When did you start to feel generally uncomfortable?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by skitles, May 3, 2007.

  1. skitles

    skitles Well-Known Member

    All along, when people ask me how I'm feeling, I've been able to honestly answer "I feel great!" The last few days I am so uncomfortable, and I'm only 27 weeks today. Both my girls are measuring in the 90th percentile, so maybe this has something to do with it?!

    I'm starting to feel anxious about feeling this way for the next couple months, although of course I want the babies to "bake" for as long as possible. All I do is eat and sleep, and even sleeping is uncomfortable sometimes due to hip and back pain.

    I guess this is just a vent but I'm getting scared! I know it's only going to get worse!

    When did you pregnant moms-to-be who are further along start to feel this way?
  2. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I would say you're doing great!! I was pretty uncomfortable from 24 or 25 weeks on. Just try and remember that not everyday is going to be bad. You are going to have days where you feel better than others. Plus your body adjusts as you go. The bigger you get the more you will slow down it's pretty unavoidable. I just know that when I am tired I just have to relax no need to be a super hero. :)
  3. pdxpeach

    pdxpeach Well-Known Member

    as long as I'm not sitting in the chair i'm ok. But still a long ways to go.
  4. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    You are doing great. I was feeling the same way at 27 weeks. But I'd say I didn't really hit the wall until last week - 31 weeks. What did me in was that my feet finally started swelling. I'd been fine til then - dealing with the aches, pains, heaviness, constant peeing, poor sleep - but that swelling put me over the edge. This week I developed hand pain (like carpal tunnel), and next week - who knows what will get tossed on me?!?!?!!!! But really, you're almost there! You are bound to have good days and bad days - just keep up the good work and try to look at it one day at a time, rather than "I still have __ weeks left"
  5. ExpectingTwins 7-31-07

    ExpectingTwins 7-31-07 Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel. I am going through the same things you are. I also have a little swelling in my feet. Sleeping at night well it is more like a job trying to find a position that I am comfortable. I have the hip pain, right leg hurts to move, arm falls asleep on whatever side I am laying on. Then just when I get comfortable I have to go to my second home (the bathroom). :rolleyes: Poor dh's sleep is being disturbed because I cannot lay still for more than an hour. We are sleeping in a twin size bed and with my growing belly and my pillows we just do not have any room to move. We are almost finished building our new home and he said the first thing he is going to buy is a king size bed. :Clap:
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I was really uncomfortable at your stage! Don't feel bad for saying so, you are most likely measuring close to full term! :hug99:
  7. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I feel really uncomtrable right now... Up until about a week ago i didnt have any pain at all. Now i finally feel the stomach muscles stretching and i feel a heaviness in my stomach. Yesterday i spent 4 hours at the mall with my Mom.. Big mistake! My back was hurting so bad by the time i got home i could barely walk!! I know its going to get worse! :pardon:
  8. ~Kamie~

    ~Kamie~ Well-Known Member

    I started to in the last 2 weeks. This past week and a half have been horrible if I'm sitting-the contractions are too frequent.
  9. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I am only 22.5wks, so I know I haven't hit that part yet. However, it is definetly getting harder to breathe. Yesterday, DH and I went to the mall, and I was just out of breath (hope this is normal). I am glad I had my mom chaparon my DD's field trip to the zoo today, and not me....she called afterwards and said I would of never made it :eek: When we go as a family, DH said he is getting me a wheelchair :)

    My sis wants me to go out dancing tomorrow night, but I know that aint happening either. Others are going with her, so I don't feel so bad. I too feel my belly growing, and that it is with me measuring 8wks ahead. It is a weird feeling. I also feel like Baby A is trying to get out down there. That is uncomfortable when she kicks too.

    Besides this, all is good :)
  10. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    For me the second trimester was much more difficult than my third trimester with the twins... although I got large in the third trimester it was the rapid growth in the second trimester that really bothered me. I never really got super huge with the twins in spite of their good weight...guess my pelvis is really wide and hides the babies down there... I have a long torso too... so I think that those factors really do help when carrying babies more comfortably... but let's just say I experienced enough discomfort in my twin pg to know what most women are complaining about in their singleton pg!! B/c honestly before that I couldn't understand what the big deal was...my singleton pg with my older dd was a breeze, even though she was an 8lb baby... I just didn't get that big..and I think that really was the key to being comfortable. (Not that I had any control over it...just the way my body works with pgs.)

    That being said, my third pg with a singleton again has been much more uncomfortable than my first... I have an SCH which is making me cramp a lot, and my c/s scar is hurting..and my ligaments are stretching in the first trimester already..but it could be b/c the SCH is as big as the baby's sac...so really my uterus is kind of acting like there are two in there... Guess every pg is just so different.
  11. ssbard

