When did you start your period again after having your baby(s)?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by missmomoftwins02, Mar 4, 2009.


When did you start your period again after having your baby(s)?

  1. 0-3 months

    0 vote(s)
  2. 3-6 months

    0 vote(s)
  3. 6-9 months

    0 vote(s)
  4. 9-12 months

    0 vote(s)
  5. 12-18 months

    0 vote(s)
  6. 18-24 months

    0 vote(s)
  7. More than 24 months

    0 vote(s)
  8. Other (b/c there always has to be an "other")

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    OK...So Megan will be 5 months old tomorrow. I am BF'ing her almost exclusively...I say almost b/c once or twice a month she gets a bottle while I go out or DH and I go out. She has started solids but only has those once or twice a day. And some days not at all. I am BF'ing her 4-5 times/day:

    7-8 am: BF
    10-11 am: Cereal and Fruit (sometimes)
    Noon-1pm: BF
    4pm: BF
    7pm: BF or 1-2 Jars Stage 1 Baby Food
    10-11 pm: BF

    Well, I noticed this evening that I THINK I got my period. I say think b/c it was really light pink...like maybe spotting? I am confused as to why I would be starting back already. I didn't BF the twins, so I started back within a couple months that time. After having Grant, I BF'd him for 13 months and started my period back when he was abt 10-11 month old. I was hoping it would be this long or longer with Megan...but apprently not. I guess I will know more in a day or 2 if this is really it or just some light spotting.

    My best friend seems to think that I started back already b/c I am taking Celexa (an anti-depressant). I started taking that abt a month ago. She said that can effect your cycle as well. But I dunno if that is the case or not here.

    So I wondering how soon after having your baby(s) you started again? How often were you BF'ing at the time? Were you on any meds that might have effected your cycle?


    I left it open to multiple responses in case you want to respond for more than one birth (twins plus another?)
  2. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I always got my period at 3 month postpartum with my singletons and about 4 months with the twins. Even when I was exclusively bf. I think the reason had to do with me following Babywise. My kids (except the twins) were all sleeping through the night by 8 weeks. Missing those night feedings I'm sure brought on my AF. That being said, I got a slight (maybe) period after the twins at about 4 months. Next month I was pregnant. Could you be pregnant?
  3. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    Uh NO! At least I hope not!! :) I had a tubal after Megan and DH and I aren't exactly doing alot ;)

    I really need to start reading my Babywise book. I have not really taken the time to read it yet. But Megan has been STTN since abt 2 months old. That being said...Grant was STTN at 3 months old. So I am not sure that that is the reason since I was not feeding him in the night pretty early on too...
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I think it may be because you're only feeding the baby 4 times a day. My guys were nursing, getting EBM, or formula 8 times a day at that age.

    I think Pam maybe on to something about STTN. I got AF right before I did CIO, and at that point, I had gone down to nursing once or twice in the night, and giving bottles for the other times--opposed to feeding them 2 times each during the night.
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I know some women get theirs when the baby(ies) sleep through or start solids but for me, it didn't seem to have anything to do with anything other than my body decided it was time (12 months, hmmmm, maybe it was the cake...)

    ETA: mine started sleeping through at 9 weeks so it was a loooooong time after that :lol:
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I voted 'other' because my babies are almost 13 months and I havent had it yet! Im still nursing 1 baby, and he nurses 3-4x in a 24 hour period.
    I have had spotting once or twice about 1 week before their birthday but thats it!
  7. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    I voted other, too, because mine hasn't shown up yet. My boys are almost 13 months old too! Hope I don't jinx myself. ;)
  8. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I voted other, before realizing it was possible to answer more than once. With my oldest 3, it varied from 11-13 mo, with the twins it was 17 mo. My cousin, who BF her 6 exclusively, always started at 6 weeks-3 mo. Just one more of those things that varies woman to woman.
  9. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    19 or 20 months with my first child. (I think) Maybe 16-18 months with my second child. The twins are 20 months, we are currently night weaning, and still no sign. Works for me. ;)
  10. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    With the boys it was 2-3 months I think???

    With Tyler He has only ever had EBM and I have spotted a few times. Seems to happen when I get mad or stressed and then it goes away.. its never last more then a few min.????
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I haven't gotten mine yet either... babies are 10 months old. They started sttn close to 2-3 mo. old... and we started solids at 8 mo. and are just now starting to eat a lot... but they are still nursing 4-5 times a day. so who knows if it has to do with the woman or the sttn/solids etc.
  12. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I got mine back at 14mo, my girls were only nursing twice a day at that point.
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