week, I would've waited until this coming weekend, but my brain didn't work that fast! :)

    So, do it when it's right for you. I think, don't know, that it would've been easier when they were younger, but it just wasn't an option for us. And honestly, with the new research about pacis & SIDS, we were happy to acquire a paci addiction for the safety of my children!

    So, day one was not pretty. Night two was not pretty (tho they are apparently doing fine at school for naptimes without!). Night three was a long drawn out nighttime for DS. Hoping night 4, tonight, goes a little easier. DD is handling it better than she was with the promise of a spoonful of ice cream in the AM (also some cold medicine that helps her fall asleep too). DS is a little more cranky about it, but he does fall asleep after some prolonged whining, which should get better. Right????
  7. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    Only one of my kids took one. She started chewing holes in them at about 15 months. So, I decided it was time to take it away. Bedtime was the hardest, but she only cried for it for a couple of nights.
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With the twins, we took them away just before they turned 2. The pedi did not know they still had them :blush:, I just didn't let them have them at his office! We went cold turkey with taking them away from them.

    Liam still has one and :blush: the pedi doesn't know that either. Not sure what we will do with him. His brother and sister do know about the "binkie fairy" so I will probably do something with that.
  9. Chase&Parker's Mommy

    Chase&Parker's Mommy Well-Known Member

    Parker never really took one and Chase used his until about 10 months when he just wasn't interested anymore. We were lucky in that aspect :D

    Good luck!!
  10. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke had their pacifiers until they were nearly 4 (3yrs 10months). They decided to give them up by themselves and there was no stress or upset over it.
    We did start cutting down the times they had them from around the age your girls are, and were down to only sleep times before 18 months.

    The doctor/dentist never said anything about having to stop, although I'm not sure if it was ever discussed.
  11. Sylvarin

    Sylvarin Well-Known Member

    I haven't taken mine away yet, but our dentist said that they needed to be taken away since they were affecting their development (when they bite down, one side doesn't meet up correctly from top to bottom). I will keep working on getting them to give them up, but I'm not going to force the issue as I don't want to create another problem. They only have them for naps/bed.
  12. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Audrey had one but Clayton never took to it. At about a year it was an 'only in crib' plug. Occasionally it was for the car but only for long trips. I think it was before Evan was born, so at about 2 years, 8 months she was fighting a nap so I took away (after a warning) what she held dearest and just never could figure out a reason to give it to her back. She asked for it for the next few days but it wasn't as big of deal as I figured it would be (taking the plug away).
  13. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I've asked both my pedi and my dentist about this & they both told me they're ok til about 3 yrs old; and then they will start to interfere with their teeth. I'm planning on doing away with them after Christmas.......that is, if we have any left. DS keeps flushing them down the toilet!
  14. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    right around 1 we started usuign them only in the car or the cribs, or when they are sick. We are still there. I take them to DR visits etc. because they help calm them after shots and stuff. Our pedi is completely on board this what we are doing... I know the horror and drama that will happen if we try and get rid of them now, so i'm going to wait until they are older and we can give them to the binky fairy or soemthing and they will understand..
  15. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I think the too old question just depends on what you fell comfortable with. We took them away at just over 2 1/2 and I really I wish I would have done it around the 18 month mark. They adjusted quickly to no paci, but it threw our sleeping habits into chaos for quite awhile. Good luck.
  16. angeez78@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    So glad you posted this because we are debating the same thing! Our DS has only had it for nap and bedtime for quite a while now. In Jan. he was almost off of it but then was in the hospital so we gave it to him during that time. He has been quite attached to it ever since. It is the 1st thing he goes for when it is nap and bedtime. I am dreading the transition. Maybe within a few months. Good luck!
  17. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    My dd and ds only had them at bed and nap time from around 19 months Sophie gave hers up around 22months and we just gave ds to santa last week!! He has done really well without them i am so proud of him as he would have had those things in his mouth 24/7 if we let him!! x
  18. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    Our dd was at one year== and she had hers all the time. Being my first, she had ones to coordinate with every outfit! lol!!!! Right at a year, I kept noticing them disappearing and never could figure out just where they were going!! Finally, one day I had zero binkies
    and it was naptime. I just made her deal with it and it was ok for both of us! I found out the dog was finding them and taking them outside to the side yard and destroying them!! We had little bits of every color of plastic ALL strewn through the grass!! So the dog did the weaning for us!!!
    Now, unfortunately Max has passed, so we have to do the boys on our own!! They have only had them at nap and bedtime ever. But it is part of the routine and will be hard to give up! Super nanny had it on one episode that at 2 they should be gone!!! I think earlier is easier on everyone. I think we have waited too long! I think when we give up naps we can give the binkies "to a new baby"!! I tried this one day recently and explained the whole thing to the boys. They agreed that we should give them away and seemed like they got it! Well, at naptime they both wanted binkies and I was a wimp!
    Good luck!!!
  19. haley&girlz

    haley&girlz Member

    QUOTE(naomi02 @ Dec 11 2008, 01:59 AM) [snapback]1106636[/snapback]
    DS keeps flushing them down the toilet!

    LOL :lol:

    My girls still have them **blushing** for nighttime sleeping and very long distance car trips. They stopped using them during the day around 18m-2yr and then we cut out the nap use around 2 1/2 years. We are now starting to cut out nighttime too. And in the morning the hand them over and put them on the counter in the kitchen.
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