When did you stop washing all their clothes prior to them wearing?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kribar, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. kribar

    kribar Well-Known Member

    Do I have to continue to do this forever??!! :blink: I have enough laundry! And how long did you use Dreft and not regular detergent?
  2. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I stopped at about 2 months. I never used Dreft; I just used dye-free soap.
  3. SarahH

    SarahH Well-Known Member

    I always wash all new clothes, sheets, towels, etc before the first use. The thought of who might have tried on clothes before me is enough to make me wash it.

    I stopped using dreft for the kids when they were about 9 months old. I slowly transitioned outfits into the regular detergent to make sure there were no skin issues.
  4. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    I never stopped. I still wash my own clothes before I wear them. Clothes are treated with alot of chemicals and you never know whose cooties are on them when you buy them...I wash before wearing.

    As for the Dreft, with the older 2 I stopped around 6 months. With the twins (sounds funny to say that, never call them "the twins"), Joseph has VERY sensative skin and they both have eczema so I still use it.
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I too wash everyone's clothes before wearing and we never used dreft. All free and clear is what we've always used.
  6. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I wash EVERYTHING (clothes, sheets, towels, etc) before use. When you buy stuff, it's full of chemicals from processing. The smell drives me nuts. And if you've bought something retail, you don't know who's sneezed on it, etc.

    I used to wash all the baby clothes in perfume/dye-free detergent; now I wash them with the rest of our stuff (we use Tide HE for that).
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cwinslow7 @ Jul 23 2008, 09:44 PM) [snapback]892645[/snapback]
    I never stopped. I still wash my own clothes before I wear them. Clothes are treated with alot of chemicals and you never know whose cooties are on them when you buy them...I wash before wearing.

    As for the Dreft, with the older 2 I stopped around 6 months. With the twins (sounds funny to say that, never call them "the twins"), Joseph has VERY sensative skin and they both have eczema so I still use it.

    Same here! I don't like the smell of new clothes.
    I never used Dreft though. Used All Free & Clear then switch to an organic detergent.
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I still wash their clothes before they were them. I just think of how many people touched them and they were most likely dragged from place to place {and may have been on the floor} and I feel better when they are clean on their skin. I stopped using the ALL for kids when they were one and started using my brand.
  9. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TwinLove @ Jul 23 2008, 10:11 PM) [snapback]892874[/snapback]
    I still wash their clothes before they were them. I just think of how many people touched them and they were most likely dragged from place to place {and may have been on the floor} and I feel better when they are clean on their skin.

    Ditto. I stopped using Dreft type detergents at about 9 months.
  10. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I stopped at about 2 months or so. I think that is when I stopped using dreft as well. (Don't worry, I used the Dreft I had left to wash all those clothes I gave you last week :))
  11. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I have never washed their clothes or mine for that matter before wearing them but I still use dreft only because I had a few of those huge containers and still have some left.
  12. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I wash EVERYTHING also before using them, sometimes my dh will wear something before I get to wash it but all my kids clothes and mine and anything else can can be washed is washed. Even things that come in plastic bags like socks that no one has opened I wash.

    For my girls I stopped using Dreft when the doctors told me to at about 3mths and started to use Tide. For my son I always used Tide and never used Dreft for him. My doctor told me not to use it.
  13. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I wash all new clothes before we wear them. I stopped using All Free & Clear at around a year and now throw all their stuff in with ours.
  14. klselsky

    klselsky Well-Known Member

    I stopped after my first DD! I never washed any of the twins clothes before they wore them, but after they did I used tide free and clear or whatever it's called. I am somewhat of a germophobe, but I guess not when it comes to clothes! I love the way new clothes feel and look (at least for me) and I hold off as long as I can before washing them because I feel like they are never the same as when they are new.
  15. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Jul 24 2008, 03:08 AM) [snapback]892861[/snapback]
    I wash EVERYTHING (clothes, sheets, towels, etc) before use. When you buy stuff, it's full of chemicals from processing. The smell drives me nuts. And if you've bought something retail, you don't know who's sneezed on it, etc.

    Same here. Yuck!!

    I still wash their clothes in Baby All but once we are out of this jug, we are going to use All Free and Clear just like we do on the rest of the family laundry.
  16. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    I only washed clothes they got if they were used. If I bought it from the store I never washed it.
  17. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ditto pp's who said they wash everything before using it. I do this too. The smell and feel of new clothes or sheets drives me nuts. We stopped using dreft around a year old when we ran out and then I started using Tide Free. I probably could have switched over sooner, but I always had coupons for dreft.
  18. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I still wash all their clothes before they wear them.
  19. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I wash everything before use (my clothes, theirs, towels etc...). I just stopped using All free and clear, and now use regular Gain.

