When did you start your period after the babies? And IUD question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kellbell68, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Kellbell68

    Kellbell68 Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone!
    I am wondering when you all had your first period after the babies? Our new baby is just about 9 weeks old, and I think I started my period tonight. I stopped bleeding from the c-section about 3 weeks ago... so I'm assuming this is my period? The only reason I am unsure is it is not bright red. It is darker.
    Anyway, the reason I am wondering is I am supposed to call my OB/GYN when I start my first period to have an IUD inserted.
    Also, does anyone have any experience w/the IUD? How has it worked for you? I can't be on the pill because of a family history of blood clots (my sis has one in her lung right now), so I decided the IUD sounded like my best bet.
    I couldn't remember when I started my period after the twins were born 2 years ago, so I thought I would get your opinions.
    Thanks a bunch!
  2. Kellbell68

    Kellbell68 Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone!
    I am wondering when you all had your first period after the babies? Our new baby is just about 9 weeks old, and I think I started my period tonight. I stopped bleeding from the c-section about 3 weeks ago... so I'm assuming this is my period? The only reason I am unsure is it is not bright red. It is darker.
    Anyway, the reason I am wondering is I am supposed to call my OB/GYN when I start my first period to have an IUD inserted.
    Also, does anyone have any experience w/the IUD? How has it worked for you? I can't be on the pill because of a family history of blood clots (my sis has one in her lung right now), so I decided the IUD sounded like my best bet.
    I couldn't remember when I started my period after the twins were born 2 years ago, so I thought I would get your opinions.
    Thanks a bunch!
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I think I was about 6 weeks (also c-section).

    After being on the pill for 10 years, I thought the IUD was a great solution after the twins. I went in to have it placed at my 6 month post partum apt. and it FELL OUT! Apparently, my uterus hadn't finished contracting completely (due to twins).

    When I went in for the second attempt the procedure made me nauseated. I threw up in the doctors office for an hour before we finally gave up and removed it....I'm back on the pill.

    FWIW, my OB said that the reaction I had to the procedure (second time only) is rare, but not concerning...it can happen.
  4. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    I stopped bleeding from the delivery at around 3 1/2 weeks PP and then got my first period around 5 weeks PP. Dont know anything about an IUD just looking at one in the doctors office kinda scared me.

    BTW your twins and mine share the same Birthday [​IMG]
  5. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    I got what I thought was my period about six weeks pp (c-section). Then I got it twice more but not on a regular schedule. The reason they want you to call when you have your period is because your cervix is slightly open and it is easier to insert the IUD. Since you are bleeding, I would think that your cervix is probably opened a little, so I would call. I just got mine done last week, however I didn't have my period. While it was uncomfortable, it went pretty smoothly. I have to go back in two weeks to have it checked, but so far no issues.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I have had an IUD for about 6 months now and love it. The only problem was my insurance wouldn't pay for it and it was VERY expensive. It takes like 10 minutes to have it inserted and then you go back to have it checked just to make sure everything is okay. I chose the 5 year because I had heard some negative stuff about the 10 year. My periods last for two days and are very, very light. I love that I don't have to worry about taking a pill everyday. I would definitely recommend it. I felt it was a great alternative to having my tubes tied. I just couldn't think of going back into the hospital after the girls were born. Definitely worth the money and would do it again.

    Kelly, I just saw that all of your children were born on the same day--how cool is that! I thought I had a rough time because all of mine were in the same month.
  7. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    I still haven't gotten my period yet, but I'm breastfeeding. Great! I don't want it until it's time to try for another baby.

    I looked into an IUD once a few years back, and I decided the risks weren't worth it. I have known a couple of women to have them and love them, but they were definately done having children. They got the kind that stays in for 5-10 years.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Kelly, it was around 3 mos. for me, but I went before that and got the IUD.....(really heavy periods SINCE the IUD)
  9. allgrace

    allgrace Well-Known Member

    i have the IUD also- i have had just one period with it? not sure why- but i love it!
  10. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Last time I got my period somewhere around 8-10 weeks, and my doc said last week I could expect it in 2-4 weeks ... so I guess pretty soon. I am going back in to have Mirena IUD placed. She told me my uterus needed to come down a little more (usually 8-10 weeks after giving birth) to have it inserted. She said that with Mirena periods are usually really light and that's what I heard from others as well.
  11. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I still have not got mine! [​IMG] But that's because we are BFing.
  12. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Sofiesmom:
    She said that with Mirena periods are usually really light and that's what I heard from others as well.

    I have the Mirena and as I said earlier, mine are very light and no cramps (except for the first day after insertion).
  13. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Gosh, I honestly have no clue! After my c-section I bled for 3-4 months, so somewhere in there, I guess I started... after I finally quit bleeding, I started back 2 weeks later, and then after that things smoothened out for me.

    After my next pregnancy I think I am going to get a IUD put in.
  14. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    My twins are 6mth 2weeks, and I have not started yet. I BFd for 6 months. I am considering Mirena...what are the bad risks? (someone mentioned that they did not get it because it was not worth the risks. I have not done any research yet.) A friend of mine has it, and she bled a lot for a few weeks after it was inserted, with some bad cramping, but now she said she has light periods that only last a couple of days.
  15. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I started mine about 3 1/2 months after the girl's were born and mine wasn't bright red either.
  16. bex

    bex Well-Known Member

    I got a Mirena (the hormonal, 5-year IUD) inserted right before Christmas - I was only 8 weeks postpartum, so no period yet. I had cramping for a couple of days after it was inserted, and bleeding/spotting for a few weeks afterwards - my big fear is that it will fall out, since that would be several hundred bucks down the drain! There's a website about possible side effects, but most are rare.

    I'm still ebf'ing my twins, and neither of my doctors was concerned about the IUD affecting my milk supply, since the hormones are released directly into the uterus. With dd, I didn't get my period until she was 14 months old (I bf her until she was 18 months old), so I have no idea when I'll get mine this time around, since the Mirena tends to practically eliminate periods.
  17. carir

    carir Well-Known Member

    I didn't get mine until 5 months and I didn't breastfeed...don't know why it took so long, but I wasn't complaining... [​IMG]
  18. bren1130

    bren1130 Well-Known Member

    Still haven't gotten mine and I haven't breastpumped since August/Sept. I've done 2 rounds of Provera, and nothing. I get cramps, back aches, headaches and sore incision every month; but that's it (and it much worse and lasts longer than I've ever experienced). One doctor said it could possibly be 1 of 3 things; a)my uterus is scarred from the emergency d&c/d&e I had from delayed PP hemorrhage b)my uterus is like a "bald man's head", I lost the endometrium and it has to regrow or c)my brain is not telling my body to have my periods (I think that's unlikely since I get the symptoms monthly). Hopefully at my appt. next week, we can figure out what to do. I'd like to have my period, if I'm gonna feel like poo every month.
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