When did you stop pureeing food?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Brooklyne, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    My 14 month old twins (12 corrected) still eat pureed food. The consistency is more chunky than when we started, but it's still pureed. They do eat cookies, cheese, cut up fruit, toast....tons of other finger foods, but they have trouble with chunks of meat such as chicken and beef. When did you stop pureeing all together. Thanks.
  2. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i have never pureed their foods, only gave them jarred baby food when it came to meats. but since about 12 months, i've been giving them solid foods like meats, just breaking them up to pretty small pieces. i have one with 12 teeth and one with 1.5 teeth, and they both do fine getting the meats down. it's a big step cuz it's scary putting that solid meat (even steak) in front of them, but they've never choked or caused me distress... lol.
  3. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    I stopped making baby food when the girls were 9 months old. They've had all table food since then. No problems whatsoever and it makes life a whole lot easier!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine went to all table foods at 9 months. They were never huge baby food fans, and they ate very small pieces of table food much better. So they started eating mostly what we had at 9 months. They only "pureed" stuff they had after that was applesauce and yogurt.
  5. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    I stopped pureeing things around 12 months. now, I just cut everything super small--my girls still have 4-5 teeth (though I see more coming very shortly). They're gums seem to be quite good at mashing.
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i stopped around 10 months - the girls started refusing to eat anything i offered on a spoon so that was that. although, they will eat off a spoon if grandma feeds them. :rolleyes: just go slow - my girls tended to make lots of dramatic gagging noises but they've never actually choked on anything.
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We stopped purees at 11.5 months.
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We gradually dropped them from 9-12 months and by 12 months they were on almost 100% table food. Good luck! I am sure they will do fine!
  9. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    Don't worry.You are not alone in this.
    My twins just turn 1 last week and they still mostly eat pureed food, but I add cereal to make it thicker and lumpier plus more calories. We just had 12 month check up and pedi said that nutritional value is the same in pea puree or cooked peas. I asked how eating puree will efect their mouth motor skills in the future, she said there is no affect,and since they are eating cheerios, goldfish, crackers, shredded cheese, small pieces of chicken, organic tortilla chips-that means their mouth motor skill is fine. Some babies need more time to adjust to finger foods.
    At lunch and dinner I give them peas, carrots, cooked pasta, but they eat maybe 1 pea, 0 carrots and 1 piece of pasta, and then they just play with food. So of course I have to supplement with puree.
    I am planning to supplement until they totally refuse to open mouth to puree.
  10. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    In order for me to get some veggies into their systems, sometimes I have to give them pureed...My mom said back when we were younger, pureed was the norm up to 2 years old, and I'm still alive...
    I try giving my son peas, corn, etc but he is weirded out by it...so at least this way he gets some veggies.
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never did the pureeing myself...but mine went pretty much all table food around 16 months. DD will still eat the baby cereal, she does not like "big people" cereal at all. Will eat Cheerios as a snack but not for breakfast. Very rarely I will supplement some veggies with puree but not often.
  12. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    If you stopped pureeing food then what specifically did you serve them? If it's whatever you ate then when do you have time to cook and what do you do with your twins while cooking and what do you eat. I can't imagine having time to cook a fresh, healthy meal everyday. How do you cook for them? Thanks!
  13. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    Once I stopped pureeing, then I started giving them whatever we have, just cut up into tiny pieces, and either I feed them or put it on their trays. In terms of finding time...I do a lot of cooking on the weekends during their naps, and during the week, I just do whatever I can when I get home from work. Usually it's sticking something in the oven or something quick. The girls are usually around me playing--it's not easy, and very tiring, but I get through the day. So, they have luckily been eating whatever we have for dinner that day, or if I know they can't eat something, I have leftovers to give them.
  14. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We stopped around a year with all of it... I might have continued but they decided that they must feed themselves. We haven't looked back since. It's been nice.
  15. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I stopped officially pureeing a long time ago too... probably 10 months. I'm vegetarian, so I'm not feeding ours meat, but even the canteloupe that I give them in the mornings is pretty hard... I try to slice the chunks to about a 1" square that's 1/4" or less thick... makes me think that they'll not choke as easy... I'm sure they'd be fine with bigger stuff too...

    as for some of the things we feed them, we do a lot of yogurt... and I'll bake a butternut/acorn squash or sweet potato and cube it... if they don't "go" for it, I'll dip it in yogurt and they usually like it... I also do a fair amount of lentils, they love that with yogurt too... so its not purees... but some of their food is still stuff that I spoon feed them... though they'd love to just dig in with their hands too...

    there's also baked macaroni & cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches etc. if we're eating something that's good for them, then I'll give that to them... but around a year they were still eating their own menu...
  16. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    My girls stopped eating pureed food by 10 months.

    I cook for the girls and for us (DH and myself) when the girls nap, or when they are playing in their room, and I know I have a few minutes to get something done. what I do is always have at least 2 different veggies that are steamed and ready to heat & serve. (like green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato etc.) We also eat a lot of avacadoes, so we usually have a ripe one around as well as fresh fruit. I usually have some sort of pasta (whole wheat pasta with parmesan or mini ravioli/tortelini) cooked and in the fridge, should I need it. We also have either olives, beans or corn in tupperware ready to go(its usually either black or kidney beans). That way, there is always something in the fridge that I can give them in addition to what I made for DH and myself. I usually have some frozen meatballs just in case. Yesterday I started to make and freeze a few dishes (same as I did with pureed, but now with regular food for them). I update all the tupperware in my fridge about 2-3 times a week. For me, this works really well as long as I keep rotating the stuff I have. Hope this made sense!!
  17. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    Thank-you for the wonderful advice!!! I'll have to spend less time sleeping and more time cooking! Cause I have no idea where else to find extra time to cook healthy meals everyday, but it has to be done. Thanks!!

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