When did you start giving them pillows to sleep with?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stacy A., Apr 13, 2007.

  1. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Currently, my kids don't use pillows. They don't seem to mind (I often find them sleeping on their tummies with butts in the air), but then they have never had them so they don't know any better. I know that they eventually need them, but how do I know when? And what kind do I get? Just regular old pillows or are there smaller ones I should get?

    It is so funny when you realize the silly things that you have to learn as a first-time parent. :rolleyes:
  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We gave ours pillows about a month ago. They use them somewhat off and on, although one of the girls LOVES to snuggle with it.

    I *showed* them what to do a few times and we looked at Daddy when he was sleeping.

    We used small travel pillows (Wal mart) and my mom made pillow cases. But they sell covers for them as well.
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I gave them toddler pillows (12x16) at 2. I got them from www.mrbobblesblankets.com. I think Jennie-OH worked out a twin discount with them for TS members not too long ago...
  4. CandRMom

    CandRMom Active Member

    I've been thinking about this too!!!
    But mine seem to be all over the crib when they sleep and I am concerned that the pillow would just be in the way.
  5. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    We introduced them at 1 1/2. They didnt always like them but snuggled with them more until they got a little older. Now they wont sleep without them. we started off with small pillows and about a year later regular size pillows. My girls too loved sleeping with their heads down and bums in the air!!
  6. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    my kids have always had pillows....they cant sleep wth out them.
  7. Camping Girl

    Camping Girl Member

    We gave them pillows when they turned 2.
    They asked for them before that, but I wanted to make sure it was safe before we gave them.
    They alwasy saw mommy & daddy using pillows so they wanted pillows too.
  8. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine got them at about 22 months. Ocassionally before that when they had a cold. But back in November we got toddler pillows from Mr. Bobbles that stay in the crib all the time now.
  9. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    mine got pillows when they were about 12 or 13 months, i can't remember for sure. they are just standard size bed pillows. they used them from the first time i put them in there.
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Just before their 2 yr. birthday. I got mine at mrbobblesblankets too. They are great and they LOVE them!!!
  11. 2peeps4jen

    2peeps4jen Well-Known Member

    I gave them pillows to sleep on when they started asking for one - at 2.5. As far as I can tell, they don't actually use them, though.
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