When Did You Start Taking Them To The Playground By Yourself?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thea7, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    My twins are 15 months old and I've been taking them to the playground by myself for a few months with no problem, however I had a scary incident today. While I was helping my daughter on the slide my son ran off toward the swings and before I could get to him he was hit really hard by a kid swinging. Luckily he's ok, but it really made me wonder if it's safe for me to be taking them to the playground without any help. I'm wondering what other moms (or dads) are doing? What age did you start taking them to the playground by yourself? Any safety tips you can offer me if I do go alone with them? Thanks!

    misha and cyan 15 months old
  2. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Poor litle guy! I'm glad that your son is ok!

    The first time that I took them by myself they were probably 2-1/2. There is a playground right by my house that is never really crowded (it's on school grounds). There is another park that is always packed and I still haven't attempted to take them there by myself yet.
  3. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls are 4,2, and 1, and quite honestly, I don't take them many places alone. I used to grocery shop with all 3, but that ended when the 4yo learned to unstrap herself from the seat. However, I don't stay at home all the time. I meet my sister at big play-places. My neighbor has 2 girls that same ages as my older 2, and we go lots of places together. One of us can take the big girls to the bathroom and the other watches the 3 little ones.

    So I don't have any advice for you...just maybe another alternative! Good luck!
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I've been taking them by myself for quite a while now. I've never really had anyone to take with me, but I usually meet one of my friends and her kids there. Most of the public parks around her don't have swings anymore (liability I guess), but we've had the swing problem on our home swingset! Mine are old enough now that I can explain to them not to walk behind/in front of swings, etc., but yours are still a bit young to understand that I think! My main problem is one or both running off and having to chase them down! Could you meet a friend there so that you would have another adult, but not have to take a babysitter. Mine usually stay in one area better when they have their friends to play with too. When I'm there with a friend we kind of tag team eachothers kids. Usually they're not all doing something dangerous at the same time ;)
  5. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    I started taking my guys when they were around 15 mo and I haven't had any problems. My guys are typically good listeners. I'm sorry about your scary incident. I probably would still go by myself but it is totally a personal comfort thing.
  6. Ellensgirls

    Ellensgirls Well-Known Member

    I started taking the girls to the park when they were tiny (around 6 months) and we've been pretty ok. Right around 12-13 months, they started trying to run off in different directions, so we'd pack it up and go home as (gracefully) as the situation allowed. I always had snacks for the "bribe" back into the stroller, though it didn't always work. By the time they were 14-15 months, they'd really stopped trying to run off and now it isn't a worry at all.

    But every kid is different. Some of my friends never go to the park by themselves and their twins. I had no choice since there is no place to play really at our apt and they need some outside play too. We just managed because we had to.

    As for your son getting hit, I bet he is much more aware of the swings next time. You should use the experience as a lesson on being careful and listening to mommy. Don't let it keep you away from the park again. Those things can happen even if mommy and daddy are standing right there.

  7. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I still don't take them alone. They like to play on different things and I can't be in 2 places at the same time. They also don't listen when I tell them to stay put.
  8. BreeNChasesMom

    BreeNChasesMom New Member

    I can't remember exactly when I started taking them but I believe it was around 18 months or so. I had to learn early how to do most things with them by myself or I was going to spend alot of time at home. They were pretty shy back then and stuck close to me. It's now at almost 4 that I have the problems with running off in different directions! :unsure: Having another mom with you definitely makes things easier. I have a friend with b/g twins the same age as mine and we watch out for each others kids and they tend to all stay together and play.
    I'm glad your son is okay!

    Bree and Chase 7/29/03
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I just started a week ago. We have a playground that doesn't have swings, and it's not stress free for me - but I have to try because they need to be outside!!
  10. CandRMom

    CandRMom Active Member

    The only playground that I feel safe taking my guys to alone is one of those fenced in ones at a local preschool. The equipment is perfect for their age/size and I don't have to worry about one running off. Plus the nice part is we are usually the only ones there.
    My guys are way to active and would be all over the place if I took them to a regular size playground, and like a PP said, I can only be in one place at a time.
    If they are both pretty mobile, I would suggest a trail. I have been taking my guys out on trails and they just love it. There is always a stick to carry or some rocks, and now they love it when I turn rocks over to find bugs and worms!! :lol:
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