When did you stop using exersaucers?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Krissa72, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    My twins are 10 months old and lost interest in them once they started crawling and cruising. Is it time to pack them up?

  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine stopped using them when they outgrew them at 7 months or so. It might be time to get rid of them.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I kept one of them around until the twins were around a year old, because it was a handy, safe place to stick one baby while I carried the other one out to the car or something. (We also had a superyard, but it was in the dining room, whereas the exersaucer was right by the door.) They also enjoyed pulling up on it and playing with the toys from the outside, when they were learning to cruise. If they had really hated being put in it, I could have done without it a lot earlier, but both of my DDs were pretty accepting of being confined (for very short periods), even after they could crawl/cruise.
  4. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    once my boys were mobile they didn't want to be trapped in a jumperoo or exersaucer anymore. sounds like your LOs might be making a similar discovery.

    no one tells you the use life of those things is so short, eh? :rolleyes:
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did keep one around until they were 1 because, like a pp said, it was an easy place to stick one of them if I needed a free hand for a minute. But, really, as soon as they were mobile, they hated being in there!
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Around 8-9 months, when they were too busy pulling up and cruising, we went ahead and sold them.
  7. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, once they could get around, they hated the exersaucer and jumperoo, which were so beloved in our house. We lost them about 9 or 10 mos. I remember being emotional about letting them go, as it was another passing stage...LOL.
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yup! I'd say pack them away! I gave mine away to a friend, and gave the Jumperoo to another friend. It was just taking up too much space and collecting dust. Now I have more room in my living room! Once Annabella could crawl-the LAST place she wanted to be was in a confined space...
  9. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I guess our days are numbered. O can pull up and is working on cruising and S can crawl... but they still don't mind being in them. I use them as a baby-holder more than anything and try to save them for when I need them. Bummer- I love them!
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