When did you start Potty Training?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sullyirishtwins, May 15, 2008.

  1. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    I just wanted to know when did you all start potty training? My twins, Rianna and Justin are 19 mos old and haven't really show any interest yet. When do you think I should buy those PT stuff?

    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  2. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    I'm just slowly starting with my boys - they are almost 2.5. No real progress yet.

  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Monday! :laughing: Seriously, everyone just followed me in there and were trying to pull down their pants, handing me toilet paper, clapping when I flushed. I just promised them we would go this weekend and buy potties :)

    I do have to say though that I'm really apprehensive about the whole thing b/c my oldest wasn't potty trained until he was 3 although I tried (nearly going insane in the process) for an entire year to train him. Then it's like he just woke up one day, the lightbulb was on and he was trained.

    So, we'll see with these two :pardon:
  4. Laura H

    Laura H Well-Known Member

    We have a small potty and a seat for the big potty, but no success yet- they like to sit on it but get impatient and get down after a few minutes, so I don't push the issue. My DD will say "Mommy, poopie!" when she thinks she has to go, so we sit on the potty, then she gets off of it and wants her diaper back on. My older DD was 2.5 or 3 when she was ready, so I figure I won't stress about it yet.
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I bought the potty seat before they turned 2. Meghan showed some interest last summer, but it was inconsistent and it waned. She tried again in January, but was still not ready. She started again in April and she is now a potty girl. (pull-ups at night). Nolan has no interest yet, but we are working on him. I didn't want to force them because I didn't want to make PT stressful for them (or for me :) ).
  6. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Maggie started when she was just over 2, and went through most of the process in about a month. She was ready. Beth is not ready now (21 months) but Jackie is pretty much there, so I'm trying to get her going (no pun intended) now so I can do one twin at a time.
  7. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I will hold off on buying those Potty Chairs for them. I just didn't know when exactly and should go ahead and buy them when they turn 2 which will be in Sept. I really appreciated the feedback w/PT. I want to say, Good Luck w/everyone too!

    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  8. Kimmiekoko

    Kimmiekoko Member

    We bought out 2 a potty seat back when then turned about 15mo ...(they are now 18mo)
    They showed alot of interest at first and actually both a had pee'd ONCE!!!ha

    but since then all they want to do is sit on the seat with no diaper and make the 'pisssssssss' sound ... but they put nothing in it!!!

    oh well.... i know it will happen eventually ... I'm just tired of buying big boxes of diapers and refill wipes!!! as well as dealing with the occassional diaper rash
  9. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I agree with you.....tired of those diapers/wipes/rash thing too!
  10. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    About a month ago i bought a baby bjorn potty and i put the girls on it before their baths and talk about going pee pee on the potty. Last night for the first time Mia went on it!!! I was so excited and made a really big deal about it. They have started in the last month telling us when they go "poop poop" and sometimes right before, and in the last week they started saying "pee pee" but i'm not sure if it's after they went or before...
  11. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I will be starting with my girls in June once school is out. They are almost 2.5. They constantly tell me when their diaper is wet and have been doing so for about three months. They are not real excited about sitting on the potty, but I think with some M&M's I may can make some progress :p

    Their potty's were a gift at Christmas from their aunt.
  12. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    We had bought potty's and put them in the bathroom around 2 1/2 and they sat on ocassionally. I didn't try with them until just after 3 and we just did it in a week and no problems yeh!!
  13. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    That's great! It good to know we have some PT starting.....:) I was watching Jon & Kate last night and they talk about how their boys were finally PT after 3.5 yrs old. The cute Joel was sitting on his potty (like he's really trying to succcess it) and finally did it. I love watching their show! The new show will begin next week on Monday, I think.

    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  14. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    my oldest wasn't potty trained until he was 3 although I tried (nearly going insane in the process) for an entire year to train him. Then it's like he just woke up one day, the lightbulb was on and he was trained.

    Really, the kids will train themselves when they are ready. Trying any earlier will only lead to frustration and tears from Mommy and kids.
  15. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I've had the potty chair in the main floor bath for a while, since they were about 18 months. They showed a lot of interest in it at first, and we had a poop in it once, but then they lost interest. Nowadays the love to watch Elmo Potty all the time, talk potty, but still don't really get the whole thing, so I'm still not putting any effort towards it. But yesterday Lily did ask to sit on the potty at daycare, but she didn't go.