    ssbard Well-Known Member

    I really vary from day to day but am already feeling some pretty uncomfortable days. I'm getting HOT more often and although my doc says weight gain looks good, I feel like my skin around the belly and on my sides has reached its limit . . . I know, I know, still a long way to go before that happens. Some days I get so frustrated because I get uncomfortable sitting, standing, laying down, walking, . . . it doesn' t matter what I do I just can't find relief. So hang in there you're certainly not alone!
  12. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    At 35 weeks I went downhill. I started to swell severely (to the point u/s had to be done to check for blood clots) and I could barely bend my legs. I didn't sleep after 2-3 am, I was in pain. I honestly got more sleep after the twins were here. It sounds weird, but it was true. A long 3 weeks, but worth it and when I saw their weights ... it all made sense!
  13. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    Hang in there, once they are born you will forget everything. I started feeling that way at around 30 weeks. My tummy became so heavy that I could hardly walk without doubling over with pain in my back and down my legs. My hands and feet ballooned so badly I couldnt wear any shoes and I got carpal tunnel syndrome. Try to rest as much as possible and find a comfy position with pillows around you when you lie down.
    Thinking of you. Good luck.
  14. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I hit a wall around 24 weeks.....and then was doing okay, got used to the various complaints, until this week, at almost 30.

    Now, my feet are swelling, I have carpal tunnel and can barely bend my fingers (can't grip anything, and drop things all day long, but can't bend over to pick them up, LOL), and I am just monumentally uncomfortable. Can't walk for very long, and if I do, I really regret it.

    I'm getting to the point where I have a list of all last-minute things to do around the house, baby-related or otherwise, because dude, I am so TIRED of this pregnancy....I just want to get on with it, already!

    That said, I know it will be a long two months with that attitude -- I'm hoping to make it as close to 38 weeks as possible, and I am grateful every day that I'm not on bedrest -- so I'm trying to focus on just accomplishing what I can. Yesterday I cleaned out and organized all my bathroom drawers, and threw away a whole garbage bag of old makeup and toiletries and junk that I'd never use.....ahhh, it felt great. (Clearly nesting is hitting hard!)

    Sorry, I went off on a tangent. Just know that you're not alone -- I've been feeling crappy since about 24 weeks -- but I guess I've just been trying to keep busy and not think about it, in hopes that it will go faster!
  15. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Hang in there...I know it's really uncomfortable. I was like you and felt great the whole pregnancy and had a lot of stamina until about week 25. One of the babies kicked my ribs really hard and they popped. It hurt to breathe for a few days!!! I had to sleep sitting up from there on out and wasn't really able to - sleepless in the recliner!

    I know it's hard to imagine now, but you'll feel so much better after your little ones arrive. Hang in there, you're doing great!
  16. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I felt good at 20 weeks (we were on vacation and I was taking 1-hr hikes) -- starting to slow down a lot by 24 weeks -- and was very uncomfortable by 28 weeks or so. At 29 weeks I started having contrax and was put on bedrest. And by 34 weeks it was hard even to walk to the bathroom. I was pretty surprised at how fast it all happened.

    I totally understand the anxiety at feeling like it's only going to get worse and you have weeks to go. I felt the same way -- in fact managing that anxiety was probably my biggest challenge of pregnancy. I cried about it every night. I also had dreams in which I was simply walking down the street and exulting about the fact that I could WALK -- those were hard to wake up from.

    I highly recommend some kind of relaxation exercises -- I know that sounds cheesy, but the calmer you are, the better you are able to deal with the aches & pains. (Plus you can do them in whatever position you happen to be in -- unlike yoga or something.) Also, trust that you will forget about it within a few months of the birth -- though I actually try to remember it, so I can remember to be grateful for feeling good again!

    Hang in there -- pregnancy is a marathon, and twin pregnancy is a triathlon. You're doing a great job just by gestating.
  17. sasja

    sasja Active Member

    I started feeling uncomfortable around week 16 - so I'd say you're lucky!
  18. skitles

    skitles Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your support and kind words. :) I do feel much better knowing that I'm not alone and that others have felt the same way at the same time period. I suppose I just wasn't prepared (if anyone can ever be truly prepared) for the aches and pains that would accompany this, and the speed at which it would hit!
  19. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Right around 27-28 weeks I was ready to hit the couch permanently!! But with an older child to care for and xmas and her bday, I mustered up the energy somehow! But then after her bday party, I was litterally a couch potatoe from 34 weeks on. Only 12 days though and the boys decided it was time to come out and play!

  20. stonemms

    stonemms New Member

    I started feeling umcomfortable around the 27th week. Wednesday of this week I started having contractions 4 minutes apart, but my cervix didn't change which is great. Had an ultrasound yesterday and they are weighing in at 2lbs 14oz and 2lbs 15oz. They said the amnoitic fluid around Baby A was low so now I have to go every week for a Biophysical profile. They put me on bedrest for a week which is hard but I know it is for the best. It hurts to walk also, and I have to increase my water intake which makes me go to the bathroom 8 times in an hour. I just want to keep these babies in as long as possible

  21. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    Start? It is hard to remember a time when I wasn't uncomfy :) LOL!! First it was the never ending vomiting and then throbbing...etc.!! Anyway, Week 27 and Week 28 were rough weeks for me physically. Walking was painful because of round ligament pain. I am now convinced that it was when my babies were having a major growth spurt because now I am significantly less uncomfortable (and they are much bigger). No round ligament pain in a few days, and sleep is a bit better. OF course, I still can't bend over with out taking deep breaths but oh well! I was wishing the pregnancy away for weeks but now I am feeling a bit better.... :D
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