    This is recent.
  20. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I have always washed clothes, sheets, and towels before using (mine too). I never used Dreft - it just seemed like a marketing ploy to me. I use dye free scent free detergent for the whole family. When my girls were really little I would usually do an extra rinse on their clothes, now I just throw theirs in with ours.
  21. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I was everything that we buy before we wear it, whether it is for me, DH, DS, or the twins. I use All Free and Clear for everything, which is exactly what I've been using for 10 years.
  22. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I wash all my stuff before wearing, so I can't imagine not washing theirs. I meant to get Dreft, but bedrest put an end to all kinds of good intentions. Never picked it up - washed stuff in Tide - kids had no problems so we never do did Dreft. Kids were fine with the Tide and Downy. I try not to change detergent or use anything particularly scented, but the boys have never had any problems.
  23. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I still often wash new clothes just because they have that stiff feel and I think of all the people who touched the clothing prior in the store and it kind of skeeves me although there have been times where I have totally ripped the tags and thrown something on them. As for the Dreft, it's completely NOT necessary to use. I too was sucked into the idea that I HAD to use baby detergent but my pediatrician told me that it is not necessary and I switched to clear and free All. Much cheaper and doesn't have color or fragance in it.
  24. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I wash everything before we wear/use it. And we still use dreft :blush: We really like the smell.... :icon_biggrin:
  25. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    I wash everything before wearing (my own clothes too, unless dry clean only) because of the chemicals that fabrics are treated with and the thought of all the people who have touched them before (inspectors, other customers). I"m a bit of a germaphobe, though, so I might not be the best example.

    We never used Dreft (we have a high efficiency front-loader and couldn't find Dreft in an he formulation). We use a phosphate free, dye/fragrance free detergent, and it's been fine for the babies. No problems. I was using dryer sheets with their stuff at first and had to stop (one got a little contact dermatitis from it); but other than that, its been fine.
  26. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I still wash all their clothes first and will continue probably forever. I never used Dreft because it has added fragrance and way too expensive. I use All Free and Clear.
  27. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    I wash all of our new clothes as well. I was actually coming on here to post the Dreft question. We are almost out and I was considering washing their stuff with ours. However, we have regular Tide. I have seen that a lot of people on here and another site use All free and clear. I will have to get that next time.
  28. juniper

    juniper Active Member

    I always wash new stuff before using/wearing. I'm no germaphobe per se but you just don't know who has touched this stuff before you.

    Don't bother with Dreft. It's a totally rip-off. All free and clear or any detergent that does not contain fragrances or dyes is perfectly fine for your clothes and your babies. I still continue to separate them most of the time in the dryer only because Bounce sheets have perfumes. Get the big All or Tide dye free detergents at Costco. It's sooooo much cheaper.
  29. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    One word, Formaldehyde. That's why we wash all clothing, and fabrics before we use them.
  30. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    Oh my! I never washed the clothes before they wore them. I also never used Dreft. I used regular detergent with my oldest and then with the twins I noticed Aaron was getting a rash so I switched to All Clear. Then he was fine.
  31. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    This question is definitely poll worthy in the Parents Club!!

    I quit at about 2 months too... and I never used Dreft. I always use Tide or Gain.
  32. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I still do. My older DS is 13 and still wash everything before wearing or using. Like pp, you never know who has touched it before you and were it has been along with all the chemicals. I never used Dreft, I use Ecover delicate for theirs. I will probably do this until they are a year old or so. I still wash all of their stuff separate from mine, it is just easier for me to have their stuff in their own basket.

  33. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    I always wash new clothes before we wear them. There are starches and things that they put in the fabric to keep them when shipping. As for Dreft, I will use it probably for the first 9 months or so, depending on how DD's skin does. She has sensitive skin so I may go longer.

    I understand what you are saying about laundry. I have 6 children now and laundry was a never ending battle. I began a new system and it seems to be working out great! I do one person's laundry a day. I do the twins' together and mine and DH's together. On the weekends I do towels, washcloths, and kitchen laundry. The day I do the person's laundry I also do their sheets. That way I only have 1 bed a day to make instead of trying to do it all on the weekend. This brings me to 2 maybe 3 loads of laundry a day, and I don't have to sort through. The older children can fold and put away their own clothes and so that leaves me a lot less to do. Maybe you will find some sort of system that will work for you. Good luck! I hate laundry.... Now if only I could find a system for dishes!
  34. clb8899

    clb8899 Well-Known Member

    I still wash all of my own clothes prior to wearing. Needless to say, I wash the kids' clothes too. It just grosses me out to think that somebody dirty could have tried them on!!
  35. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I aways wash all clothes before wearing. I worked at Target and Wal-Mart and the stories I could tell you would turn your stomach. You wouldn't believe what ends up on clothes... poop, vomit, saliva, general everyday germs from unwashed hands... yuck. Seriously, it doesn't take that much effort to wash them and at least you know nothing funky is stewing on them anymore.

    I never used special soaps for my 3 youngest kids. Most children don't have sensitive skin and the enzymes in Dreft when moistened can actually be a bit rough on a baby's skin.
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