    I may try this summer, I will see if they start becoming more ready then decide. I think Lily may be ready before Grace, so I'll do one at a time if that's the case.
  16. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I have potty trained 3 kids so far and each is different. 2 were trained at 26 months both day and night and 1 at age 2.5 daytime (nighttime took an extra 6 months). I do believe that when the child is ready it will go quickly but you will never know if they are ready if you do not try it for a few days. I think that is part of the learning process. All mine had what I consider a practice session for a few days about 2-3 months before they were actaully trained. But when they fully train i have done it all in about 3 days time. They were ready. Very few accidents.

    I have one twin now who is showing all the ready signs. He started sitting on the potty before bath time and we celebrated when he first produced!! He felt Proud. Now he asks to go and he takes off his wet diapers. He can be dry for long periods of time. Whenever I can get 3 good days to spend training him (without Field days and dr appts...when life slows down a bit and I can stay home!) I plan on letting him go naked a day or two and using the new underwear we bought. His twin usually sits whenever his brother does but he has not yet peed in the potty. But he will Pee right after he gets off the potty when he gets in the bath...fustrating! So I plan on working with the one who is more ready now and seeing how it goes.

    I only used a potty chair with my daughter, with all my boys we train on the regular big potty. They face backwards towards the comode so they are more stable and can hold it if needed. All my boys were able to climb and do it that way. I am so grateful for that...not washing and rinsing potty chairs!!

  17. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    I waited until mine were over 3 years old. I'm glad I waited because they potty trained in 10 days. I followed a book called "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day." Well, it wasn't quite less than a day, but 10 days is pretty good.
  18. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 3 in a month...i need to get them started. I think they are finally ready and have adjusted to the baby being here, etc.
  19. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I put out potties last September when they were about 21 months since they were always telling me they went poop/pee the interest faded fast all they did was take the pieces of the potty apart, needless to say I stopped trying in November didn't want more stress for the holidays.
    Tried again in January with the big potty upstairs (bathroom) it started to be a game of going upstairs literally every 5 mins and running in and out of the bedrooms, I also had Potty Scotty potties downstairs so they couldn't take them apart wasn't getting any where but running up and down the stairs all day so I stopped trying again.
    About 3 weeks ago I brought up their Royal Potties again and put them in the living room they no longer take them apart and they occasionally sit on it, I also ask periodically during the day and through all these months they have not once actually went pee/poop in a potty. So, I am just taking it day by day like others said and I figure the potties are there, they sit on them and hopefully one day something will come out...I really think that the advice of don't stress and they will train when they want to is so true.
  20. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Next question, do you buy 1 of each or just 1 to share?

    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  21. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We had one potty chair that was a 3-in-1, so it had a ring that you could use later on.

    Hannah trained at 27 mos, Ben trained at 33 mos. They initiated the training, and we followed their lead.
  22. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    I haven't read all the replies. Definately get the little potties but know that it might be a long time of them sitting on it and doing nothing. Just praise, praise praise. My daughter never peed on the potty until about 2 months ago and then within 2 weeks she was out of diapers. Poop took a little longer. And she is in underpants at night and dry all night too. My son is just out of diapers during the day (still needs diapers at night)

    My advice - is not to push it - present it to them and praise them - but follow their lead!

    Good luck-
  23. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I've always had two potties because you may have one that is resistant but once they see the other sitting on it they will sit also. Mine frequently sit on their potties while watching a cartoon for a good 10 minutes. One of my boys doesn't want much to do with the potty until his brother sits on it and he will follow but as I said above we are still waiting for something to come out! I would get two, each will have their own potty.
  24. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't ready yet. Arwen shows interest in the potty and reading a magazine when she sits on it. But she never does anything in it. I don't push it. When she is ready she will be ready. Lorien shows NO interest yet so I am assuming she will probably be the first one trained :lol: ;)
  25. clkafka

    clkafka Well-Known Member

    When my ds was 1, we got a potty chair for him to sit on and play with and get comfortable with and started using potty language, etc.

    I started cotton training pants at 23 months and we had alot of accidents at first. But I think the cotton training pants helped things move along faster. It is a bit messier than pull-ups.

    I gave a small prize in the beginning and when he had accidents, I just said that pee and poppy go in the potty now and that we could try again next time. I didn't make a big deal about it. But made a really big deal when he did go in the potty. I gave treats and I did a potty dance! :blush: I watched for signs of when he may have to go and put him on the potty and also certain times... morning, after lunch, before bed, etc.

    He only has number 2 accidents now about once a week. He tells me has to go and can take off underwear and potty by himself on the little potty and the potty seat on the big potty (I have to wipe). He wears nighttime underwear (we cloth diaper) for bed and a pull up when we go out (sometimes we forget to put one on though and he does fine most of the time).

    I heard it takes 3 months to one year to complete potty training.
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